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Vargverse - The sequel to the MUGEN fighting game made for the Vinesauce Streamer Joel


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Vargverse is finally here! Once again, I am here to bring fighting game madness to the Vargverse!



This time, I did things differently compared to my first game:
On top of adding some things to the Joel character from the first game, I made a large number of characters from the ground up specifically for this game.


I gave every character, including the ones not originally by me, a new move called the Vinetrigger, activated when the meter is full by pressing HP+HK, you can unleash devastating power that will surely turn the tides or cement your advantage further!


This game was made with the intention of the streamer this game was made for to play it on stream, but it's not unlikely someone other than him enjoys it. I hope.


The download link is right here.



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