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Everything posted by tohnoshiki

  1. yea thats tru, but programs that are "newer" aren't made for XP, barely even games are...because the mass majority has em
  2. xp is also really unsupported dude, besides 7 has hardly any problems that are really necessary to bring up
  3. there wasn't rly a gap IMO BBS shows why Roxas is sora's Nobody, but not truly evil. and why Sora has the look he has
  4. Suck....me.....dry......besides my right arrow is still fucked up...i lost the plastic now
  5. fuck it i'll just buy em and beat em....the only one i haven't played fully through is CoM and 358/2 days...oh and Re:Coded
  6. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck oh well i'll just get it from some dude willing to let me leech
  7. which uh....file name am i aiming for Psyqhical?
  8. no i was qupting your post lol but yea it does make me happy.....and rock hard
  9. that was epic, can I haz that krizalid?
  10. why the fuck would they make a Birth By sleep 2? there's no need for it. Birth by sleep is a prequel to 1 which prequels re:coded and chain of memories which prequels Kh2....the fuck? we're gonna be like fucking DMC in a second teh starting DMC is like 5 then 3 then 4 then 2 then 1 or (1 then 2)
  11. Plus 1 to this my man, you should stop by the chatroom more often man
  12. there is indeed netplay on the demo, hopefully i will not have to redownload the game on the 31st....
  13. Merry Christmas to all here at MFFA, hope you guys enjoy it. I'm also atheist.....or.....Agnostic theist as some like to say
  14. Im totally gonna beat the shit outta this guy
  15. ry you damn near made this a year ago.....you made it like at the start of 2011 late 2010
  16. "made this stage rock hard" not the best terminology to use there. But I do love this stage
  17. I rly have no use for it since it makes making pals so much harder...so even tho i can open SFFv2 i was only opening it for pals....which I can no longer make
  18. which is why i don't look down on ppl for still havin XP....since you know....it's like Dos Mugen now lol
  19. Chilled is a fucking egotistic asshole also is it just me or are the civilians of Planet Plant wearing the same clothing as majin buu
  20. Seriously...it helps with getting better...pretty soon imma have enough practice to beat alp and bruce....and we don't want that
  21. this is 3....I now have proof....at the end it shows a mix of the openings from Kh1 and Kh2 when sora falls (kh1) and the steps (kh2) where he meets namine...and then the hidden scene that was supposed to be kh3 (ended up being BBS opening) now fuses witht he final fight from kh2 and when terranort (when terra fused with xehanort) and vanitas speak to sora (even tho Vanitas speaking to sora is impossible even in a dream...)
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