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Everything posted by Neo_Fire_Sonic

  1. -Z- vs Trollface Trollface:"Trololololololololololol lelelelelelelelelelele" -Z-:"Well then. I feel violated somewhat."
  2. "Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich"
  3. this character i have named master lue is an edit of pots shin akuma. he has 55+ moves. from different characters. He's supposed to be a mixture of them apparently, but also giving him all those moves makes him broken soo....... i don't see whats wrong with having alot of moves, as long as its possible to perform all of them.
  4. actually i don't think throws are overused, since they are harder to code.
  5. erhm, theres too much troll in your post lol also the last time i downloaded a kyurem for mugen, it sucked HARD
  6. HIBIKI Well, one of my characters happens to do something similar to that Overused attacks like that FTW.
  7. "oh yea... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaahy" "Take it up the ass, shove it up the ass and repeat" "Ballin" "dragon ballllllllllllzzzzzzzzzz" "hay I'm Kenny Rogers and this is JACKASS" "Yea suck my DICK" "Screw the rules i have green hair." "narutard, clash of ninjar revalu-mutha- f**kin justu"
  8. i see you used my AreaXX stage :)
  9. in sonic battle lost ending neo, the characters didn't have shadows, they had shadow circles under them. also it looks not mugen like because it looks sooooo accourate lol. Also, thanks super, it sounds very interesting.
  10. Yep, straight from the game itself. Its the stage you fight omega on in sblen Also, i abuse the 3vs3 and 4vs4 mugen hack.(don'thatemelol) the original bgm for this stage is included aswell http://www.mediafire.com/?mudpnarb870o118 Enjoy.
  11. i usually abuse the 4vs4 hack in mugen 1.0 or i just play arcade mode.
  12. Just some good chars fightin.. plus a new stage.
  13. you mean the dude who gives you eevee..
  14. honestly, i would leave it as mewthree. just a new form Well I bet i'll be like -.- when its actual name is revealed. which will problably happen once we get the movie. ALSO, another reason i gotta get this game and a 3ds.
  15. we need a game where you can play as anyone, make characters and stages, set music for stuff and it be customizeable and its not made by elecbyte, made by the actual companies lol.
  16. i hope they leave meta knight "un-edited" there could possibly be a character better than metaknight. :)
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