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MonkeyD.Christ by Googoo64 released 9/2/12

Phantom Blood

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To anyone that wants to know what this is based on, there was a painting of Jesus in a church in Spain. Over time the painting had been deteriorating (it was a century old work) and an amateur artist decided to try restoring it. The character here is based on the result of the "restoration".

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im with Dark, regardless of the what it is, its different it isnt a kula clone or a shoto clone or the 800th version of terry ect,ect ......... i mean anyone who can take a toy of Gamera & make a mugen character out of it , is ok in my book lol

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there are many awesome kula clones honestly same with lens. I don't mind the same chars being made if they have new features to them.

also a good point , i guess i just know of a few lines that arnt complete or havnt even been made in mugen that i would like to see is all

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there are many awesome kula clones honestly same with lens. I don't mind the same chars being made if they have new features to them.

well there are some people who like it and others dont honestly after seeing about 100 of the same type of character it does get old when they could use there talent to make something that no one else has i know there are tons of characters from fighting,rpg,and so on that has never been made and by making the same damn thing with some improvement aint going to be a new character really it just means they made more move for a character that you have seen so many times i was so excited to see a new character on mfg until i seen it was Yet another king of fighter or fatal fury character its like no one knows how to make something new so when i see things like this iam excited might be lame to you or to others but iam not the only one who would like to see something diffrent
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I like different things when they are done right. as well honestly. but I don't mind new conversions when they bring something new to the table example. You have a Demitri ok it plays custom its not bad its fun so is there a problem with a person making a source accurate version of Demitri? no theres not. another example you have ryu made so many times yes but what about his other conversions theres multiple SF games and theres a ryu and more for each gameplay style. Same with kof there are Multiple KOFs, and each one plays a bit differently than the last. so the same char isnt always bad. I would rather another nice clone than this thing honestly....

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I like different things when they are done right. as well honestly. but I don't mind new conversions when they bring something new to the table example.

You have a Demitri ok it plays custom its not bad its fun so is there a problem with a person making a source accurate version of Demitri? no theres not.

another example you have ryu made so many times yes but what about his other conversions theres multiple SF games and theres a ryu and more for each gameplay style. Same with kof there are Multiple KOFs, and each one plays a bit differently than the last. so the same char isnt always bad. I would rather another nice clone than this thing honestly....

well i agree with you i wouldnt want to play with a shitty character who has no hope in defending its self from say ryu or someone from guilty gear i do like a challenge which is why in my roster i dont have anything that is shit unless it happen to be someone from my fav game which any more there are now decent versions of the character now so that hardly rarely happens now but yeah i get what your saying tho so i guess this topic could go either way
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the only thing i like about googoo64 compare to most people is at least he is diffrent dont know much about the character its probly as bad as the rest of his but at least its better then the endless clones of other fighting games

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