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Say one of the most stupid things you have ever done.


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Guest Arknard Sieghart

I presume the topic is "one of the most stupidest things that you have ever made". Well, personally, I'll say... I don't really know. I don't think I ever made anything "Stupid". ._."

I don't know if your telling a lie or not
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when i was 6 years old i almost beaten super mario world and i was that close too. when my sister told

me to go to bed, we had an fight about it and i threw my super nintendo across the room and it got broke.

yeah i had a bad temper problem when i was young.

:watchout: Man, that's some temper!


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i was 11 years old when this happened. i went to my friends house and played micheal jackson's moonwalker on genesis. i was actually hooked on the game lol!! so my crazy ass goes outside and starts walking across the cars like on the second level!! don't worry , i wasn't trying to pop the trunks looking for kids lol!! my mom saw this and proceeded to fuck my ass up in front of everyone !! lol


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When I was about 7yrs old I was bowling with my best friend on his b-day. I however didn't realise how heavy a bowling ball was at the time, I dropped the bowling ball (no suprise) little did I know that I had actually dropped the bowling ball on my friend's grandfather's foot; I wasn't informed of this detail until a couple of days afterwards, it seems I was oblivious as to what had transpired.



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I got a couple of stupid things I've done stories. I know I do, but i can't seem to remember a whole lot so here's some.

1 time me and my friend Pat were at this mall for a Band Trip. During these Band Trips we would play Mario Kart on the Way and Back from the Town we had to go to for Competition.

Well when we get to the Mall we see the Stacker Game.

I play one round and found out, I'm REALLY good at it. So Good everyone crowded around me to watch me play.

The Whole Time I wanted to get my friend a DS so he could play Mario Kart with Us on the trip. $1 DS right? neat.

Well we spent just about all of our money playing the game and all I did was just get to the very top and lose every....single......time.....

Found out Next Week that I had to save that money for another trip that weekend.


Another one is more recent.

I was at Dallas this Weekend with my Friend Rokz and my Cousin for AnimeFest. I woke up Early One Day and I take a shower and junk and got ready for the day.

I decide I'll play Symphony of the Night on my Vita.

Well I'm playing the Game and just got the Mist Form and Bat Form. I was so Happy! Thought I could past this one part in the Game and went through it and died twice.

The Third Time I was looking at my iPod figuring out what I actually needed to get through and without me knowing I accidentally pressed Delete File and Deleted my 1 and only Save Data.

Posted Image

just stood there going what have I done?? Friends woke up at that moment. :truestory:

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The same happened to me with PK XD. I have the game completed with good teams and I wanted to know how you evolve eevee in umbreon and i set a new game just to see...... I forgot that the game saves when you put in new game...........

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Back in the day, I used to get wasted. One day when in college, I was so drunk that I repeatedly tried to open the back door of my friends car. Only problem was that it was a 2 door Honda Accord... :areyoukidding:


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When me and my brother were little we went in our backyard with an ax and chopped down a little tree no harm we thought we were acting as if we were like a mini George Washington xD turns out that my dad was about to sell that tree for $600 oh buddy did we get an ear full still one of the many stupid things I have ever done

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When me and my brother were little we went in our backyard with an ax and chopped down a little tree no harm we thought we were acting as if we were like a mini George Washington xD turns out that my dad was about to sell that tree for $600 oh buddy did we get an ear full still one of the many stupid things I have ever done

ouch i'm sure you got a real big punishment huh?
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