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Say one of the most stupid things you have ever done.


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when i was younger spent the day begging my mom to buy me street fighter alpha for the sega saturn, towards the afternoon she made a deal & i had to clean some stuff up around the house* including a new " mess" our dog at the time had made* & she would, so i did .... a week later it wouldnt load no matter what i did, so i slammed it on the floor and it broke into 4 pieces


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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I think this one is gonna defeat all your stupid things you made in your life. When i was little my father bought me a new Dreamcast, after playing with it several times i noticed that it gets really hot so i turn it off everytime i see it overheating but i cant wait to keep playing "Reident evil code veronica" so i came up with a conclusion...i said to make get cold fater i need to put it in the refrigerator for 15 mins... After doing that 4 or 5 times, it wont turn on nomore, i got really scared and when my father knew about it he told me "you will be sitting in the orphanage if you wasnt my son not because you broke that machine but because of your stupidity" but he was mad only at that time, he got me a new ps2 atfer that. None of my friends heard about it, i feel really shy everytime i remember this (bad english i know).



Scene # 2: "Little happy things": WE WILL HAVE OUR REVENGE...

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My fridge is set at a not so low temperature, and before just shoving the damn thing inside (the first time I was very pissed off. I had to wait until it battery runs out to be able to use it again), I put it inside of a plastic bag and left it for one minute, 2 tops. And after that, whenever it used to freeze I put it on the fridge. But it's because the classic model got a hard drive like the computers, and cold temperatures really do help. The newer models...Not really. And certainly, not a dreamcast


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Guest Arknard Sieghart

I didnt done no stupid things but I took my mother's credit card to school and showed it to my teacher now whenever I put a smile on my face she suspected I'm up to no good :watchout::truestory:

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got yelled at in web design class for joking around with my friend so the teacher told me to move to another computer. instead i got up slammed the chair into the table and went to sit at my desk. he came over to me and said you can either go to your computer and work or get sent to the office. i said fuck off and then got taken out of class by security...


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When i was like 7, i LOVED Marvel! so for Xmas, my grandma got me a Wolverine figure...so upon opening it that very instant............i attempted the signature "clinging claws".............and broke both his arms.....all in 10 sec. upon opening it.....


The Power Of Excellence <3  ReigiOzora18's YouTube Channel

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When i was like 7, i LOVED Marvel! so for Xmas, my grandma got me a Wolverine figure...so upon opening it that very instant............i attempted the signature "clinging claws".............and broke both his arms.....all in 10 sec. upon opening it.....

:areyoukidding: Tragic...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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I presume the topic is "one of the most stupidest things that you have ever made". Well, personally, I'll say... I don't really know. I don't think I ever made anything "Stupid". ._."

Milla Maxwell - Spirit Guardian of Reize Maxia
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it was meant to have said "done", not "made", unless of course it was meant to be "stupid mistake you made". either way, you get tha gist of it Vectz, don't be an assklown.

<_< annnnywayz.....

a'ight, so 1 day back in '89 [i was 12, around tha corner to 13], durin' my year in Clarksdale, MS, i was home sick from school [6th grade] & felt a little better, & restless as hell, around noon-ish. so i got up, threw some clothes on, hop'd on my bike [bMX DiamondBack, trick'd out too], & rode up to tha Wal-Mart that was 4-5 miles away, near the school i was attendin' [dumb already, i know], so i could play some Shinobi. the ride was a little tougher than normal, due to me still bein' kinda weak, but i made it okay.

got to Wal-Mart, put my bike in tha bike rack, went right in front to tha machine, & realized i didn't have change. so i ask'd for some at tha front register, & the lady there said they couldn't do it, but i might be able to get some change from tha register attendee in electronics. so i head towards tha back to electronics, & i was stop'd dead in my tracks; Micheal Jackson's "Moonwalker" had just drop'd for home sale, & was gettin' play'd as tha demo for tha tv's, & it had JUST STARTED!! i went & got close to 1 of tha bigger tv's there, & for about 90 minutes was just simply amazed by what i saw [it's a damn'd fun, albeit often cheesy & cliche, movie to watch], so much i damn'd near watch'd it twice!

after seein' tha "Smooth Criminal" part a 2nd go 'round [while wonderin' "how tha heck are they leanin' like that?!"], i went & got 2 bucks in quarters, & headed back towards Shinobi. after playin' on that for about 60+ minutes, i look'd at tha time & knew i had to leave; school was about to be out, & didn't wanna chance bein' seen by any1 i knew, kid nor adult, & i wanted to be home in case my Moms was callin' to check on me from work. i went outside to hop on my bike & pull off, but there was 1 problem:

my bike was gone.


my phukkin' DiamondBack got stolen & i was now in a world of shit, tho that didn't occur to me for tha 1st 10 minutes; i was too busy raging, wonderin' how tha hell this happen'd & no1 notice it [yeah yeah, i know tha logic, but when shit like this happens, logic tends to get thrown out tha window in 1's brain.]. then, tha aftermath images & consequences enter'd my brain, all stemin' from 1 main terrifying thought:

my Mom. is going. to K-I-L-L ME.

i tried to play a game of Shinobi, to calm myself down a bit, but my mind was so distraught i couldn't even tha Docks on Mission 2. feelin' stupid & hopeless over my carelessness, i started my trek back towards tha crib, dark cloud loomin' over my head tha whole way. :truestory:


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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