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Flowering Knight

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Posts posted by Flowering Knight

  1. Let's say I'm playing Skyrim.  I want to rip the model of the game's Daedric armor.  Without going the route of entering the game's files, how do I rip the model?  Is there some sort of program that can easily do it, or do I have to use something more complex?



    (I'm actually planning on ripping the model of a different game, I just named an example.)

  2. Just tested the update, and there's still a smoke trail at the top left corner of the screen whenever Ridley uses his drag move. (that's not what it's called, but I'm gonna call it that)  Plus, removing the voice only affects his normal mode, as his Chaos mode still has his voice, along with his Continue animation for both modes, although those are just minor nitpicks.  Speaking of Chaos mode, his EX-Hyper just seems strange for Ridley.  (It's not the fact that it's an instant kill that bothers me, but rather how it just feels out of place for someone like Ridley.)  One other thing that bothered me was that his power charge only charged the power bar at the bottom, not the power bar for the character itself.


    Other than that, the character's still great, even though the Chaos mode makes him as overpowered as Elque.


    Also, what do you use to create the sprites for Ridley?  The animation looks too smooth for it to be made with Brawlbox, plus there's little to no colorloss whatsoever.

  3. I'm talking about increasing both movement and animation speed for this.  I'm not going to edit the CNS and AIR files since I'm creating a super mode for a character, and I want it to increase his movement/attack speed for this.  Thing is: I actually have no idea on how to do this.

  4. Xasor's Luffy?  I just visited to his OneDrive but didn't see any Luffy?  His OneDrive is this one:  https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=6F96C1B3ED8660C8

    Any other MUGEN Luffy from whose has the correct voices that I might be able to borrow please?



    Apparently the link to it is down.  Since I have it, though, here's the link: https://www.mediafire.com/?v2o58885e36p4w1 (I only have the 1280 version.)


    (If Xasor wants me to take the link down, though, I will.)

  5. Lol that's pretty funny man but I lost my pride for my works. With will like this I can't make anything


    Everywhere I go on a MUGEN forum as long as my name is Xasor I will be a joke and I don't think it will fade anytime soon.


    On top of that it's all my fault.


    Thanks for the time anyway, you've been a real bro


    A joke?  Seriously?  You're one of my favorite creators, you're better than this!  I don't even know how or why you've suddenly become depressed, but it needs to stop.

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