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Legendary Savior
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Everything posted by Алексей

  1. Well that's good and fine, but do you understand why .52 is better value than 11? yaccel is a constant velocity that's applied when your character is in the air. It's the equivalent of this: [State -2] type = VelAdd trigger1 = pos y<0 y = .52 Every tick, the value of yaccel is applied to your character's velocity through addition. So, if your jump.neu value is -8.4, then on the next tick, it will be -7.88, slowing you a bit. On the next tick, the same thing happens until eventually your upwards velocity is then positive and you're being pulled downwards. With a value of 11 for yaccel, your next calculated velocity would be 2.6. In one tick, your upwards velocity has been reversed practically. That explains your initial problem. Hope that helps you understand this a bit more.
  2. I see what you mean. I'll test out some different sizes and see what works. Thanks for the feedback. Edit: Maybe something like this:
  3. Merged your two threads. Please refrain from doing that in the future. Thank you.
  4. Added to the first post, the Versus Screen and Win Screens.
  5. Rice, this is awesome. Very well written and informative. I hadn't thought about the impact that state machines have on AI like this. My AI usually is consolidated to one trigger2 per attack to keep things clean, but after reading this, I've been severely limiting my AI. That explains why they guard so much, lol. This just proves that I didn't know state machines as well as I thought I did. It's not as simple as just being procedural it seems. Excellent work. Thank you for this guide.
  6. Here you go:1. Put in AI activation 2. Make character do special shit when AI is active 3. Profit? 4. Realized you've made a horrible AI and tweak it a bit 5. Repeat steps 2~4 until you go insane
  7. Thanks! Most of the screenpacks I have seen for HD that are really nice to me, have custom portraits. While they look amazing, who wants to do all that work? Not I. Laziness for the win! I have no plans to scrap it, so I'd say it's a surefire "yes." :)
  8. Hehe, I can't see it being over 200mb, but I'll watch the file size. I actually don't know how large it is right now, lol. Yep, there will be an 800+ slot patch and it's HD 1280x720.
  9. Thanks! I've updated the first post with the real select screen. Versus Screen coming soon.
  10. Hello and welcome to MFFA. Hope you enjoy your stay. :)
  11. I've updated the first post with the actual completed Title Screen and Select Screen comp. The Select Screen is currently implemented in full, so you'll see that later. It's got the same kind of polish as the Title Screen. The options screen is as basic as it can get, but still visually pleasing. :) Up next is the Versus Screen. I wanted to have scroll marquee text along the bottom of the title screen, but I couldn't get my Background Controller to actually do anything. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I could have sworn you could use Background Controllers (BGCtrl) in ScreenPacks. I remember doing that in 1.0 and even WinMUGEN. Did they change something 1.1? I'm very new to it.
  12. Interesting. What other game engines have you dabbled with? What languages are you best familiar with? CNS is like none of them, lol. I wish you luck on your game with custom characters. That's a huge undertaking and I hope you persevere. Feel free to ask in the Help section if you need any assistance or are stuck with something. CNS can be tricky at times and mugen has many limitations. Welcome to the forums!
  13. Good lord man, come off it. Let the man be and don't derail threads mister Global Mod.
  14. Confused you, have I? No worries. I saw that you had created two accounts. I guess because you never got the email from the first time, as it was still validating. I deleted the other account and gave your account the name of the old one, because I figured that's what you were going for. Just some info for you in the form of a poorly-executed joke. Anyways, welcome to the forum!
  15. Hello everyone, I'd like to introduce to you all my idea for a screenpack. I got bored at work the other day and came up with this. Normally, I scrap ideas as soon as they come to fruition because they're just not good enough, but this one I really wanted to stick with after comping up a prototype in PS. Without further ado, I give you the workings of Pixel Fighter: This released now! Check out the release thread: These screens don't show everything as the background effects really can't be show here besides maybe a frame: Video Preview (Outdated): Features and plans: - Cycling background colors - New-age pixel style with modern color scheme - Animated transitions - Background and foreground element animations - Mugen 1.1 32-bit source graphics, meaning no color loss - HD 1280x720 - Matching lifebars with possible custom fightfx effects to match the style - 800+ character slot variant - Chiptune-like/synthesized music and UI sfx That's it for now, but I plan to keep this thread update. Let me know what you think. I really like the idea and hope to let this see the light of day.
  16. I thought it was an edit of Kamui from Arcana Heart.
  17. Akame! Wait, I don't like Akame at all. Nope, I'm not in denial. I refuse to test this because I don't like Akame.
  18. Tsk tsk. I only got a chuckle from the name. >:( I've been lied to and now you shall face my administrative wrath! ... 'Sup? (I've removed the two X's at the end of your name which had nothing to do with creating a second account that used your original name that was still validating... yeah)
  19. Another great gameplay video. :)
  20. Yep, definitely for most people. I read these to see who's joining us, but don't always respond. I think good 'ol Galvatron responds to every single one, lol.
  21. Hey, welcome to the forum. A small amount of people reply, but I think there are a good amount who read them. Anyways, apples can be better than oranges, but it depends on the type. Fuji apples are amazing and outshine oranges always. Then you can have those bad apples with bruises and whatnot that just ruin the whole experience. Fruit.
  22. No problem, man. I'm glad to hear it. :) I have a few friends are really into Ultraman, Super Sentai, Kamen Rider and Power Rangers. I'll never get it, but hey, at least someone enjoys it.
  23. Hmm, well I know I've created quite the reputation for myself with that NZCR project (still in progress by the way), but I like branching off into new things from time to time. To be honest, I think this was a one-time thing. I'm not, erm... exactly a fan of Power Rangers, lol. There was a lot of support and motive from Omega on this one.
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