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Posts posted by OroCrimson

  1. Pointing out High School DxD immediately makes me thing of To Love-Ru.
    Not as action based as DxD (or at least what I've seen of it) but still has a considerable amount of action.
    The ecchi is the only one I know on par or possibly beyond DxD, particularly in Season 3 and later.
    But most importantly, the series actually does have a rather diverse cast and interesting universe, as well as a number of serious emotional scenes. And nothing's ever gotten me laughing harder than some of these episodes. I don't watch a lot of ecchi, because nothing's ever quite drawn me in the way TLR does. As someone who doesn't rate ecchi very highly, To Love-Ru made my top 10 favorite anime of all time. Definitely worth checking out.

    Just be sure to know your seasons, to avoid spoilers.

    Season 1 - http://myanimelist.net/anime/3455/To_LOVE-Ru

    OVAs  - http://myanimelist.net/anime/5667/To_LOVE-Ru_OVA

    Season 2 (Made up of side-stories but still has continuity) - http://myanimelist.net/anime/9181/Motto_To_LOVE-Ru

    Season 3 - http://myanimelist.net/anime/13663/To_LOVE-Ru_Darkness

    More OVAs - http://myanimelist.net/anime/13851/To_LOVE-Ru_Darkness_OVA

    Season 4 (Uncensored episodes still coming out) - http://myanimelist.net/anime/28979/To_LOVE-Ru_Darkness_2nd

    More OVAs (starting in January) - http://myanimelist.net/anime/31380/To_LOVE-Ru_Darkness_2nd_OVA

    And extra episodes to wrap it all up - http://myanimelist.net/anime/31711/To_LOVE-Ru_Darkness_2nd_Specials

    With more on the way. Plenty to keep you busy and make you sad when it's all over! Enjoy~

  2. Lol, i was going to ask about the categories 2, can i PM you the ones i need? :v

    Just a quick one, is there any way i can use Ctrl+F1/F2 for the opponent and not for me? and also, how can i keep the same aspect? when i add my stages in the select thing, it's like full screen but same aspect as the old one...[Kind of a noob here, sorry]
    Does it have any "perfect!" when you get no hits? :O

    And last one, is there any way i can add the chars like i was able in vselect or just manually?

    1. Categories.
    Of course you can~ Just PM me the categories you'd like and I'll get right on them for you :)

    2. Ctrl + F1 and Ctrl + F2
    They should work just like any other MUGEN, so yes. The only one that should be odd is F2 and Shift + F2. In previous versions, F2 set both health bars to 1 while Shift + F2 did this to just Player 2. In MUGEN 1.1, F2 sets only Player 2's health to 1, and Shift + F2 is disabled.

    3. Stage Aspect Ratio
    The stages you have are likely 320x240 or 640x480. Your stages are 4:3. You need 16:9 stages to show properly on a 1280 x 720 screenpack. If you're familiar with Fighter Factory 3, I can go into how I personally convert my favorite stages from 4:3 to 1280x720. It's a bit of a lengthy process so if you have hundreds of stages you're closely attached to, you might not want to use this or other widescreen screenpacks. Otherwise, check out how to convert stages or start up a new collection of widescreen stages.

    4. Perfect!
    Sort of. I didn't see an option for changing the KO! to read Perfect, but your win icon will have a gold overlay if you get a perfect.

    5. VSelect vs Manual
    I'm not personally familiar with VSelect, I used it only once a long time ago. I don't imagine VSelect would be very practical for this Screenpack as the categories are done by giving the character cells no width and giving each row 300 "invisible" slots.



    Ex. How to convert 4:3 Stages into 16:9 (Widescreen)

    This process looks long and confusing, but once you get the hang of it, it's easy-peasy.

    Note: Shift + F4 will be your best friend! It lets you reload your match, while reloading the data for your stage and your characters as well. This will update any changes done to them, so you don't have to keep closing and reopening MUGEN to see your progress!

