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Ultra Fatality

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Yes you read that correctly. I, Ultra Fatality am releasing something !!!


Freakin Crazy Right


Enjoy my Version of Scott Pilgrim, with this you guys can get a feel of what's to come with the others yes I'm doing not just the evil exes but every character in the series so expect more Sex Bom-Omb and updates to the already released Evil Exes.

Sorry I Couldn't give you all an proper release video and description, maybe later I'll post something but I will at least explain how he plays 


Every SP character of mine will play the same they will have 2 attacks, a Passive and/or Aggressive Trait (Think Injustice), 2 Striker summons and single button for Super commands.


X = Light Attack

Y = Heavy Attack 

Z = EX Attack/Trait Attack  

A = Striker 1

B = Striker 2

C = Super Attack


Here in Scott's case he has an Passive trait (We Are Sex Bom-Omb) where he can call more then 2 helpers hold down and press the striker button to summon someone other then his default helpers and his Aggressive trait (The Power of Understanding) is an Counter attack and landing it buffs and gives different properties to his special moves and upon landing it 3 times it adds and new move for you all to discover I'll reveal it later on when I release his video. 




SPECIAL SHOUT OUTS to.....Ryon, Basara-Kun and To All who still support me you guys are the best, I'll try my best to keep the Most Ultra Fatal Mugen content coming just for you all


-Stay Ultra Fatal

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2 hours ago, Solid Snivy said:

Well this is a surprise! Will Matthew and Lucas be updated too to have these passive/aggressive traits as well? Or will they be remade from the ground up?

Somewhat both Matthew has received an AI Update and all I have to do is add his trait and done.

As for Lucas he already has a special trait, (His Skateboard Stance) but if I get more and better ideas for him they may be added so feel free to suggest things


I'll try my best not to keep you guys waiting to long this time, so sorry for everything but life happens man but this time i'll make more time for Mugen 

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Good to see you made your own version of Scott, but I'm still waiting your other chars, goddamnit!!


Also, post some pics or videos to show your release, so I can post the news in other forums. Ah, and welcome back 😉 

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On 5/3/2022 at 6:19 PM, Basara-kun said:


Good to see you made your own version of Scott, but I'm still waiting your other chars, goddamnit!!


Also, post some pics or videos to show your release, so I can post the news in other forums. Ah, and welcome back 😉 

Trust me I plan to im working on it as we speak

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