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Everything posted by Hellzone

  1. In your character when you have it open in Fighter Factory you want to look for this [Velocity] walk.fwd = 2.4 walk.back = -2.2 run.fwd = 4.6, 0 run.back = -4.5,-3.8 jump.neu = 0,-8.4 jump.back = -2.55 jump.fwd = 2.5 runjump.back = -2.55,-8.1 runjump.fwd = 4,-8.1 airjump.neu = 0,-8.1 airjump.back = -2.55 airjump.fwd = 2.5 air.gethit.groundrecover = -.15,-3.5 air.gethit.airrecover.mul = .5,.2 air.gethit.airrecover.add = 0,-4.5 air.gethit.airrecover.back = -1 air.gethit.airrecover.fwd = 0 air.gethit.airrecover.up = -2 air.gethit.airrecover.down = 1.5 You want to change the value of the jump.neu.
  2. Heck Yes ! this will be downloaded and go into my mugen! thanks for sharing these.
  3. I like this method becuase it is very easy to use and understand. Thanks for sharing & thanks to Seravy
  4. i like this stage! i'm a big fan of simple and sweet stages. Thanks for sharing
  5. Hey CouchPotato's : Here we get our second Kanto Badge
  6. This looks awesome ! keep up the great work !
  7. my helper won't appear and i am not sure why ; Goten Stance Helper [statedef 3000] type = S ctrl = 0 anim = 0 velset = 0,0 physics = S movetype = I sprpriority = 2 [state 0, Helper] type = Helper trigger1 = !time name = "Goten Stance" ID = 3000 stateno = 3001 pos = 0,-10 postype = p1 facing = 1 keyctrl = 1 ownpal = 1 sprpriority = 5 [state 3000, 2] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 ; Goten Himself [statedef 3001] type = S ctrl = 0 anim = 3000 velset = 0,0 movetype = A physics = S sprpriority = 2 [state 3000, 2] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1
  8. Shared.com will be shutting down indefinitely on 4/30/2015. Please backup your files. just so you know. on the 30th all of these links will be dead
  9. if you want to summon that character, you would need to code it as an helper to make it appear and do damage.
  10. no not 4shared.com. Shared.com, i was downloading some characters and i saw the annoncement on there site that there shutting there doors forever
  11. just so everyone know shared.com is shutting down forever on 4/30/15, so if you have your files there make sure you find a new site to host them.
  12. awesome glad you figured it out.
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