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Infinites Edit 1.0 Zangeif

Lord Batros

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Y'all KNOW how I feel about grapplers...so imagine my face when I downloaded THIS guy! He did not disappoint...



My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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It takes practice, my friend. First perfect your grab command(180°, 360° wherever it is.) Once you can deform it without thinking about it, then your ready. In your match, try jumping in with a fierce strike. Not with the intent to connect, but to force your opponent to guard. Then, just grab them. If you connect, just combo them or trip them up. Then fake them out by either striking low or high. Just be careful not to attack until the are all the way up. Otherwise you might get popped with a reversal(Dragon Punch, etc.) If they block, then you know what to do...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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i still dislike infinites stuff they are horrible to me. they do to much damage and seem to be broken as hell.

You gotta be jokin right...? Too much damage??? They've got dampeners for weeks! Don't see how you can say that. The older characters DID have lots of problems, but Infinite's stepped his coding up by leaps and bounds to the point that these are basically done from scratch now. And I noticed you said (seem to be broken) meaning you don't really know if they are or not... So why don't you just try one? Try Ryu! That should be a good start...
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Yep, I enjoyed this so much that I think I need a cigarette...and I quit smoking 4 YEARS ago! And even then it was mostly Black n Milds....lol!

damn, i could use a Black after seein' this beast in action. dammit, Infinite's gotta stop releasin' all this good shit, i can only take so much!

i still dislike infinites stuff they are horrible to me. they do to much damage

You gotta be jokin right...? Too much damage??? They've got dampeners for weeks! Don't see how you can say that.

this is true Lar, tha dampeners are there. even if you happen to find some pretty wicked lookin' combos to do [49-52 Hit Cyclonin' awesomeness with Jin FTW!!!], that's all they are: wicked lookin', not wicked damage inducin'. this is done to make a battle fun, instead of it bein' over in like ten seconds due to OP-age. i suggest you try his Strider out 1st tho, it's more your style.


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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i would ask why would you compare any Strider to Syn's "too much damn'd power" [graphics-wise] monster, but then again i get it. i tend to do that myself with certain characters, like my luv for A. Terry for instance. well, as least you gave it a shot, hopefully with an open mind instead of a pre-drawn bias [we all tend to do this with alot of things, whether we realize it or not] in your head. at least you know now that alot of work goes into these "edits".


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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