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Everything posted by Cayne

  1. SA 2 had two tracks I like which are the title screen bgm and the city escape theme. I hated all of knuckles and rouges tracks. Sonic CDs intro Sonic boom is all time favorite followed by flying battery zone in Sonic & knuckles
  2. I liked sonic 06 too, yeah it had flaws but i liked it as a whole.
  3. It...................is......................................................TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SONIC FUCKING WALKS 90% OF THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KNUCKLES IS NOW A DUMB DUMB CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!! AVOID THIS OR RISK LOSING FAITH IN A GOOD SONIC GAME EVER HAPPENING AGAIN!
  4. In the original post I disregarded Resident Evil because of natural progression. RE cannot be the same game it was 18 years ago in the main story line. Fans have a hard time realizing that at the root RE is a viral pandemic meaning the characters will eventually have to form a army (BSAA) and takedown this threat to humanity. They no longer have the luxary to search one building for a key with a sun crest just to unlock two doors for a jewel. They also appeased fans who still desire this kind of gameplay with RE Revelations which is a great game IMO................................. Final Fight was terrible from the get go lol.
  5. I agree, Digimon Worlds story is so bland that you got take it like a NES game. You know you just play the shit without acknowledging the story because its wonkee (Super Mario Bros 2). The Digimon go to as high as Ultimate level so they turned 3 mega level forms into Ultimate level stages. Me and my DT nigga was mad as fuck we couldnt get WarGreymon. As for Pokemon, No disrespect was ever directed at Pokemon, I was only regarding to its rate of innovation. I mean if you started with red and blue you know what I mean. The game has had really smalls changes over the years. How long must we settle with four attacks and legend killer level 1 pokemon? GIVE ME A DODGE BUTTON I would actually buy a personal WII U for Double Dash Sequel Im a Star Wars fan and even I thought that was dumb. A pair of Nunchucks blocking a Lightsaber WTF
  6. Agreed. I appreciate feedback and suggestions not to mention there are still die hard Sonic fans out there that may want to share their opinion. My top 5 choices are not meant to give people reasons to troll each other. Ya digg?
  7. So true I suppose but this list spans a entire series and I had to have played each and every title in the main franchise of the mententioned series. Considering Double Dragon came out in 1988 I'd say that nostalgia is a duh factor, just like if someone was born in 1990 their list would probably be Pokemon, Crash Bandicoot, and Lara Croft. Do you disagree with any entry on the list? I am very interested in your feedback since you know your popular here I think
  8. I struggled with sonic because I actually like a few of his last decade titles......................................... and then their is sonic boom. I was really hoping this was the next gen sonic heroes, but they literally erased Classic era and Adventure era Sonic for a really slllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww sonic, so consider it included in a sequel post.
  9. 15 years brah................. Aliyah was still alive when you started and you've been here long enough for them to make a shitty movie about her that no one liked. Thanks for years of contributions.
