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Everything posted by Cayne

  1. The Legend of Zelda lore has always revolved around the same three people. With the exception of Ganon, Link and Zelda are always reincarnated, I do not see Link being reborn as a female, but its not impossible for a Link to have a daughter in one of his lives or that Zelda wields the Master Sword and Hero' Shield. On a side note I would like too see an collaboration of Namco and Nintendo to flesh out the Link from Soul Calibur 2 idk anything but the return of four swords era Link and costume changes is better off a Mario mechanic.
  2. Agreed. I wish Blaze was included as well.......................................I miss the Genesis.
  3. I see, so it would be better to just lower the damage from certain special moves then.
  4. Is there any particular reason why this has so much impact on balance? I'm interested in this because I feel like Akuma and phoenix (MvC3) had different life than other characters in their games respectively.
  5. Fortunatly I said it right here in the MFFA (Mick Foley moment lol), but to be fair I did like Advent Children. I even bought it on Blu-ray.
  6. yeah Im still working on creating my own SP before I start revamping my roster. I also wouldn't mind using some of those Extreme Butoden sprite rips, but im just not as fast as the real creator in mugen. BoyBoyz beat me to Broly and im glad he did.
  7. I'm such a FF nerd and I have to say 7 was one of my least favorite. 6,8,9, & 12 would be pre-ordered instantly, especially 9
  8. You choose a great place to be Redrandomgamer. Mugen is a awesome hobby and were all very interesting personalities here.
  9. appreciate the suggestions. I just put 2000 life because of some of the more overpowered attacks some chars have.
  10. I don't think so. She was wide in FF as well when I changed her protraits. They were just wide sprites I guess. there gameplay was fine though, but Im a perfectionist which is why a lot of dbz chars are rejected now.
  11. I was just wondering what some of you guys considered a well balanced character when dealing with multiple franchises and authors. Right now all my chars in my roster contain the following; life = 2000 attack = 100 defence = 100 fall.defence_up = 50 liedown.time = 50 airjuggle = 15 sparkno = 2 guard.sparkno = 40 KO.echo = 0 volume = 0 power = 3200 IntPersistIndex = 1 FloatPersistIndex = 1
  12. The last four Lilith I have downloaded looked bloated before I had to adjust there X/Y scales. Yours looks like she was about her cardio.
  13. I was looking for news on a new Marvel vs Capcom since I had heard Capcom wouldn't be making any more games (Damn you Capcom!!!!!!!!!!) and I ran across Marvel vs Capcom EOH by the IMT crew and was blown away and confused. I was like why the fuck is spawn and green lantern in this game and did my research. I discovered Scruffy Dragon first, then Crusader Cast which was my first forum.............. for about a day. IMT was next until Crusader Cast decided to make a Noob there personally punching bag there and had really weak punches lol. Finally, I made it here and I wish I would have came here first. Mugen has been around for 15 years and discovered it around its 10th lol.
  14. Finally a Lilith that doesn't need to be scaled down, Great release Yamo and appreciate all the time your taking to update and perfect her, +1
  15. Is the budakai move the OHKO? because that would make me sad.
  16. lol this MK X all over again. Remember when everyone thought Liu Kang was gonna be the final boss and then he gets beat up by jax. I have a feeling that ken is gonna be way more badass then any one else announced.
  17. I'll be honest and say that most of the older DB chars should be sprite swaped with extreme B versions..........atleast the ones that play decent,
  18. This guy is already on track. Great job so far Ry
  19. Nobody remembers Ash's Squirtle I think Extreme Butendon is going to be a Dragon ball mugen spriters favorite source in the end. Cant wait for the US release.
  20. "Looks Squirtle up and down" Yo Boss man (for now until I destroy you) Ry, U want me too handle this guy. I'll mess yo whole Squad up playboy, Sunglasses don't make you gangster.
  21. WHO SAID IT WAS A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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