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Which is Best Anti-Virus


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Norton : No thanks. McAfee: Apparently, it's Pioneer got high on salts and shot a guy, although he claims to be innocent. Avast: Is good Kaspersky: Hmm... Okay, but it is resource hungry (I have it's rescue disk though :D) Jiangmin: Maybe... -sniff-...maybe... Microsoft Security: I like this AV because it's free and (for me) easy to use.

I am the MeeM

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I use avast, Its the best one out of some anti-virus progams I have tried.

Avast is Good Anti-Virus

I agree with you guys on this one. Of course I have also tried various AVs but Avast seemed to work the best. For me at least. But it might be a little bit too oversensitive at the most unnecessary time. If you know what I mean.

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My school uses Eset NOD32. As far as I know, the only AV I know that has detected SmileyCentral or any sample of Adware:Win32:/MyWebSearch (Malwarebytes' signature of Smileycentral or anything by MyWebSearch) is COMODO (Tested via Windows XP Mode VM.). Not saying that Every other AV is bull, because I use Microsoft's Antivirus (Not Forefront.)

I am the MeeM

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To clarify something about antivirus software.

A best antivirus does not only keep your pc clean from online or offline threats, but it keeps your system at stable condition, as well. This means that it should feel as a lightweight program.

I do not know which commercial anitivirus scores on the last part. Kaspesky or BitDefender never felt lightweight to me(Though, I consider Kaspersky as a top AV & Anti-Malware software).

The only true light anitivirus is Microsoft Security Essentials from my experience.

It is not as good as a commercial antivirus, but its decent at least. You may add a secondary software for anti-malware purposes such as MalwareBytes or HitMan Pro.

You protection is enhanced with a combo (Main Antivirus + Secondary Anti-Malware Software).

Both of them are cheap and lightweight. They will cooperate fine with other free or shareware antivirus (MSE, Avast, Avira, etc) as long as you tweak the settings in Exclude section of your main AV.

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