  10. Some video game series stick with you from the moment you play the first 5 minutes til your completing the 20th entry in the series……….. and then they change the formula or the team behind the series and shit goes to hell. Now I’m not an elitist dick who bitches about a series for natural progression which is why Resident evil, call of duty, castlevania, and many others were excluded from this list. So here we go DIGIMON WORLD This series continuously evolved with every entry which was crazy because they got it right with the original. This game did a better job of emulating the anime then Pokémon has ever dared too. The player and their digimon partner travel around saving the digital world. It had a deep digimon raising process involving trial and error, while making everything you did with your partner important. The first entry was great, the second entry was dumbed down, turned based, and grinding was severely necessary I was going to drop the series but I put the work in to beat it for story sake. The third entry kind of went back to the original formula but changed the digivolving mechanic. I liked it so fuck it. Unfortunately, after the third installment the series got worse and worse……………… oh god digimon world 4 was fucking dumb. DOUBLE DRAGON If you were born in the eighty’s you fucking played Double Dragon. Man there wasn’t too much shit better to do then beating the asses of abobo, the evil ninja twins, Arnold Swarz-a-nigga, buff Apollo Creed, and the shadow boss himself. Double Dragon 2 was the neighborhood favorite, mainly cause of that intro song. That joint pumped you up for an NES difficult game. Three was okay, but had made the difficulty a little high for our liking. DD 4 was just a mess trying to emulate the superior Streets of Rage series and DD 5 was a terrible fighter best left unmentioned. Recently they tried to revive the series with a “neon” version which basically capture the era of the originals. Sadly this just turned Billy and Jimmy into some fucking tool boxes that reminded us why five hit combo systems went extinct. SUPER MARIO BROS Okay fan boys, I know there’s probably a lot of you that’s saying Mario is still awesome, but I guess it’s not for me. Mario All-Stars, Mario 64, and Mario RPG are all I need from this guy. Mario sunshine is a pass; Mario Galaxies is a pass, Sports titles blah, Kart racers meh (with the exception of Double Dash), Paper Mario suckssssssssss. Spin offs such Luigi’s mansion and super princess peach help, but sadly aren’t actually Mario games. New SMB’s Wii would have been the re-igniter for me, but the game isn’t fun solo and is a pain in the ass with multiple people. Super Mario RPG for the SNES is the greatest Mario game ever made. KINGDOM HEARTS ‘Kingdom Hearts was a great RPG and Kingdom Hearts 2 came and destroyed the original in epicness with that 1000 heartless slugfest. These two games made grinding fun as hell and side quest were not a choir. I did everything in these games without knowing it I achieved the best endings in both games without even knowing I was being rewarded for doing everything. That’s the recipe for a great game. The one thing that kills this game is the Disney shit forced down your throat. Maybe if you did all the awesome things from the movies the worlds are based on it would be better, but under the sea was fucking awful the whole time there. After the first two games shit started sucking. 365 days or whatever it’s called was just one long flashback on Roxas like anybody cared about his Popsicle eating ass. Chain of memories was boring as hell, as well as birth by sleep. I would say I liked KH3D but I didn’t complete it; I just lost interest. SOUL CALIBUR Soul Edge was ok, but Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast blew our faces off. As fighting game enthusiasts, we killed much time on Soul Calibur. Constantly trying to get better because the move list was awkward as hell. Soul Calibur 2 took its predecessor and wiped his ass with it. Way more epic and the king of the console exclusive world. I bought all three versions! Soul Calibur three is hated on for some reason, but I like this a lot. I believe because of the Fighting/Tower defense mode that they never bring back! Sadly 4, 5, and lost Swords blow more sax than Lisa Simpson and that 3rd person piece of shit was worse than the game it obviously copied. (Drakengard)
  11. If your den of hip hop came from toe jam and earl your very impressionable
  12. If on trial for murder and your defense is because a annoucer said "Finish Him" you might be playing too many video games.
  13. If your idea of working out is going for a jog in a pink track suit, you might play to many video games
  14. If the first word out of your childs mouth is "Haduken".................................. You might by LightFlare da Realist
  15. If your response to contracting a STD is "Gotta catch em all". You might play too many video games
  16. If you tried to sneak through a military compound in a card board box, you might play to many videogames......... and will soon be enjoying a cock meat sandwich.
  17. When somebody plows your girl and your response is to whip out your 3DS and scream "Settle it in Smash!", you might be playing video games to much.
  18. So if this is not a rom hack what tools were used to create it? What system would it be released on? Finally, is it a patch for a current rom dump?
  19. So I guess between numbers 55 and 100 and the knuckles series? I will take a look back. Appreciate the feedback PT
  20. That's a awesome idea, the chibi chars are just too cheap to go against regular chars without upscaling them. I would like to see Miles Morales made by Acey,Zvitor, or infinite May Mayday Parker by the same above mentioned More DBZ chars made by Baltzhar and cybaster Naruto shippuden chars made by Xande Toskomics & Ribeiro Ouistis Trepe by Ethan Lives
  21. 8-bit CV 2 Simons quest 16-bit Bloodlines Skip alot of PS1 version on diffently play the DS versions and Lord of Shadows 2 if your into GOW clones with tweaks. What can I saw I grew up on RPGS, Fighters, Survivor Horrors, and Beat em ups which is essential GOW.
