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Flowering Knight

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Posts posted by Flowering Knight

  1. Hmmm...


    What u used to edit them?

    Just a small sugestion but could add a gradient via Photoshop (if you have it) to make the bars looks sligghty more diiferent and bettter imo.


    I used Paint.NET, as it's the easiest for me to use.


    Also, when you mean gradient, you mean something like this?:






  2. I tried something like this and it kind of works without using any MUGEN variables and Helper state controller:

    In your MUGEN character's [statedef -2], put this PlaySnd state controller:

    [state -2, Combo Announcer]

    type = PlaySnd

    triggerall = EnemyNear, MoveType = H

    triggerall = EnemyNear, Stateno != [120,155]

    trigger1 = EnemyNear, GetHitVar(hittime) = 0    ; or use -1, please see explanation below

    trigger1 = EnemyNear, GetHitVar(hitshaketime) = 0

    trigger1 = EnemyNear, GetHitVar(hitCount) > 2

    value = 8, EnemyNear, GetHitVar(hitCount)

    volumescale = 100

    ignorehitpause = 1



    - you need to have a sound/voice saying like, "YES!", for a three (3)-hit combo, located in your *.snd file with Group #8 (my choice) and Sound #3 (my choice, and it must be at least one (1))

    - you need to have a sound/voice saying like, "WONDERFUL!", for a five (5)-hit combo, located in your *.snd file with Group #8 (my choice) and Sound #5 (my choice, and it must be at least one (1))

    - you need to have a sound/voice saying like, "BRAVO!", for an eight (8)-hit combo, located in your *.snd file with Group #8 (my choice) and Sound #8 (my choice, and it must be at least one (1))

    - ..... and so on.....



    - type = PlaySnd

      this is you know what it is for.........

    - triggerall = EnemyNear, MoveType = H

      VS single P2, only when P2 is in get-hit states

    - triggerall = EnemyNear, Stateno != [120,155]

      this makes sure the VS single P2 is not in blocking/guarding states

    - trigger1 = EnemyNear, GetHitVar(hittime) = 0

      this one is important because I tried to use the last second of P2's returning to an idle state after being hit, to make sure the

      PlaySnd state controller won't be called more than one (1) times in a row

      * or you can use "= -1" instead of "= 0" if you want the PlaySnd state controller takes place right after P2 returns to idle

    - trigger1 = EnemyNear, GetHitVar(hitshaketime) = 0

      this one might be optional because the time player is "frozen" during the hit usually counts down to 0 before hittime becomes less

      than one (1), so, this is used only to backup the first trigger1

    - trigger1 = EnemyNear, GetHitVar(hitCount) > 1

      this one makes sure the VS single P2 is getting more than two (2) hits by your MUGEN character (in my example the "YES!" three

      (3)-hit combo is the minimum)

    - value = 8, EnemyNear, GetHitVar(hitCount)

      this is the Group # and Sound # in your *.snd file, in my example:

      - "YES!" three (3)-hit combo uses the Group #8 and Sound #3 WAV

      - "WONDERFUL!" five (5)hit combo uses the Group #8 and Sound #5 WAV

      - "BRAVO!" eight (8)-hit combo uses the Group #8 and Sound #8 WAV

      - ..... and so on.....

    - volumescale = 100

      just the volume of the Combo Announcer sound/voice.........default is 100 here

    - ignorehitpause = 1

      this is you know what it is for.........


    Please note that it is for a Single VS P2 only....................for a Team VS P2/P4 there may need more work.

    Also, it should be edited more for air-combo purpose, even though this way also works for air-combos...........


    I am sure there are more ways to do a better (with MUGEN variables, Helper, Explod...etc.) Combo Announcer in MUGEN.  Yet, this is the simplest one I could come up with.


    While I did have to modify it a little bit, and even though the explods and sounds play mid-combo, it certainly works for the most part.

  3. Most of those codes are done in the state-2 codes and just apply what Doom nukem said...ill send Reza's MVC terry to you so you can look at how he did his and roll from there.....Ill send the char in a bit


    While that did help in adding things such as First Attack, Danger, etc., I'm mainly looking for some sort of (simple) guide to making the announcer say things like "Yes" and "Wonderful."


    lol yeah a friend of mine rented that game when we were kids back then. That game reminds me of the days of Alpha Mission.






    Haha graphically i can see why it reminded you of star fox. But nah that was old Jumping flash for the PS1.




    Heres another one....



    Half-Life 2: Episode 2.  At least, I think it's episode 2.

  5. [state 183,lol]






    Or you could use time<something as your trigger.  Whatever works.


    Tried it, doesn't seem to do anything.


    EDIT: Used a helper with this state, ended up working.

  6. I'm creating a win pose for my character, but for some reason the match fades out before it even finishes.


    Here's the code if it helps:



    [statedef 183]

    type = S

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 183

    velset = 0,0


    [state 183, 1]

    type = NotHitBy

    trigger1 = 1

    value = SCA

    time = 1


    [state 0, PlaySnd]

    type = PlaySnd

    trigger1 = animelem = 1

    value = S300,10


    [state 0, AssertSpecial]

    type = AssertSpecial

    trigger1 = animelem = 1

    flag = nomusic


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