    Step 1. Open the stage in Fighter Factory, and play the Stage in Training Mode of MUGEN. Also, open Calculator, or have some sort of calculator at hand. It'll help.

    Step 2. In the stage's .def file, look for a section labeled [StageInfo]. It'll look a little something like this:

    zoffset = 417
    zoffsetlink = 999
    autoturn = 1
    resetBG = 1
    localcoord = 640,480

    Step 3. If "localcoord" is missing from this section, add it. Try 640, 480 first. Save and Reload the stage. If the stage looks disjointed or too small, change it to 320, 240.

    Step 4. Math time! Take the second localcoord number (in this case it's 480) and use your calculator to multiply it by 0.75.

    In our example, 480 * 0.75 = 360. Then you replace that second number with the value. You should comment out that old value in case something goes wrong. So now, the code should look like this:

    zoffset = 417
    zoffsetlink = 999
    autoturn = 1
    resetBG = 1
    localcoord = 640,360 ;480

    Step 5. If you saved and reloaded the stage now, you'd see that it's in widescreen, but the camera's panned up so you can't see your characters! That's not good. This is where zoffset comes in. We're going to fix that right up!

    In this example, the zoffset is 417. You're going to want to multiply that by 0.75 as well. So bust out the handy dandy calculator.

    417 * 0.75 = 312.75

    Often times, you'll get a decimal, whether it's .25, .5, or .75 at the end of the result. If it's .25 or .5, I round down. If it's .75, I round up. In this case, it's .75, so I'm rounding up to 313.

    Replace the old zoffset with your new result. Be sure to comment the old number, you're going to actually need this later. Your code should now look something like this:

    zoffset = 313 ;417
    zoffsetlink = 999
    autoturn = 1
    resetBG = 1
    localcoord = 640,360 ;480

    Step 6. If you saved and reloaded now, you'd see that the characters came up, but not the rest of the stage. Your characters are walking on air! That's not what we want! Alright, well here's the last step. We're going to get that stage caught up with your characters. Bust out your calculator this one last time.

    You want to take your old zoffset and subtract your new zoffset.

    In this case, it is 417 - 313 = 104. 104 is the number of pixels the stage needs to move up.

    Now, we go into uncharted territory. You want to use the Alignment Tool for this. You can find this in the toolbar at the top, go to Sprites > Alignment Tool.

    (Here's a picture.)

    When the Alignment Tool comes up, the first thing you want to do is click the Select All button. Then, where the Y: value is at the top, you want to put in the number of pixels you just calculated (when you subtracted the zoffsets). In this example's case, it is 104.

    After you do that, click Apply ONLY ONCE. If you spam click it, it will add those 104 pixels for each click. Then close the Alignment Tool and save.

    TA-DA! Reloading the stage should now show a nicely converted Widescreen stage for your enjoyment! Note that in some rare cases, some more complex stages will have some sprites that don't align correctly. There's nothing I really know how to do about that, for me those stages are just not meant to be. But this is a rare situation, most stages I convert work fine and look great.

    If you had the attention span for all that, then great! Congratulations on taking on such an intimidating endeavor and enjoy your HD Widescreen MUGEN :)

  3. Quick question, how do I change the categories? because I want to rename some (namely KOF (0 characters), BlazBlue (5 characters) and others, can you teach me how?

    or better yet, I'll PM you so you get my ideas for renaming the categories


    The categories are actually one big background image. Changing them requires editing the image and replacing the picture in the SFF

    If you're familiar with GIMP and using Fighter Factory 3 to replace sprites in the system.sff file, I can give you the GIMP file to let you have a crack at it.

    If you'd rather though, I'd be more than happy to customize it for you instead. Just shoot me a PM with what you want the categories to be.


    Edit: I forgot about the custom fonts I use. Yeah, it's probably better to just PM me what you'd like the categories to be.

  4. The day is saved!
    (I think. I never saw the original so I don't know if what I'm looking at is 100% the 1.1 version, but it IS a bigger file size and the .rar says 1.1 so I'm convinced lol)

    Good work Alice, and thank you so much Phantom

    You both are awesome.

