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Neon Screenpack: Comic Edition released


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Neon Screenpack (1.0 only) by necro_rk

Edited by volzzilla into Neon Screenpack: Comic Edition

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(Some info from readme)

What is changed from the original Neon screenpack?


- Editing the main menu images

- Changing the custom font images to give it a comic mugen look (harder than it seemed)

- New images on the select screen to give the screenpack more of a comic look (which

included a ton of web research to look for images that could be edited correctly for usage)

- Blade theme soundtrack for the main menu music (Always thought that sounded great if

attached to Mugen)

- New comic sounding music for the select screen

- Use of necro_rk's lifebar fix-it patch

- Moving the starting cursor positions for p1 and p2 to a more centered location

- Inserting randomselect in all spots where you can put a character in the select.def

- Notating in the select.def the cells that should be left blank for randomselect

- Changing the winscreen sprite configuration to 9000,1 sprites as didnt like how 9000,2 looked

- Adjusted the positioning of the selected names on the select screen

- Attaching to Mugen 1.0 (one of the DL files, the other contains only necessary files)

- Re-organizing certain things for easier usage

- Adding a Readme for various info



There are two downloadable files, 1 with Mugen 1.0 attached, one with just the files needed

to alter your Mugen. This 'Readme' will be attached to both.

How to, With Mugen 1.0


After downloading, all you have to do is move or copy your characters, stages, and sounds

(for the stages) to the appropriate folders (chars, stages, sound) Then configure the

select.def file located in the neon folder like you normally do. Thats it.

Includes kfm and his 2 stages by Elecbyte

How to, Without Mugen 1.0


Few more steps here:

- When downloading, you'll have a neon folder and a new Mugen.cfg file (optional to use)

- Move the neon folder to the data folder of your Mugen

- Replace your current Mugen.cfg file with the one from the screenpack download

- Ready to go if you followed that step, if you don't want to use the new Mugen.cfg file, then......

- If you do not replace the Mugen.cfg file, then you'll have to do the following:

*Open your current Mugen.cfg file

*Look for where it says, 'motif = data/mugen1/system.def' (or whatever you have your motif set to)

*Put a semicolon ( ; ) in front of that line

*Beneath that line, add the following line: motif = data/neon/system.def

*You may have to scroll down further and check the GameHeight/GameWidth

*Neon screenpack works best at 640x480 in my opinion

*Change your Gameheight/GameWidth to 640 and 480 if you would like

*Your done, now go play!!!

Patch for more characters


Both files will include a patch in case you want to change how many characters the screenpack

will hold from 224 (default size) to 896. A readme for how to do that connected to the files and folders

that are needed. The patch is zipped up and contained within the neon folder.

Downloadable files


Both with Mugen 1.0 and version w/No Mugen attached, just appropriate files: Download Here

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@zombie-thanx for the welcoming. good to see you too. however for reasons that probably obvious, i'll probably be kind of low key. but glad i've been able to call you a friend and that you didnt buy into all the rumors @ryon-thank you. the team pix were difficult to do because first had to find the right kind of images, not to mention went for particular content, like batman/robin for dual on dc and cyclops/jean on the marvel side. the hard part was editing the custom font silhouettes as i had no basis to figure out how necro_rk originally did it before, had to figure out on my own, then actually get it done. @lightflare-thank you btw, meant to put in the readme that the reason i did it with 2 files, 1 w/mugen, 1 w/o was because i noticed that there are a large percentage of people that prefer comic mugen content who have not upgraded from winmugen. thought maybe that could help them. i also skimped a little on the history in the readme. i thought i was getting long winded. originally all i ever did long ago was have a different title menu image. if anyone think it looks a little generic its because i guess i felt nostalgic to keeping that (though did clean and detail it a little more)

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