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Akiko Minase (0.90)


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This is a near finished version of Akiko.

I wanted some feedback, to drive me to finish and perfect her.

move list is included in file.


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Ryon I Gotta Say I LOVE your edit Its Not Bad and Not cheap too haha But ummm Things to Consider...... *Try To Have her Guard more You Know Be more defensive And Try Making Her Attack more to Avoid some Damage *You could Try and Make Her Recover from The Fall You know Like When she Gets Knocked Into the Wall Make her recover From there *Please Make A AI Patch of some sort Make her AI LV 7 or Higher To Make it a Fair Fight Im Saying this Because Naruto Defeated Her With Ease Lost no HP Soooo If you Could Try And Work on those things Then That would be great I know Its Not your Final Product But I Still Love it Good Job ^^

http://prntscr.com/qxqslb < My Sig Since I cant use Image Atm


http://anime2013freak.blog.fc2.com Please Visit it Guys ^^ I Update Matches Post pics etc

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ok, so i tried her out and i'd say youre just about there. of course you'll need to finish the soundpack so that the rest of the voice is there. also, the regular b move i think should be the c and, up against a corner, it could be an infinite into itself for characters without air-recovery. but i gotta say, chaining b into jumping b is fun. i think its nice you made it so that you can't do it more than twice. im loving it man. can't wait for the full realease.^W^

Looky-loo, it's me the worst human bean!

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ok, so i tried her out and i'd say youre just about there. of course you'll need to finish the soundpack so that the rest of the voice is there. also, the regular b move i think should be the c and, up against a corner, it could be an infinite into itself for characters without air-recovery.

but i gotta say, chaining b into jumping b is fun. i think its nice you made it so that you can't do it more than twice. im loving it man. can't wait for the full realease.^W^

she doesnt have voices. thats how the game is, there mute.

so i gave her a couple "ouch" sounds.

the B move is b because its faster than the C move.

and its not a infinite with characters with no air recovery. best you can hit is 7 times.

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she doesnt have voices. thats how the game is, there mute.

so i gave her a couple "ouch" sounds.

the B move is b because its faster than the C move.

and its not a infinite with characters with no air recovery. best you can hit is 7 times.

without any other sounds, its kinda to just have her say ouch. perhaps you could go the route ricepigeon did with his touhou chars and give her a voice just to have a voice. or whatever reason ricepigeon did.(im an idiot)

also, about the issue with the b and c moves, perhaps you could make the knife stab a little faster to accomadate. and the infinite, thats good toi know. like i said, its really good. just a few things to improve.

Looky-loo, it's me the worst human bean!

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no i mean i want the knife to be a slower attack, and be the hard attack button. also you probably didnt know but the knife has a quick second of invulnerability. also, no id rather not give her a voice. i like the ouch sounds only. no i mean i want the knife to be a slower attack, and be the hard attack button. also you probably didnt know but the knife has a quick second of invulnerability. also, no id rather not give her a voice. i like the ouch sounds only.

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i know how alexei's Naruto fights, thats how i knew which one you were talking about.

all of his characters have insanely good AI.

"Good" is not always the best way to describe difficult to beat AI...

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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I Tried her out and I cant wait for you to finish her. there is a couple of concerns here and there but their minor so i would usually say its up 2 you if you wanna add them or not. -the parry system since it came from the game. -her lvl 3 super with the jam. -mashable light normals(only for hit confirm reasons) -and more crouch attack options( I only suggested it cause its the one thing i think she lacks in a way) I did a couple of videos on her so ill use her often

short combo vid.



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