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Arya Chan ☆

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Everything posted by Arya Chan ☆

  1. or maybe it is real and they just didnt make new renders..
  2. its gonna be like x & y isnt it. or maybe it will be like black & white (point of view)
  3. --This is a discussion and news thread, so don't post any other for safety----- Any new news you can either post it here if i haven't yet. it will be put here to everyone interested see it --- Hoenn Confirmed, Remake of course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywGSON9tNq0 Pics Q: Why is it called Alpha and omega? A: The Prophet : http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/if-ruby-and-sapphire-remakes-come-out.452842335/
  4. Trivia: in the impossible to read text says ''ends here with fillia''. theres a hidden green square thats supposed to be the select cursor (or whatever its called). theres more than 2000 i dont count. yes i know where most of them are. a bunch is in alphabetic form. --- Ares would be proud of me.
  5. oh so thats from the person that made the hd goeniko omoshiroi.
  6. it would be better if you shared some aleadry made besides making a bunch of them. you know, theres still edits free to download that aren't listed here
  7. thanks now that leaves 1 character left
  8. Tks is that the one that is show in the video with the ''new'' before the name?
  9. that misuzu from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rchwibzoc6M if its private both just say it. nobody wins prizes if so. Edit: Kiwami is done now only left is that misuzu edit
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-V1oD1h6hvk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tdu4uKSZ3M
  11. Where i get that ash? except if its private only.
  12. All Argument at the Chat Room? what you think it is there? a free-to-argue place where the mods won't find you? it's just a chat not a fighting arena.
  13. you probably forgot how the member of this forum thinks like.. and.. it's probably just Diffbok
  14. i was going say that but it would be TOO WRONG. *cough cough*
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