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Legendary Savior
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  1. Алексей's post in About voices pack creation and soundtrack edit was marked as the answer   
    It's not truly possible to do unless the audio and video are on different channels. In an mp4 or wav, that information is already compressed and lost, so there's no 100% effective way to do it.
  2. Алексей's post in AI Activated before round start was marked as the answer   
    That happens when there is no limitation to the activation of AI. Good AI activation methods will make sure that roundstate=2 before allowing it to activate. Roundstate is the state of your round. When it's equal to 0, it's in the pre-intro, 1 is the intro, 2 is the fight after it's started, and 3 is the end of the round.
    So assuming that an AI Activation method looks something like this in 1.0:
    ; Turn on the AI when ailevel>=0 (AI is active) and the fight as started (past intro) [State , AI Activation] type = VarSet trigger1 = ailevel && roundstate=2 var(59) = 1 ; Turn off the AI if ailevel=0 (Player has control) or the fight hasn't started yet [State , AI Deactivation] type = VarSet trigger1 = !ailevel || roundstate!=2 var(59) = 0 That's for your reference. I'd not blindly copy and paste that, but the idea is you use roundstate=2 to limit the activation until after the round actually starts.
  3. Алексей's post in Ran out of Commands was marked as the answer   
    Your error assumes you have more than 128 though. My guess is that you have extra commands and those stupid AI# commands for winmugen AI Activation, prior to ailevel being a thing.
  4. Алексей's post in How to stop a character winpose from looping was marked as the answer   
    It's a part of the animation, not CNS. Open your character in FF3, go to the Animations tab, look for your Win Pose animation and set the time of the last frame to -1.
  5. Алексей's post in Character stuck in frame was marked as the answer   
    The main problem here is that your State 191 doesn't actually have a ChangeState in it. Nothing is sending it to State 0 (standing state) from what I can see and all the rest of that code (the other states) have no relevance because there's nothing going to those states either.
    I'd add a simple ChangeState to State 191 and see where that takes you. This should suffice:
    [State ] type = ChangeState trigger1 = !animtime ; When you animation has reached the end value = 0 ; Go to state 0, ie. Stand ctrl = 1 ; Give control of the character  
  6. Алексей's post in How to make a helper add life to root? was marked as the answer   
    Since there is not RootLifeAdd, you should put the LifeAdd in State -2 or -3 and trigger based on something (maybe a var's value) inside your helper. Alternatively, if you have multiple instances of the helper, using "Helper(###)" won't be reliable. In that case, you can use ParentVarSet to trigger when the LifeAdd should happen.
  7. Алексей's post in Explod Help was marked as the answer   
    Spawn the explod at time=0 and make sure that removetime=-1, so it doesn't disappear prematurely. You might want to play around with sprpriority as well to place the effect behind the helper. Bindtime=-1 should be there so that it moves with the helper. As for removing it, use RemoveExplod in the Helper's destroy state (provided you have one). Also, post your code if you're still having problems. It makes it a bit easier to see what's what.
  8. Алексей's post in How to convert a float to an int? was marked as the answer   
    floor() or ceil(). Unfortunately, there is no "round" or I'd easily suggest that. floor() will drop all digits past the decimal point and ceil() will round up and return the least possible Int.
    Think of floor() as rounding down and ceil() as rounding up. I think that's the easiest way to explain it.
  9. Алексей's post in Need help coding a moves list. was marked as the answer   
    Well, it's going to be character-specific, but you can detect stateno. So, if stateno>1000 for example, you can display that explod message or helper.
  10. Алексей's post in ChangeState Error was marked as the answer   
    The error message says that you're missing a trigger1. Every StateController must have at least 1 trigger1. You have only a triggerall there.
  11. Алексей's post in SpriteSheet Assembly? was marked as the answer   
    It sounds like what you're looking for is layers really. Yeah, Photoshop would be your best bet. That or GIMP if you don't have PS.
  12. Алексей's post in Special Intro with partner? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, this is possible in the same way that it is with special enemy intros.

    type = ChangeState trigger1 = partner,name = 'whatever' value = stateno_of_special_intro_state  
    This would go in state 190 and that's pretty much all there is to it.
  13. Алексей's post in Lifebar Character Displayname and title was marked as the answer   
    You edit the character's .sff file. Their large portrait.
  14. Алексей's post in About explod code was marked as the answer   
    Explod has a postype parameter that you can set. Setting it as "back" will set it relative to the back edge of the screen. Setting it as "left" will position it on the left side of the screen. After setting the proper postype, you can mess with the position to get it how you want.

    Check the docs: http://elecbyte.com/mugendocs/sctrls.html#explod
  15. Алексей's post in Change the voice was marked as the answer   
    Sorry man, but this section is for helping people, not requesting things to be done for you.

    Try it yourself first and then ask if you have any questions about it.
  16. Алексей's post in Command problems was marked as the answer   
    No problem, but here IS your problem:

    See that capital "X"? It has to be lowercase.
  17. Алексей's post in Coding help was marked as the answer   
    1.) It's possible. You need to switch your Death Cry from Group 11,0 to something else. Then just trigger it manually:

    [State -2] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = time=1 && !alive && !fvar(0) ; fvar(0) makes sure this only plays once. Change it if you're already using fvar(0) trigger1 = fvar(0):=9999 value = X, random%num_deathcrys ; X is your new Death Cry group.
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