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Club Illusions by Vegaz and MarkPachi

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Nevamind... Yo check these out :bow: (particularly you Alpyne)..."grinded" these out today...

Southtown Swag




I can't seem to get the media to play. Fixed. Can someone help me with that? Till then, here's the download...



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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I think everyone's off topic in this thead. lol

As usual. But it's not too far off. Some of the sprites I used Alpyne ripped from Streets of Rage, so that's on topic. Also the tracks where made for this stage, so they fit as well...

Btw, what do you think of the 2 tracks I kut?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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SouthTown Swag was phukkin' awesome. i especially luv tha "BOOOOOOOOM!" beat drops in tha middle of tha joint.

Encriptonite was pretty kool as well. it seems like you zoned out for a bit towards tha end, but then you pull'd out too quick [that's what SHE said! xD]; you should've stay'd in there a bit longer, it was a kool bit of tweakage IMO.

anywatz, excellent work on both my dude, good shit. now pardon me, i'm finna go start dancin' my ass off again Posted ImagePosted Image


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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Thanks guys! Your right about Encriptonite,Wrekkz. I should have kept it going. But I'm stoked that you liked them... btw...that SOR boss trak was EPIC! I was gonna mix it but when I played it and realized that you already did, man...I was blown away. Awesome Trak, homie!


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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