  22. You’ve all been here before. You’re anticipating the next great Story arc, episode, adaption, or installment; the next thing you know you get a huge dump of what use to be awesome. The creator of your beloved serious has given away creative control of your favorite series and they just freaking ruined it. Here’s my top 5 middle finger to the fans moments. SPOILER ALERT! Aaron Mcgruder sales the Boondocks Boondocks are IMO one of the greatest shows this generation ever received. I do not say this because it’s a show about niggas that cuss in cartoon format, because that’s just the clever ruse to get MF’s to watch. The Boondocks pushed the boundaries of what is politically correct while pointing out the flaws in society today. What if MLK had survived his assassination, Why are all these rappers so homophobic, yet are clearly gay themselves (Gangsterlicious= Lil Wayne), BET is terrible since Debra Lee’s take over, and the rich always catch a break. Seasons 1 – 3 were episode after episode of hilarity and in your face messages…………….Then came season 4. The terrible final season of the Boondocks was produced without the input of the show’s creator. All 10 episodes seemed to focus on Robert “Granddad” Freeman which is a character best served in small doses and one liners. Huey had lost his revolutionary attitude and maturity, while fan favorites like Riley and ED the III where exaggerated or completely missing. Mcgruder gave some vague reason why he relinquished the rights to the show, but we aren’t buying it. Mcgruder sold out and went on to produce that piece of shit Black Jesus garbage. WTF! The final fate of the Animorphs Growing up in the 90’s meant a few things were a must. Whose side were you on in Sega and Nintendo’s war (Sega does what Nintendont MF), what happened on Marvels epic Saturday morning toons, Which Power Ranger where you, and did you read this month’s Animorphs book. Animorphs was my intermediate level book after Goosebumps and I loved it. This book was graphic and fun, while truly touching its fans every single book. Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Marco, Tobias, and Aximili went through more shit then a couple of teenagers could really handle. Jake was pushed into a leadership role from the get go, utterly destroying his child hood and turning him into a man far before his time. Rachel was the typical hot 90’s gymnastics chick whom turned out to be the greatest warrior of the whole group and made the greatest sacrifice. Cassie whom was depicted as a tree hugger and jakes love interest fought in eternal moral battle, one she lost every time she tore a Hork-Bajir’s throat out in the heat of battle. Marco was the funny guy, fiercely loyal to Jake, and the smartest of the group; yet the biggest joke was on him when he discovers who the leader of the Yeerk invasion of earth is. Aximili struggles throughout the series to understand his human comrades, but is consistently shaken by the brutality of mankind. Finally there is Tobias, arguably one of the greatest fictional characters ever written. K.A Applegate pulled no punches with Tobias, trapping him in morph in the first book on top of his guardians not giving a shit about him to even care he was missing. He also turns out to be the bastard son of the alien who gave them the power to morph (Very complicated story) yet through it all Tobias stood strong. Visser Three is a truly great villain, whom managed to stay menacing and evil as hell for 5 years and is one of my favorite villians of all time. There war with yeerks lasted for three years in the books. So what went wrong with a book I just gave top billing too? The freaking finale man was such a fucking drag. K.A. had started allowing the book to be ghost written after the 24th entry leaving other writers to span a total of 30 entries to completely wreck shit and in the end killing off Rachel and Aximili in such savage ways and leaving the finale in a cliff hanger that was just freaking awful. Over the years several Fan Fics have been created giving the remaining Animorphs a way out or highlighting the final villain who just appears and is unstoppable WHERE THE FUCK HAS THIS GUY BEEN THE ENTIRE SERIES!!!!! Not to mention a terrible TV adaption and years of movie rumors, Ugh NEXT! Ben Reilly killed off and consistently used to boost sales Ok it’s pretty obvious where I’m going with this one. Peter Parker has two clones that managed to outlast the millions of clones made of Peter Parker. These clones are Ben Reilly and Kaine Parker. The clone saga was an epic fail simply because of how long it was stretched out for. I mean Aunt May dies, Doc Ock Dies, the Jackal dies, Kaine Dies and returns and dies and returns, Mary Jane goes through a whole pregnancy, Peter is tricked