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Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix


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http://www.famitsu.com/news/201209/20021391.html HD Collection, will include 3 games. Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, now with also japanese voices Re: Chain of Memories 358/2 Days, this time in form of a movie (not a game) "<System> Included as a full HD remake theater story part I was released the Nintendo DS in 2009 "KH 358/2 Days". Enjoy the story as a video work."


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I have a magic swap disc( lets you play imports / pirated games) plus I have kingdom hearts 2 final mix + ( best kh game by far imo besides the fact that they made axels battle hard... I mean come on he is gay) I don't see a reason to get this.... COM was my favorite in terms of it had my favorite organization members. Marluxia, Zexion, Lexaeus, and Vexen. Ulti is rite though, it was a pain in the ass ._. Btw, is DDD worth getting?

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<----Purposely skipped CoM

I loved KH1(only exception to that was Hundred Acre Wood, Atlantica and the damn Destiny Islands) plus since its final mix you get to fight Xemnas :D

I have a magic swap disc( lets you play imports / pirated games) plus I have kingdom hearts 2 final mix + ( best kh game by far imo besides the fact that they made axels battle hard... I mean come on he is gay)

Btw, is DDD worth getting?

BBS is the best kh game IMO. Axel wasnt hard at all xD well when you fight his Data,that's different. Now Terra.........>.<

DDD is worth getting if you're a die hard fan,its a good game dont get me wrong,but like I told a friend, BBS had WAY more replayability. Even KH2 in its prime was replayable (i actually logged the max hours >_>) I truly did love 3D though,it was fun. It's just after one or 2 playthroughs you dont really wanna go back to it lol(unless you wanna fight the final boss again which i'll honestly say i've done about 20 times)

no kh 2 final mix!? guess thats why its called 1.5

Osky, it's more than likely they'll make a 2.5 HD Remix(KH2FM,BBSFM,and 3D cutscenes)

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Yeah, the data Axel with the burning floor is a bitch -_-. Now Terra was believe it or not surprisingly easy for me. Never played BBS. I thought it looked cheesey and from what I saw this game is extremely linear. All you ever do is walk in a straight line, fight a couple enemies, watch some cutscenes, then fight a boss I might get DDD but axel getting a keyblade............................................yeah

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Never played BBS. I thought it looked cheesey and from what I saw this game is extremely linear. All you ever do is walk in a straight line, fight a couple enemies, watch some cutscenes, then fight a boss

I might get DDD but axel getting a keyblade............................................yeah

What you said can be applied to all of the KH games.

Also the whole "Axel getting a keyblade" thing is a weird concept, but I guess it makes some sense since Lea picked up that wooden keyblade when Ventus lost his ability to use one. Him really using it in combat however will seem redundant since his Chakrams can be used at both at short and long distances.

Yeah Chain of memories were frustrating as hell. Even playable Riku didn't save this wretched game. And level design? Sheesh. Just horrible.

P.S. the final battle with Marluxia was epic tho.

I extremely dislike people who put down CoM. They tried something new and they executed it very well. It had a very basic system since the game was originally for the GBA, overdoing the level design will ruin the gameplay.


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I have the original game for the GBA.

Yes, I appreciate innovative combat systems, like Shadow Heart's Judgment Ring

Yes, it's a small miracle both in visual and sound department

Still, the battle system is a pain in the ass. It would be better if they did a Zelda clone with strikers or something like that.

IF KH 1.5 had CoM in movie form and a 358/2 Days remake with PS2/3DSish graphics, then I'd be interested in the package


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well since we're throwing spoiler alerts out the window.....It seems axel can still use his Chakrams so mix that with keyblade-ness and you get an interesting fighting style(assuming hes playable and/or will have a creative moveset) Idk Terra just hated me. I'd get his HP halfway then he goes berserk and im screwed lol Axel was easier. 3D is way more linear than BBS,just saying. Seriously if you ever get a chance, play BBS,its great. Considering the direction KH3 seems to be heading, Axel + Keyblade isnt a bad idea heh

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About Com - yeah level design-wise it looked kinda ok for GBA, but horrible for PS2 version. And I was playing PS2 version after KH 1 and 2, so what a downgrade it was. In that case, CoM should have stayed a GBA exclusive. And yeah the major pain was the fighting system, with those cards. It was just frustrating.


They tried something new and it sucked.


About BBS - it was pretty legit. I still think KH2 is the best, but BBS was the game, where they did something new and it really worked. The battle system with those style changing was kickass, and the ability to play as cool char like Terra without those retarded goofy and donald hanging around. But because of the fact you should beat the game as 3 characters, and their story modes are the same for the most part, it got repetitive when I was playing the 3rd time. But still - epic story, epic final battle, and sad ending, not a happy ending like the other games. So - 8.5 for BBS for sure.

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I started playing BBS 3 weeks ago, and I'm only playing it during my travels. And because I hate dealing with magic-focused characters I started with Aqua

I'm so screwed

WHat made you get to the conclusion to use Aqua if you hate magic focused characters lol?

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