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[PC] Megaman X Street Fighter

Black chaos

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As the Street Fighter anniversary ends and Mega Man's begins, we are proud to reveal Street Fighter X Mega Man, a free PC download coming on December 17th. This 8-bit-style crossover title stars the Blue Bomber and a slew of retro-ized SF mainstays acting as stand-in Robot Masters; beat them, acquire their powers and tackle the next amazingly re-imagined boss.

Again, yes, this is a free game, delivered via Capcom Unity's Mega Man brand page. Simply come back on 12/17 and get the whole thing on the house. As a real blend of two iconic franchises, it's an amazing way to send SF25 off in style, and kick off MM25 with a bang.

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Best of all, this is a true collaboration between Capcom and its fans. Singapore superfan Seow Zong Hui (maybe you've seen his Dhalsim skills?) approached our own Christian Svensson back at EVO 2012 with the skeleton of SFxMM running on a laptop. Seeing the potential and serendipitous opportunity, Sven shared it with GregaMan and I a week later. We evaluated (aka played to death) it and said uh yeah, this is pretty damn cool. Then it all started coming together.

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Further details will come out via interviews and whatnot, but the big takeaway is that we can ring in the 25th anniversary of one of gaming's most beloved characters with high spirits. I'm kind of beside myself, having been involved with daily build tests and feedback to Zong Hui (who was of course amazing the whole way through). It really is a dream come true for me, as a lifelong Mega-fan. I've literally dreamed of this day :)

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We also have an incredible 8-bit soundtrack from A_Rival, who's expertly blended SF and MM tunes to create a truly unique body of work. Flash Man mixed with Ryu? Snake Man mixed with Dhalsim? Too cool. This mashup style is also present in the boss battles - if you know how Blanka and Rose behave in SFIV, you'll have an idea how to approach them in SFxMM.

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So yeah. We'll stream the game next week and reveal a bit more later on, but as of 12/17 you can head to the brand page and download at your leisure.

As for more MM25 news... stay tuned. I've been running those meetings all year and we have stuff to share that day and through 2013. We know it's been a hard year for Mega Man fans, but I hope this proves our love and intent to the series, and that we have not heard the last of the little guy.


Check me out on Youtube: Blackchaos15

Follow me on Twitter: @Black1chaos

Follow me on Twitch.tv: Blackchaos157

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can't wait.

great post BChay Posted Image

& Fael, +1 to you, cuz that image post was so full of win.

now if only these other gaming companies would follow Capcom's example [read: get a phukkin' clue], & actually collab with their fans when they make games in honor of/out of luv for their IPs, instead of throwin' out C&Ds, threats of lawyerin' up, & just plain hatin' on'em.....

*scowls at Sega & SquareEnix*


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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As one of the few people who actually was not angry at Capcom for Bad Box-Art Megaman, I think it's nice to see that Capcom is backing this project up. I guess they do still have love for Megaman. ...Unless they only care about the Street Fighter aspect of it.

I still don't understand people's mentality when they think that Capcom wants to get rid of Megaman.


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I still don't understand people's mentality when they think that Capcom wants to get rid of Megaman.

well from their point of view its partially due to the lack of him in the vs games as of late, and when he does appear its not the version they asked for,

newer fans don't know their history so they don't see the referense with bad box art(and while i do find it funny myself i would have prefered X)

mmlegends 3 was highly anticipated(or so i heard) and that got cancelled, and the starforce games don't seem that speacial,

but then again there are always people complaining about capcom(and other companies)

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Capcom-Unity put together a video that divulges details on how Street Fighter X Mega Man came into existence and the process of getting the game developed. Featured here are interviews with Svensson, Brelston and Seo Zong Hui that cover various information about the free Street Fighter and Mega Man cross over.

The guys at Capcom showcase a ton of footage of the game including new footage of Vega's boss battle and a bit of the fight against Urien. According to Brelston and Hui, Street Fighter X Mega Man will have a secret boss and we can expect a bit of a surprise at the end of the game.


Check me out on Youtube: Blackchaos15

Follow me on Twitter: @Black1chaos

Follow me on Twitch.tv: Blackchaos157

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The Game has some flaws.

Really weird framerate issues, and some issues within the gameplay.

My biggest peeve about this game is that you cannot go back screens, for instance, In Chun-Li's stage I saw I missed the opportunity to get an E-tank when I went forward a screen. Anybody playing would expect "Oh, I could just go back a screen and do some platforming to get it". But nah, your screen locked, forcing you to go forward and beat the level.

Frame rate is a bother as well. The Classic Mega Man games on the NES move at a consistent rate of 30 fps, while this game seems to like to dip down to 25 or lower at times and I doubt that a 33 MB game could be that graphically intensive for really any computer.

Also I have some sound issues, where occasionally my speakers would just screech at me, and the times where the stage music will only play bits and pieces, but that could be a me thing since I'm sure my sound card drivers needs some updating.

Also between you and me, the portraits for the select screens are pretty ugly.

I forgot to add that there's some weird deadzone issues with the control pad which uses the analog stick instead of the D-pad, which is really apparent on the select screen trying to pick somebody's stage.

Don't get me wrong, It's a great game, it's just that I believe it could be presented way better.


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The Game has some flaws.

Really weird framerate issues, and some issues within the gameplay.

My biggest peeve about this game is that you cannot go back screens, for instance, In Chun-Li's stage I saw I missed the opportunity to get an E-tank when I went forward a screen. Anybody playing would expect "Oh, I could just go back a screen and do some platforming to get it". But nah, your screen locked, forcing you to go forward and beat the level.

Frame rate is a bother as well. The Classic Mega Man games on the NES move at a consistent rate of 30 fps, while this game seems to like to dip down to 25 or lower at times and I doubt that a 33 MB game could be that graphically intensive for really any computer.

Also I have some sound issues, where occasionally my speakers would just screech at me, and the times where the stage music will only play bits and pieces, but that could be a me thing since I'm sure my sound card drivers needs some updating.

Also between you and me, the portraits for the select screens are pretty ugly.

I forgot to add that there's some weird deadzone issues with the control pad which uses the analog stick instead of the D-pad, which is really apparent on the select screen trying to pick somebody's stage.

Don't get me wrong, It's a great game, it's just that I believe it could be presented way better.

Im guessing thats why my PS2 controller dosent connect to the game even though my SNES controller does. As far as the back screen thingy I dont see it as much as a problem tho but thats just me. The 30fps kindof happened 2 me, the computer went 95 mode to play it but it plays faster than 30fps. There was a few glitches that costed me some lives tho on chunli, when she does her spinning bird kick you can slide under it and receive no damage but when i was in the corner i tried to slide under it and i slid towards the wall instead of away from it which costed me. so yeah outside of those its still a good and playable game. ""fuck those lazes on c.vipers stage"

btw, does anyway does anybody wanna help with finding weapon weaknesses since you get to fight akuma if you beat all the bosses with their weapon weakness?



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