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Special Intro with partner?



Ok, I know we have special intros with opponents but can it be done with partners? I often wondered about that. I've never seen it happen in any mugen video I've ever seen or any character I've ever downloaded. But I have high hopes of it being possible. 


My plans are to make a special intro of Gum and Cream the Rabbit by Gladiacloud where they start out by hugging each other because they're partners and friends and then they get up to fight their opponents. I can see Cream doing this but im not sure about Gum.


Here's what I made so far.






There we go!! Yes, They're hugging like that nothing bad really....unless shoeless yoshis disturb you...*i hope not*




Here's the animation it's 80% complete but i decided to stop there and try it right away.


Conflict Resolved! Thanks to Sensei I got this special intro made! and it works!

9 answers to this question

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Yes, this is possible in the same way that it is with special enemy intros.


type = ChangeState
trigger1 = partner,name = 'whatever'
value = stateno_of_special_intro_state


This would go in state 190 and that's pretty much all there is to it.



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

  • 0

Yes, this is possible in the same way that it is with special enemy intros.

type = ChangeState
trigger1 = partner,name = 'whatever'
value = stateno_of_special_intro_state

This would go in state 190 and that's pretty much all there is to it.

Thanks! but does it need to be applied to BOTH characters? or just 1?

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Yes, you would need it applied to both characters.

alrighty thanks, just made 1 more sprite to this.  2-3 more and im done...palettes will be a problem since it's 2 characters but that's a need to know for laterz.

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This thread is now resolved and i apologize for bumping it...dunno how to change the title of it sadly lol. The special intro is working...looks a bit messy with a few white dots but that's an easy fix lol...when your shifting or rotating sprites a few tiny dots are left behind and you don't notice them too well.

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In the future, please edit your previous post instead of double.. erm, triple-posting. To mark as "Solved," you can choose an answer from the thread as the accepted one.



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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Yes, this is possible in the same way that it is with special enemy intros.

type = ChangeState
trigger1 = partner,name = 'whatever'
value = stateno_of_special_intro_state

This would go in state 190 and that's pretty much all there is to it.



Is this be added or just replace the other code!?I really confuse this for example I make a special intro of Kendo Nakanishi by Ina, Linn Kurosawa by Tin and Kei by Rikard where should I put it these code!?And what is "WHATEVER" is the name of the characters owner where to wrote!? I'm sorry guys I asking and confuse.......


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