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Everything posted by DarkRender

  1. ? Uhhh...I don't get it. Elecbyte is giving us the power to do that for free. If a real company did it, they would make us pay for it.
  2. I was thinking about that but I just wanted somebody to confirm it XD
  3. There goes me rushing into things again *facepalm* I hate myself so much sometimes, I am such an idiot -__-
  4. Thanks guys, I found him. I'm just gonna drop it, it's not worth going on about. Dragon Ball was what I grew up with TBH, I guess I shouldn't take it so personally though, it just kind of ticked me off and saddened me at the same time, the way he put it made sound like, to me anyways, like Toriyama put no effort into the idea at all. I guess It's just a fandom thing, if you get me.
  5. It sounded more of an insult then just an opinion. Don't you think he should have at least enough respect for someone else's work to elaborate on his opinion? he could've said something along the lines of "In my opinion, it looks just like Kaioken." As a community, we should try to get along with each other, and understand and get other people's opinions. Imagine this, you've been hard at work, making a MUGEN character and you're gonna release a beta to show off your work. Instead of people giving you feedback to better your character, everybody just says" wow this character is a shitty shotoclone" or "this character sucks" without any elaboration to why. This is the equivalent of that. He's just dissing my post for no reason, and telling me it's shit.
  6. Here's God Goku this is Kaioken they look nothing alike, at all. I find it's kind of low you're complaining, Toriyama is 57 years old, in three years he'll be 60, he's getting old. He's been doing Dragon Ball since 1984. And now, after years on hiatus this old man comes back to do a brand new movie, and you're gonna be that guy who nitpicks. Guess people have nothing better to do on the internet.
  7. Holy crud, there's an SSG Goku already? where'd you get it?
  8. Holy crap this looks promising! good luck guys.
  9. Yeah man, your stuff wasn't THE best creations out there, but Laharl's right, your creations were NOT bad, they just needed work. There are a lot of other people who have made complete garbage characters. The problem with MFG is that some people are very arrogant, rude, perverted, and whiny. We don't act like a bunch of jerks on MFFA, but we do give our honest opinions on here, we just don't sound like complete dicks when we do so. Don't come back to MUGEN being bitter about the Guild. Like Laharl said, adding boring to your characters and that warning at the end was stupid. Take honest feedback, and get better. Don't be so down on yourself and bitter man, it's not the right attitude. FYI, I thought Omni was pretty cool..
  10. "What doesn't kill you makes you...stranger." The Joker.
  11. Or maybe he just copypasted the release from the Guild, that wasn't his intentions at all and you're just an idiot.
  12. I just want to be a passing through Kamen Rider. Remember that.
  13. Yeah, I agree. They're really good playable but they don't do all that much and spam power up a LOT..
  14. Umm, the Z sword during the Buu saga? nobody really remembers that it broke and Old Kai came out of it and got Gohan to Mystic?
  15. Whoa nice job as usual dude your stuff is sick.
  16. Eh, well I see your point. Hopefully Maskedo will make a Fourze and it'll be better.
  17. Meh, Gentarou's a KOF edit. It's not bad, but I don't really understand the author's intentions. He IS Fourze, why not just make him a rider and forget the whole silly helper thing?
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