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Everything posted by Ryon

  1. I never cared for CotM. It's nice to praise people, and its cool knowing you could get a little image thingy as a reward for your hard work. but for someone like me who makes a character and only checks for feedback on errors, I could care less on the tiny rewards.
  2. screenpack is for 640x480 your using HD size... sooo yeah no gonna work.
  3. I think you have to look for the 1.1 version. because the zoomout and in are coded different within the engine. this is a issue with ALOT of older scaling stages.
  4. I hope rayman turns out well! I can't wait to see it!
  5. Ryon

    dhaos stage

    Whats the 2nd image? does the stage change into that? or is it a seperate stage?
  6. if it looks NORMAL until your character passes thru it, It is called the "Blackjack Trick" It's basically 3 (or 2) layers of the same image, 1 trans = sub, 1 trans = add, on top of each other giving the illusion of a solid image. The reason for this is because its to not block the characters. It can be REALLY helpful if done correctly but if you just put it in everywhere its not that great.
  7. ok so its tricky then. you need to find out what variable changes when you select a certain palette (palette 1 - 6 is normal, 7 - 12 are for when you hold start, so its one of those) after you locate the variable, you just need to make sure its always on.
  8. malformed expressions, are usually a "displaytoclipboard" code, that is not nessesary for players. It's only useful to creators as it tells us info. Strangely enough some creators leave it in thinking its no harm, but it causes malformed expressions sometimes. Simply locate (bottom of -2 or -3 state) and delete.
  9. something in the intro is bugged, can you share a link?
  10. that is a VERY fancy gimmick, because as far as I can tell, whoever selects the first character gets to select the stage. That screenshot looks like both people can select a stage.
  11. your delta for the background does not match up with the parallax speed when moving. I'm only giving this feedback based on watching the video. you should mess with the delta of your background so it doesnt move so fast compared to the top of the parallax.
  12. This is amazing. I loved he WWF Wrestlemania game! These are the Genesis sprites yes?
  13. Ryon


    Nice little compliation. but I have to know.. did the statue move? cause it was half way down the water, then your looking up at its nose?
  14. you can do it, but there is no need to do it. i assume you are using fighter factory ultimate / classic. do not use those as they are outdated, use Fighter Factory 3. and you literally just add the sprites and it will add it's own sprites and it will work fine. Here is an example of something I did.
  15. This will sound ridiculous but have you considered copying the Wall Bounce code that KFM has? KFM's wall bounce code (called "Flying through air") is a GREAT start for wall bounce, all you would need to edit, is the velocity that controls Y value.
  16. it sorta depends on how evil ryu mode is activated, is it by a palette (hold start when selecting?) or is it done in the middle of a match by super? also, there is a SF3 Evil Ryu (not by Helios) that is VERY good. I think it's by Vyn.
  17. you have a INSANE ammount of characters and I have said before. That is heavily contributing to your load times. as well as your stages, I don't know what screenpack you have but if the screenpack is also image heavy that is more time. Mugen by default is roughly 2mb to run. very very LOW processes required from the computer. the more you add to mugen the more memory it requires, the MORE processes it requires. A character heavy mugen can put more strain on a computer than a modern day PC game max settings.
  18. As the other 2 have said it is correct, but those characters you mentioned are not new, they are old characters right? It is possible it may be a variable issue, which can be linked back to palno.
  19. Its your mugen. I have windows 10 since it was released, and never had this issue. remove the last thing you added to your mugen, and go down that line. also THIS IS NOT THE HELP SECTION! THIS IS THE RESOURCE SECTION! MOVED!!!
  20. Your roster is to big. your computer is to slow.
  21. Holy shit you passed thru.
  22. thanks for joining and tell us, I hope you enjoy more of what you find here.
  23. as a person who has been here for years. Where the hell do people come up with these names. Clone Blood... the hell isnt that like A clone Brother? just call him Brother Iori (Yes he found religion!)
  24. The water looks.... funny.. the parallax is great , it's always a strange look when you make a moving body or water (because parallax get's messed up? when players move) did you try using the parallax in the other direction? for instance if you look at the water now. the water moves fast in the distance but slower close up. did you try making it move slower in the distance at faster close up? I think that would make it look better.
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