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The whole idea behind MFFA is sharing, if you have something 'rare' you should just post it. I'm sure some people would be interested by a 'black market', but putting a price on a bunch of numbers is just stupid.


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"-You know what will be awesome?

-If we had a MUGEN "Black Market"!"

That's just an idea I came up with. What if we have a "Black Market" on this site where people just make topics about their Rare/Private characters and they tell us what they would want to share it. (Obviously, only to the one who fulfilled their request.)

Whadda ya' say?

if that is something you want then you shouldn't be here at mffa there is however another website that does provide that option i cant really rember the name of the site but its really not that hard to look for
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the others are being to kind. what they all really want to say is GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE. I JOKE I JOKE! The idea has come up in the past around here, and PZT was gonna be the one in charge of us. But I dont really like his way of thinking so we canned it.

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Though having private characters or unreleased privates is cool.Respect is cooler and if that author wants privacy then let him have privacy.That is the whole reason why this could be bad image for MFFA.


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yea, that's quite the deal with nuke collectors/thieves in YT.

I'm a nuke collector & manufacturer. You have a problem with that fucker? I'LL BLOW. YOUR. SHIT. Speaking of which, I'd LOVE to warehouse Siegfried's LGMO, the latest version is my wet dream.


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so, off topic for a sec: Laura, that's a fly-ass sig you got there bruh, props to ya.

a'ight, back on points: while i don't think that releasin' shit without an author's go-head is kool at all, i do feel tho that tha way some authors make some kreations private, yet wantin' to show'em off whenever they get a chance to [2 mofos that're members here IMMEDIATELY come to mind], then wanna look sideways/roll their eyes/toot their elitists noses up when tha kreations in question are requested by people, is complete & absolute assholic phukktarded-ness, & sometimes instigates this type of behavior.

look, i understand an author's got a right to do with their work as they wish, but ya don't hafta be such assklownz about it. i mean, what's tha purpose of doin' all that phukkin' work, just to not only NOT share it, but then proceed to constantly rub that shit in e'ry1 else's faces like a stingey kid eatin' a big bag of candy in front of his friends? cut that dumb shit out, i'm just sayin'.....


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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so, off topic for a sec: Laura, that's a fly-ass sig you got there bruh, props to ya.

a'ight, back on points: while i don't think that releasin' shit without an author's go-head is kool at all, i do feel tho that tha way some authors make some kreations private, yet wantin' to show'em off whenever they get a chance to [2 mofos that're members here IMMEDIATELY come to mind], then wanna look sideways/roll their eyes/toot their elitists noses up when tha kreations in question are requested by people, is complete & absolute assholic phukktarded-ness, & sometimes instigates this type of behavior.

look, i understand an author's got a right to do with their work as they wish, but ya don't hafta be such assklownz about it. i mean, what's tha purpose of doin' all that phukkin' work, just to not only NOT share it, but then proceed to constantly rub that shit in e'ry1 else's faces like a stingey kid eatin' a big bag of candy in front of his friends? cut that dumb shit out, i'm just sayin'.....

YT editors are allowed to be 'dicks'. Sometimes they just want to show off that one thing they spent so much time working on, privatizing their unique creations is only natural for that very reason, because they're 'special' in some twisted way. I don't share my nukes as put by Margatroid out of petty pride, I'm VERY protective of them and their 'source code'.

You have to understand not everyone is a real dick like SuperMystery.

Then again, 'respecting the creator's wishes' is bullshit IMO. I know I'd warehouse the shit out of LGMO if I had a copy. I mean, if you want something to stay private, don't share it, ever.


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you know what piss me off the most is when people make characters or stages base on what the game company put out every time they release a new game and people get so majorly butt hurt by trying to clam its there character that they made when in fact if it was not for the game company you wouldn't have had it at to begin with unless you took the time to really draw each and every sprite for that character,true you put in the time and effort into making it playable even if you are less experience in making one however lets not forget where that truely came from also another thing i hate is this why take the time and effort into making something if down the line somewhere that person wants to just stop mugen all together rather then asking for someone to host it they rather just take it with them to be lost forever as some of the really good stages/characters are

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Still, that's no reason to hate on people 'privatizing' their crap, it's like giving a complete stranger bullshit because he won't share his magic toaster with you. However, I do agree we need a REAL warehouse, so many creations got lost during the years...


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Still, that's no reason to hate on people 'privatizing' their crap, it's like giving a complete stranger bullshit because he won't share his magic toaster with you. However, I do agree we need a REAL warehouse, so many creations got lost during the years...

if you took the time to read what i said i didnt say anything about 'privatizing' their crap
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not sure if youve ever heard of him, but I saw a guy called Dark Savior's website once where he would only let you download his characters if you donated a certain amount of money through PayPal. His system of donating is kinda like our ranks for posts (MMFA Rank: Casual=50/Dark Savior Rank:Bronze=$15.00. He was one of those shitheads who take advantage of MUGEN and new players who don't kknow MUGEN is free to mae money off his creations.

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bullshit is bullshit, that's all there is to it. & showin' somethin' you did 1ce or twice is 1 thing, but when it becomes "ooooh, look what i got, look what i made. what? nooooo, you can't have it, it's MINE!!! heh-heh-heh-troll-heh-heh-heh", that's just takin' shit too far. tha Mugen uni isn't really like tha real order of things, so some stuff doesn't apply here. if it's a WIP, & you're eventually gonna release it, then sure, you wanna show tha progress, but if it's complete & you're just ego-ing tha shit off so your nuts can be held/folks can sweat you, it's a dick move that's not needed.

helltoast, you said it yourself:

if you want something to stay private, don't share it, ever.

if some1's that protective over it, then don't even show dem shitz. & if they're gonna keep whorin' the kreation in e'ry other vid or snapshot, they need to be call'd on that shit & told it's pure bitch-ass-ness, whether they realize it or not.


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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some people ( Me & a few others here) think its ok to put Anything to do with mugen private or not on here, others not so much, agreed with that its wrong for people to make private characters and be like NO u cant have it hahaha, shit like that.... thats about it


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
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OP wanted a 'Black Market' session, everyone went apeshit because 'caring is sharing', OP edited his post. Now we're discussing why YT editors are dicks.

Anyway. you're missing my point Wrekka, it's just like I said, not everyone is a dick, some people just want to proudly display their unique creation. They're not doing that to piss people off or cause some jelly, it's out of petty pride.

I believe this goes for Siegfried and his LGMO. True dicks are easy to spot, take SuperMystery for instance; his characters weren't 100% private, but to get them you had to go through a long and painful 'earning his trust' proccess. Now THAT's a dick move.


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