    (now let's see if this thing will convert to widescreen and zoom without breaking -pulls out a screwdriver and a wrench- )

    Nope. Not with my skills at least. Darn.
    (Almost worked for widescreen, but the foreground grass doesn't quite match up for some reason.)

  5. Can't help but notice:

    • Fighter's History attempts to link to Street Fighter 3, which is deadlinked anyway.
    • Versus does this too
    • Blazblue links to CVS
    • Dong Dong Never Die does this too
    • Million Knights Vermillion links to Guilty Gear
    • The Inm of Fighters links to I Wanna Be The Guy
    • ExShadow links back to the [COLLECTIONS] topic


    This forum post has been bug tested. :)
    Sorry about that. Came here looking for Blazblue and when I noticed the responses having some issues and them getting fixed, I thought I'd just knock all the misdirects out of the way and bring them to the forefront.

    Now to find me some Blazblue stages....

    (Basically hunting for pretty stages with 1.1 zoom... I've spent two whole nights searching and have come up with a measly 13 of them. Usually when I can't find something, I'm like "Then I shall learn how to make it!" But... I'm not an artist x.x Pretty stages are not in my skillset.)

  6. that version up there is the  very first (winmugen) version, not the 32 bit version.

    I don't have the 1.1 version anymore, lost it in my past hard drive so I guess the stage is still lost. 

    Oh no @.@
    That's really tragic

    I love your stages by the way~!
    I've been hard at work converting them to widescreen for my MUGEN build.
    Some of them are kind of hard though, like
    Hakugyokurou's ceiling doesn't work right in widescreen x.x
    But most of them look pretty good in widescreen~!


    Oh no! A good number of your stages are deadlinked! Couldn't grab Training, Scarlet Devil Mansion, or the Crypt either. What happened? D:

  7. Sorry for the necro but
    Does anyone still have Infinite Geese? He's deadlinked in this thread.

    I've been collecting all the Infinites because me makes damn fine characters, and it's nice to have them balanced out with each other.

    Edit: Also, anyone know how to remove the Tag mechanic from Infinite Clark? (and any of the others if they have them too? Haven't tested all of them in doubles yet)

  8. With Clubsyn down, it makes quite a few characters extremely difficult to get. I've been looking everywhere for any mirrors but I'm out of luck. I DID see another thread with a request for these that had been answered, but the links are down now.

    These characters look amazing. If anyone has them, could you do a favor and upload them for me? I would be extremely grateful.

  9. you're missing a space.  Example:  Bison,stages/Tailand2.def,includestage=0,order=9


    So do charactername, stage/whatever.def,, order=2

    I like that you used Bison as an example. I almost did myself.

    Anyway, quite interesting, I feel silly, not considering that "includestage" would be right after, well I dunno, the STAGE


    Well, just now tested it. First person I got was someone who was supposed to be Order=4 again. I just don't get it...

    I'm going to try actually putting "includestage" in there again...

    Agh! Still not working!

    Here's a direct example, in case I'm messing up in a way I just can't see

    " Shen, stages/Fusion_Reactor_Core-Utsuho 1.1.def,includestage=1, order=4 "

    EDIT: Just got a silly idea... and if this is the problem, I'm going to flip some tables...

    EDIT2: Ooooh. MUGEN was just being a picky little bugger. Doesn't like spaces apparently. Had an issue with that space between Utsuho and 1.1... had to replace it with an underscore.

    That was it.

    Then it was working.

    ... Wow.

  10. Sorry for posting so much here.

    I have this really silly issue in Mugen1.1 where my Orders just won't work like they should.

    The ones with no specified order are in Order 1, like they should be.

    Those set to
    Character Name, random, order=3


    Are in Order 3 where they belong.

    But those in Order 4, that are set like this:

    Character Name, stage/stagename.def, order=4


    Are not in Order 4 like they should be, but appear in Order 1 instead. To add insult to injury, they're not in the right stage.


