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Lord Batros

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You can't say that, opinions are opinions, they're complete subjective and vary from person to person. You can't 'judge' an opinion, that stupid.

Heh...don't sweat it Toast. He doesn't mean any harm. The "Overlord" is just busting balls, as usual. Lol!


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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LOL oh god religion. maybe if i used my mod powers to judge opinions sure you could call me a nazi rofl. I can say what i want if i believe an opinion is dumb I can say it. but really don't bring that here. its how I am I can't change it. ty vegaz I thought it would fit pretty well XD.


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opinion are like a asshole everyone has one and just because someone does not share the same views as you do does not mean nothing everyone is different and if everyone was the same in this world it would be dull and bring so get over your self and move the fuck on its getting old

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religion is not something thats a good subject on the internet truly cause nobody believes the same thing. so i reccomend we don't let this escalate further vegaz ok? I know you are christian and all but really please don't do that. @sho dude calm down ok, hes new here he doesn't know me very well he will learn to get to know me and all so please just chill ok.


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Sorry, I didn't know, I just randomly mentioned Christians. I hardly have any respect for anything, including myself. Sorry for bumping this yet again, I just wanted to apologize. BTW, I'm from Brazil, so feel free to make any racist jokes in Random Chatter if that will make you feel better :D


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Sorry, I didn't know, I just randomly mentioned Christians. I hardly have any respect for anything, including myself. Sorry for bumping this yet again, I just wanted to apologize.

BTW, I'm from Brazil, so feel free to make any racist jokes in Random Chatter if that will make you feel better :D

there no need to make racist remarks dude after all its hard to be a racist when iam mixed my self and besides that there really is no need
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jesus, i leave for like 2 minutes from this topic & its added a [age & all of this .............. WoW ........ & also Fyi coming from a former nazi skin head who is now married to a half cuban,half american indian / half White chick & has kids with said woman...... the whole racist thing is a joke racist people are only racist against males of the race, cause im not gonna lie even my young teenage racist self , would have torn my wife up had i met her & had the chance :=D: .................... But much like i used to be Straight Edge, i used to be racist i grew the fuck up & then i realized that EVERYONE is an an asshole so i started just hateing people in general......honestly i hate a white rednecks more than anything on this planet, because alot of people think thats how all white people act & we simply dont, i dont listen to country music,i dont screw anyone in my own blood line, my idea of a good time ISNT sitting in a tree from 3 am til when ever the hell i decide to get down and drive away in my mudded up pick up truck ..... im not a redneck & im not a fucking hick .and oh say your from Georgia & u must like eating mayonnaise sandwiches & screwing your sister ...........ummmm No i like Punk Rock & Metal music /my kids / my hot ass Punk wife......football & chicken, the only reason my hair isnt some strange ass color & i dont have a few piercings & Tats is because i have a family to take care of & if people see me like that, i wont get any jobs for my business , so i put on church clothes & go door to door seeing if people need their Houses/business cleaned, knowing that im dieing to get back in my car to listen to this


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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jesus, i leave for like 2 minutes from this topic & its added a [age & all of this .............. WoW ........ & also Fyi coming from a former nazi skin head who is now married to a half cuban,half american indian / half White chick & has kids with said woman...... the whole racist thing is a joke racist people are only racist against males of the race, cause im not gonna lie even my young teenage racist self , would have torn my wife up had i met her & had the chance :=D: .................... But much like i used to be Straight Edge, i used to be racist......then i realized that EVERYONE is an an asshole so i started just hateing people in general......honestly i hate a white redneck more than anything on this planet

lol have you stop and think to your self here you are white however your not purely white just as much as i aint either everyone is mix with something dont matter the percentage on what you are mixed with and really you might be a different color on the outside but not on the inside everyone is the same only different in some people is being a jerk or a asshole but any more now days everyone is like that to some degree
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lol have you stop and think to your self here you are white however your not purely white just as much as i aint either everyone is mix with something dont matter the percentage on what you are mixed with and really you might be a different color on the outside but not on the inside everyone is the same only different in some people is being a jerk or a asshole but any more now days everyone is like that to some degree

yeah but especially in Georgia u can get away with being part native american & white ........but thats about were they draw the line .......as far as being ok with u being mixed with something , because its the kind of they were here 1st mentality & your ancestor probably came from some indian woman being raped by your great X whatever white grandfather so even skinheads look the other way, trust me Bro ive been to more militia type Nazi encampments across the country for gatherings n crap in my early teen years when i would go visit a relative in another state to count on both hands & never once did i get the, hey your not all white, because lets be honest america is full of muts & im one of them lol


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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yeah but especially in Georgia u can get away with being part native american & white ........but thats about were they draw the line .......as far as being ok with u being mixed with something , because its the kind of they were here 1st mentality & your ancestor probably came from some indian woman being raped by your great X whatever white grandfather so even skinheads look the other way, trust me Bro ive been to more militia type Nazi encampments across the country for gatherings n crap in my early teen years when i would go visit a relative in another state to count on both hands & never once did i get the, hey your not all white, because lets be honest america is full of muts & im one of them lol

aint you Russianand other things my point is this you cant be rasicts if you your self is mix iam irish,native,germen,dutch and italian
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all y'all misguided, emo-driven, self-loathin', dysfunctional mutts, shut yer faces! :=D:

opinions are opinions, you can't 'judge' an opinion, thats stupid.

apparently you've never been to MFG, bud: they pretty much do that on tha regular. :awesome

anyone who likes this crap is insane rofl.

some people like horrible things i have no idea what runs through their minds but hey.

some peoples opinions suck see the problem?

theres a good lesson here, most of the time do not argue with me it will go nowhere lol.

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Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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