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Everything posted by Amaterachu1

  1. Crazy Catastrophe is a classic. But what do you really want? Someone shooting lasers everywhere or characters that instakill before the match begins? If you want insta-kill cheap characters, then Baron Dimanche is the strongest one I know. I've been out of the loop in the cheap characters genre for years now though.
  2. Just tell me the character you're using, and who made it.
  3. Can you show me one of the tag characters? I can look at it and change it to normal for you.
  4. Which characters are you using? Can you do simul 2v2 with other characters?
  5. Nah, he just really likes the site. He uploads multiple MvC related stuff and especially full games there. It's easy to just browse through and uploading full games seems faster. I could upload a mediafire link if you want maybe. So long as there isn't some kind of weird size limit.
  6. Password doesn't seem to work
  7. Finally your skills will be put in a non Touhou character lol Looking forward to it!
  8. Uploaded a zip file because not everyone can open that type of rar file
  9. Because Buggie wasn't made in Mugen and I don't think anyone you listed is related to any Vinny stream at all to replace Kurt at least .-.
  10. Vinny's Mugen game, Vinesauce Fighter! Featuring multiple references and the most bonkers creations I could find on the internet. This game was heavy in chatservice as you can see nearly every emote was represented in a character. Finally see what you may have missed watching the stream! Many mods wanted him to play Kurt Cobain in Arcade... I wonder why? http://www.mediafire.com/file/mh5lycps3au28n8/mugen.zip/file Video:
  11. Added Arabian Fight characters. As for those others, I'll need help because I have no clue where those guys are.
  12. Uh... I don't really know if labeling something "crap" is a good idea. People have different tastes. Not to mention that could totally be disrespectful to an author. I'll look into those characters (and change the Puyo Puyo logo I guess)
  13. Both added, thank you for sharing!
  14. All added, as well as the infamous Seaman.
  15. Thank you for your submissions! All added
  16. Aight, done with my break. -Added links to originally offline Puyo Puyo characters. -Added Shinning Force trio by ssw777
  17. My lord... that took me 4 hours. Just to make a single post. Some things to note here: -Many files were offline (or are exclusively on Mugen Archive) I've personally uploaded these files to Mediafire. Any official links from authors in the future and hit me up. -Still need some working links to Nexus Games characters. Would be very much appreciated.
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