    I assume that my

    Character Name, stage/stagename.def, order=5


    Will do the same, but it's hard to test as it's only 1 in a cast of 118.

    I tried changing it to

    Character Name, stage/stagename.def, order=4, includestage=1

    But it had no effect.

    Anyone have any ideas?


    EDIT: I also have an Order 2


    Character Name, random, order=2, music/musicfile.mp3


    And that one works too. it's only Order 4 (and theoretically Order 5) having issues.

  11. it could literally just be a computer related issue.


    Mugen is great, Moleboxing it, ... it WORKS yes but it has its flaws.


    some stages will replay a couple times.

    MP3's might not get played.

    it would randomly crash, and such...


    so.. its not a uncommon issue.


    Can I have a link to your game?

    It's not a molebox, it's an install. Since running in Administrator works, I think it stops running because it doesn't have permissions to use the Program Files, or something like that.

    I'm a little nervous about showing the game because I pretty much created none of the content (I'm trying to credit everyone who did do so on the website though.) I made it mainly for people who are not familiar with MUGEN or just are starting out with MUGEN, kind of a best-of thing. But I don't want people to think I'm trying to take credit for the stuff in it.

    It's kind of inspired by Ristar87 and how he'd make MUGEN games out of collections of characters/stages/etc.

    Anyway, if you're still not ashamed of me, the website is here:



  12. Okay, seriously.

    I'm sorry for coming on here asking for help so many times but...

    Okay, so I made this "demo" for a game. Made an install file. Tested the install file. It worked. Opened the game, tested the game, played around with it, everything seemingly works.

    Upload it on the net, now it's out there to the public.
    A friend that I worked with started having an issue, where at the start of the match the game would just close. We'd been changing files a lot on his version so we decided he was just going to reinstall. It was getting late, so I went to bed.

    I wake up this morning. I open MUGEN so I can take some footage. I start a match... and it disappears.
    Between the Versus screen and the actual match, the game just... poofs.

    No error message. No "Stopped Working" or "Not Responding" message. Just... gone. Nothing. I have NO idea why. Especially since at first, it WAS working.

    And this version is released on the net?! *grumble*
    So I want to know how to fix this so I can make a new install and reupload it and avoid others from having the issue.

    EDIT: I notice the issue doesn't apply if I run it in Administrator mode...

  13. Open the SFF in FF3 and see what palette is being displayed.  If it's the one being displayed here, you need to use the change palette feature to manually change what palette is saved in the SFF.  If that's not it, it might be using what the DEF has set as the default palette.  All else fails, zap it with DOS2Win or whatever that one thing is and see if that helps.


    Thank you! That worked!

    I think my general problem was that I use and prefer FFClassic. But FF3 is great for moments like these.

  14. Two of those seem fine though.


    Ragna isn't supposed to have orange hair, it's supposed to be white.

    Angel isn't supposed to have red hair, it too is supposed to be white.

    And as mentioned, I want Ryu to have the new color I gave him.

    I'm not sure if that'll fix it, they're not using miscolored palletes, they're just using one of the characters' other palletes. But I'll give it a try nonetheless.

    EDIT: Upon reuploading, I think the pcx's original colors are what're being shown in the select screen. I think I have an idea of how to fix it.

    EDIT 2: Not working x.x

  15. On this project I'm working on, I can't get these characters to use their default pallete on the character select screen:



    Angel, shown on top, Ragna, shown towards the bottom, and Ryu, just under Ragna, are shown with odd palletes.
    (Ryu is technically correct, but I gave him a new default pallete that gives him black hair instead of blue, and would like the select screen to do the same.)

    I'm not sure how to get it to show the proper color pallete?

  16. Okay, so hypothetical scenario:

    I put together a full game. I molebox it. Plop it into an installer and put it on my site, ready to download.

    I want to add some changes. Balancing some characters out at least, adding new content at most.

    I want to send a patch out containing these changes, that would apply them to the moleboxed exe.

    Is that at all possible?

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