into thinking he is a clone, planet of the symbiotes happened, and of course the one little gem the trail of Peter Parker storyline happens. Now, there is much more, but let’s get to the meat of it, through it all Ben was the best thing about this situation. The original Scarlet Spider was a fun character all around even though the reception wasn’t so great when took over as Spider-Man the fans still loved him. Then Revelations happened and they kill Ben off. That sucked so what does Marvel do? They consistently tease of his return in several Spider events. Spider Island, A kraven arc, a Scarlet spider (Kaine) arc, Consistent references included an anthology book and a recap of the clone saga in which Ben lives. Now the spider verse event is in full effect and guess what Ben’s back in the Picture (pause, wait for the shade) oh yeah he is not the same Ben. Fuck you Dan Slott! George Lucas sales Star Wars (So long Jaina Solo Fel) Star Wars nerd am I. Look I love Star Wars to death man I really do. I will even watch all 6 movies in order, but it’s the expanded universe that I love the most. I wasn’t alive when the original Trilogy came out so when I did see them I was able to follow them up with the novels and some of the greatest stories are in the novels including my favorite Star Wars character Jaina Solo. Dubbed the sword of the Jedi by her Uncle Luke during her Jedi Knight coronation, Jaina has been an epic character for most her life. She has been a member of Rogue Squadron, fought in the greatest war of the Star Wars universe, Was almost consumed by the darkside, and killed her own twin Jacen, whom had become the sith lord Darth Caedus. Unfortunately, Disney has stated that they may disregard the expanded universe and jump 30 years after episode 6. Though the Solo kids may appear, they will already be grown meaning all those awesome stories will either have already have happened and will never exist or be rushed in some stupid animated garbage like clone wars. Also no mention of Mara Jade Skywalker, Luke’s wife, Ben’s mom, and Jana’s master. I understand some kind of time skip because they want to use the original cast but come on at least do the Jedi Academy or The New Jedi Order arcs. Hell they recast James Bond all the time. Dragon Ball GT Dragon Ball fans have mixed feelings about this lack luster piece of garbage. Some sources say its 5 years after DBZ some say ten, but I don’t care because they can keep it. DBGT could have been great if Akira Toriyoma even cared what happened, but this was just sad. They just got together and threw out a bunch of non-sense such as “Hey let’s do an alien DR. Gero and have him create a rip-off of kid Buu and Cell and name him Baby.” Says first Douche Bag “Oh yeah lets have him take over bodies so that we can have none epic Z warrior fights” which leads to Goku vs. Vegeta III with Vegeta being an Oozaru with bangs. Then the next arc is “lets fuse a custom built 17 with the original 17” which makes no sense since A) 17 was human so did he have a twin of himself? B) Two seventeen’s fused would not be super powerful because this kind of happened when cell absorbed 17 hence combining their power and still no stronger than a full power super saiyan. Not mention they missed out on the true epicness of the events of this arch (did anyone notice cooler coming out of hell?) there could have been an epic battle royal. Finally, the Shadow dragon arc. By this point the entire series is focused on Goku and Pan. Vegeta and Gohan are reduced to reserve z fighter status along with Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Goten, and Trunks. Fortunately this series is now non canon thanks to Battle of the Gods (which isn’t that much better, but at least everyone isn’t old as fuck) I know it’s my Top 5 but I thought I would do an Honorable Mention, so here I go Archie’s Sonic ditches SATAM Theme I use to love this show when I was like 8 or something, so when I discovered that Archie had a comic book of sonic I was stoked. My favorite story arch was End Game in which Sonic and Dr.Robotnik (not that eggman shit) had their epic final battle, this is right after sonic being accused of murdering Sally. Thinking that this was the end of the book I stopped looking for it. A few years later Sonic Adventure 2 came out (which is my favorite 3D sonic) and what do I see at my local Books-A-Million but Sonic the hedgehog still going but completely different. It had adapted to the new games and thus followed the games storylines to an extent. I felt alienated because they left the original format and lost its originality. Oh Wells……. Tell me what you guys think or sound off your Top 5 Also if you got a FB send a request to [email protected]
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