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Kirby (Kirby: Mass Attack)

Super Nicholas

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Damn!  This Kirby is about as good as DoomGuy's Kirby now.  o_O;


I may consider switching over to this one.  You think you could make your Kirby more aggro up close?  I mean his Specials are awesome and projectiles are perfect too.  He just needs to be more aggro with his close up fighting now!  Once you get that down I think I'll make the leap to your Kirby.  


The reason I ask if you could make your Kirby more aggro in close situations is because I want to retain the awesome chemistry he has with Kratos on my Mugen Series.  Kratos usually uses the Blades of Chaos to lock in opponents so Kirby can get in close and rip their crap apart.  XD


I love the fact that this Kirby can do Long Range too (DG's couldn't cause his Kirby only has the final cutter.)  cause against certain teams on my

roster spacing will be essential to beat them.  xD



Currently LPing: Higurashi - When They Cry (Steam)  /  Legend of Zelda - Temples of Turmoil Revamped (ZC)
Next LPs: A Boy & His Blob (NES)  /  Legend of Zelda - First Quest Layered (ZC)

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Its AI really spams those helpers!


I warned you.


I want to try to get his AI to not rely on helpers so much and utilize his other moves more, but I'm only a beginner at AI, so I don't know advanced stuff yet.


And thanks for the comment, TK. My Kirby may very well become the best Kirby available for MUGEN out there when I get the remaining bugs fixed and improve his AI.


I've had my Kirby battle Bane84's, Cyanide's, Seku's, and MadOldCrow1105's Kirbys, and mine beat them all very easily with barely any damage.

Mah Boi! This MUGEN is what all true warriors strive for!


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It's all good man.  If you have come this far, I'm sure you'll figure it out at some point.  But VERY beastly Kirby man.  Once you get the balance down with the summons and the melee fighting....it's gonna be as epic as...YARN!  xD



Currently LPing: Higurashi - When They Cry (Steam)  /  Legend of Zelda - Temples of Turmoil Revamped (ZC)
Next LPs: A Boy & His Blob (NES)  /  Legend of Zelda - First Quest Layered (ZC)

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I made Kirby's AI MUCH more aggressive. I'm still making tweaks to it, so the next version might be released sometime this weekend.


His AI is so aggressive, that he defeated Scizor, who's AI is extremely cheap AND totally creamed Kong's characters! TK, you got your wish. Kirby's much more aggressive up close and utilizes Wheel Kirby and Kirby Top very well, though he still tends to spam helpers and projectiles at a distance.

Mah Boi! This MUGEN is what all true warriors strive for!


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Hey that is fine!  I want Kirby to spam helpers and projectiles at a distance.  XDD

It's gonna be MANDATORY and helpful against those teams that Kirby really can't get close to.  K&K will now be able to space and fight from a distance in addition to up close.  w00t!!


Oh and one thing if you can Nick, could you have a WHITE colored Kirby palette be selectable if it's not any trouble?  I want to match his color with Kratos.  XD



Currently LPing: Higurashi - When They Cry (Steam)  /  Legend of Zelda - Temples of Turmoil Revamped (ZC)
Next LPs: A Boy & His Blob (NES)  /  Legend of Zelda - First Quest Layered (ZC)

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Perhaps you could bundle multiple AIs in there (as separate .cmd files) so that they player can choose which one they want from his .def file: easy, normal, hard, extreme and chaotic.I'm not a fan of characters with near-impossible-to-beat AI, because it just breaks the balance of my roster.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Your Blaziken must be BEAST to do that.  :P


The one I used in the past wasn't that great.....I may be intrigued to pick up yours though.  :3



Currently LPing: Higurashi - When They Cry (Steam)  /  Legend of Zelda - Temples of Turmoil Revamped (ZC)
Next LPs: A Boy & His Blob (NES)  /  Legend of Zelda - First Quest Layered (ZC)

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Your Blaziken must be BEAST to do that.  :P


The one I used in the past wasn't that great.....I may be intrigued to pick up yours though.  :3

Eheheh...that is Ðshiznetz's :P

The only thing I've changed is the constant adding of explods in its win pose - just adding persistent = 0 fixes this.


That's also me playing, not the AI.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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I would have suspected that you would have tried to beat Kirby with Rotom, but good job on defeating him. He's not easy to defeat. His next release is gonna be even harder to beat, because he's gonna be more aggressive.

Mah Boi! This MUGEN is what all true warriors strive for!


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Actually I see another Kirby with just as much potential....Spider is doing a Kirby over on CrusaderCast that's similar to DG's that can actually use the copy ability!  So he can be Wolverine Kirby, Kratos Kirby, Link Kirby, among others.  O_O;



Currently LPing: Higurashi - When They Cry (Steam)  /  Legend of Zelda - Temples of Turmoil Revamped (ZC)
Next LPs: A Boy & His Blob (NES)  /  Legend of Zelda - First Quest Layered (ZC)

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