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Everything posted by tohnoshiki

  1. I am...I thought it wasn't gonna be that way but....lol it don't matter to me
  2. is it just me or are most of our members black...? also I remember when Hado first joined people (including myself) thought he was a chick because of his profile pic
  3. any one got this amazing Naruto game? I dooooo for ps3....
  4. that's Chiester...although i don't remember if that's her in game name....cause she's a playboy bunneh
  5. mine! i like beat em ups....till a char on the fucking top panel hits me and im on the bottom
  6. both of you have ridiculous post counts...*looks at my own* oh...I'm at 1k
  7. new acc Shikix23, can't remember my login for my old one and i got a new PS3
  8. that other boxer wouldn't be M.Bison would it (Japanese name) http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//TrollFace.png
  9. Desktops process things a bit differently, as to not overheat and the battery performance kinda....toys with performance. Making dekstops almost infinitely better
  10. these are nice dude! ok like 3 more Sasuke Zero Ranger (from Dungeon Fighter Online) Berserker (from Dungeon Fighter online) Archer (Emiya) (Fate/Stay Night)
  11. Overall a fun game. I call this Poverty Darkstalkers http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png
  12. Great stage dude! I'd hate to Hijack your topic but, would you mind linking me that axl? unless it's on the forum of course
  13. say what shiki? yes folks, Monster Minimum Requirements Windows 2000/XP | Processor Intel Pentium 1.0 GHz or equivalent AMD | 256 MB RAM | 500 MB Free HDD | DirectX 8.1 | 32 MB video card compatible with DirectX 8.1 for those who wanna know what u would need to play it...and if ur desperate to play it scroll over the first image once more,,,,
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