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Everything posted by Neo_Fire_Sonic

  1. Neo_Fire_Sonic


    I hate to break it to you but Power Rangers Dino charge has done better with the few eps that are out now than the entire samurai and megafuckforce seasons
  2. Probably not, but I have a hunch that metal sonic will be appearing somewhere very soon *hint hint* Also technically his sprites really aren't there, If you look really closely at the sprite sheets of him out there, they are missing tons and tons of stuff for it to actually look good.
  3. He'll have the generic light punch medium punch etc, that everyone has always wanted, and his moveset will be based on Darkness and such.
  4. (THAT WASN'T FIVE WORDS) fuck her right in the
  5. I don't want Sonic Adventure 3, I just want a GOOD sonic game.
  6. Oh god. Sega what are you doing? Where's Sonic Adventure 3? Actually where is a good sonic game?
  7. Neo_Fire_Sonic


    He doesn't like power rangers which is why he hated digimon frontier
  8. Neo_Fire_Sonic


    you let me poop too much, now i'm digivolving into poop!
  9. Probably not because obviously no one has played sonic 3. No super flickies for you. Also they wouldn't have the rights to use turbo tails, so no CAPE either.
  10. do wat da f you like doing if palettes r ur thing then do it
  11. Neo_Fire_Sonic


    Guess that I need to change my number!!
  12. Neo_Fire_Sonic


    you said if we sex we could make pie
  13. Actually no, one of my old friends named bigshowofall made mephiles before I did
  14. assumicide, you assume that every single character is just "derp depr bad funcharatar 0/10", there are only 2 fancharacters in this game confirmed as of now. remember those old sonic mugen full games by others? of course you don't, this is the reason they all died out, because people doing the same thing as you scared them away by saying things like that. Unlike them, I don't get scared.
  15. for fucking pete's sake its neo the blue flame
  16. Neo_Fire_Sonic


    its not a gif its a bad flash.
  17. jesus christ you know literally nothing about the sonic series. and you need to stop commiting assumicide
  18. Original the character select screen, donut steal This may be the possible final version of how the select may look. (Um no that doesn't mean the roster is locked, I'm talking about how it looks)
  19. (People stopped making cheesy flash videos on youtube, mainly the sonic ones.) also, granted, but time gets so slow that you can't do shit I wish for a car that teleports
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