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What are your hobbies and/or talents?


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  • 2 months later...

I play Video games, I write short stories in which 3 are currently in a competition in where the winner will get them published, movies, comics, computers, I can play a few songs on guitar like Akuma's theme, wrestling is a passion I've had since I was 1 and I have 2 youtube channels which when I think about now I really need to do some new vids for each. And Im also good at comedy

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Je ne parle pas en français, lol.

Anyway, way too many hobbies and such to mention. But with my work the way it is now, I really don't have much time for stuff other than work, eat, sleep, rinse, lather, repeat... (and usually in no particular order).

Seems like every time I get to doing things though, others tend to make some big production out of it in some way, shape, or form. So for a while now, I keep trying to drift off in the background (out of sight, out of mind), until someone gets too big for their britches. I guess probably my real hobby is cutting people down to size (especially myself). No one's perfect. I may 'ace' stuff a lot, but I screw up on occasion too. Don't we all?

Partial list of hobbies include...

Computer programming (QuickBASIC, and such)

Play guitar (right-handed), drums (left-handed), bass (left-handed), vocalist

travel all over (job related)

mechanic (gotta be with the piece of crap I drive)


MUGEN Forums

weight lifting



Songs on my phone http://www.thenewmat.../phonemusic.doc

Computer games http://www.thenewmat....com/pooter.doc

Working on my own music album http://www.thenewmat....com/order.html (redid page on 7-3-12 a little to kind of explain what this album is about and will probably update more when I get a chance)

My book http://www.thenewmathbook.com

Stuff I did codingwise http://gohanssm.netne.net/3dutil.html

MUGEN stuff http://gohanssm.netne.net/mugen.html

And another hobby of mine, driving others bonkers trying to keep up with me...

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Im a Music Producer trying 2 become a composer, A Rapper(trying 2 bring the ol skool back), A Semi-Pro at fighting games(maining Skullgirls, KoF 13, BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, and Street Fighter(Alpha 3 and 3rd Strike), A Video Game/ Movie/ Anime Critic, A Decent Artist that I plan on getting into the 2D art style of video game animation as well as making my own video game series, Video editor, Amateur Boxer, Gunslinger(kindof) and sword weider. And im a Lion



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I can weild a sword like a proffesional knight.I find them better than guns at times but no sword will beat a gun in a fight.Unless it is a lightsaber and you are a Jedi or the main character in an anime.Then you are garanteed to block bullets.


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hobbies? plenty!!! DnD 3.5, Mutants and Masterminds (think dnd xcept with super heroes),collecting mini's (any kind from Dnd to comic book heroes and anime) Mugen of course, anime( DUBBED ONLY!), music, And many other things i don't necessarily have time for. :( EDIT: I too have gundam models. majority from the more recent Gundam 00, all my older models were destroyed by inconsiderate cousins...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Spending time with my wife and children first. Muay Thai training. (13 years) Writing and composing music. (R&B, Hip-Hop, Neo-soul, Rock, Alternative) Remixing character themes. (Currently working on SF vs KOF-Infinite edition soundtrack) Rapping, singing, Working out and staying fit. Traveling the world. Drawing and painting. Reading and research. Writing Mugen fan-fiction. Playing Mugen. Making stages. Learning to sprite better. And Photoshop... Toxin-Champ aka Skeletor-EX...

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  • 2 years later...

I'm one lazy ditty, so I don't have a whole lot of talents, I'm good with children, I can draw really well, have a good memory of some things, I have the power to speak with authority. I'm good with Mugen software , (not in the creating portion though) ,other software, and computers in general, I can do arts and crafts, play the piano, and playing and having a good memory about a lot of video games, mostly Nintendo. and that's pretty much it. Oh I forgot, I'm okay at poetry and I can read very well. And with expression.

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Playing video games, hoardingcollecting figures, watching shows that I like (I've been into anime lately) are what I consider my hobbies.

As for talents, I am really good at using my voice, and I'm actually taking Voice Acting lessons to learn to use it even better than I do already. I'm hoping to be a VA someday, perhaps maybe I'll get there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there I used to do a lot of things back in my day I played soccer, cricket, chess, karare, rugby, tennis, now I'm a music producer and DJ, and finally still learning the ropes of mugen. Oh and we'll a gamer too mostly COD, NFS and YGOPRO 

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Guess I'll share since I haven't been around in a while.

I collect lots of things.  Games for example.  Still got all my original systems, and they work.  Even a late 70s pong if I wanted to go back that far.  I still play games, and always will.  Or at least till arthritis takes hold.  Done Karate since 1989, and dabbled in other styles also to learn more.  I still like to watch anime.  I collect comics.  Got lots.  Lots and lots.  Got 3 walls of my study covered in em, and that's not even 1/4 of the ones I have.   Got inspired to get into art when I was a kid due to comics. I like to draw, used to paint haven't done that in years.   I just still can't color digitally for jack shit though.

I go to the gun range every so often to practice.  (don't judge me its for my job)

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Drawing, piano, guitar, drums (weird time signatures = ma fav), bass, vocs, midi composing, coding, writing a story, poetry, chef (kitchen management for over a decade), studied nutrition, certified in macrobiotics, cranio-sacral massage, and nutrition counseling, love philosophy (esp ethics), currently designing a system of logic, a business model, just finished a real-estate course (career change ahead), skiing / snowboarding, speak some French, currently learning Japanese and of course working on mugen.



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  • 2 years later...

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