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Banned for harassment.

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Everything posted by Banned for harassment.

  1. Internet Explorer, and I don't give a crap who knows it.
  2. That's what I said. F'annybody makes the nurse, let me know. Yeah, it's funnier said than typed...
  3. Now to just bide my time until they finally make the nurse.
  4. This is a Kula clone, so I didn't go into it expecting much. But this is damn nice!
  5. These characters are from Mahoromatic, right? Because this is all I know about Mahoromatic... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFCPaOWVIEo
  6. I dunno, this guy's Curfue is supposed to have some problems, right? But at least now we're one step closer to finally getting the Asura Buster version of Rosemary.
  7. Sweet. One of the only guys to show up only in one SNK fighter, never to be seen or heard from again.
  8. You know they say it was a living hell for the actors on that show. There were giant holes in the floor everywhere that they would constantly trip and fall into and over just so Alf could move freely, and the puppeteer had some kind of thing about demanding that Alf was real.
  9. The difficulty is insane, but a very interesting character.
  10. The deal was, I lay off of you, you stop picking on me. If you're not gonna hold up to your end of the bargain, my campaign to strip you of all power is gonna continue.
  11. Still sticking with Winmugen until there's a quick and easy way to update characters to 1.0.
  12. Well, if someone could at least rip Cervantes, I'm sure you good people could work with that.
  13. I just uploaded a new avatar, but it's an animated .GIF, and as you can see, the GIF isn't moving...
  14. What about that hot chick that's looking for Kairi, only to turn evil herself by the third game? Hokuto, I think?
  15. Very nice stuff. Any luck on Sheena from Run Saber? I heard you were working on that as well.
  16. I've recently, since finding a halfway decent DS emulator, gotten hooked on the Phoenix Wright games. I recently finished the first one (fifth case included) and while they may have zero replay value, they are fun as hell. Especially the courtroom scenes. Ever wanted to make your own OBJECTIONS? http://objection.mrdictionary.net/index.php (Note: if clicking a face doesn't choose a lawyer, click the "Is the face browser not working for you?" link) If you're not creative to think of an OJBECTION of your own, click the 'random objection' link for infinite lulz. If you want to add music, put (tunes) before your post. Here are some I whipped up just off the top of my head. May not be SFW. http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=6288754 http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=6288759 http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=6288762
  17. NOBODY is taking away or disrespecting his right to say what he wants. That's a false argument. He exercised his right of free speech by posting. And someone else exercised their right of free speech by disagreeing.
  18. I just got pissed off. People seem to almost ALWAYS end up posting Mugen screenshots for characters, when the other character in the frame is infinitely more interesting, it's a tease. If you didn't want questions about it in the thread, you shouldn't have posted that pic.
  19. Definitive moments in election history. 2000: George HW Bush's Supreme Court lets Junior have the presidency. 2004: John Kerry getting SwiftBoated. 2008: Sarah Palin. Nuff Said. 2012: 47% video.
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