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Naoto Kurogane W.I.P (%20-%25) Effects Help?


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So I'm happy that my buddy Celest helped me out with Naoto, so shout out to Celest. Byt what I need help with now is some of the effects. I do have an idea of what to do, but I wanted to be absolutely sure that it was correct so can someone tell me what to do step by step. I really wanna make Naoto a character worth downloading, he deserves it since BBTCB did him dirty.  So to be more specific I'm trying to get rid of the backgrounds for the effects specifically the ones on the bottom. As for the Blood Drive Moves. These are only a few examples of what I mean, but if anything I think I might have to gt rid of the colored background. Which is what I' exactly trying to do, but I want to ask if I should photoshop it out or get rid of the background in FF3? Any type of response for this is helpful. I'll make sure to make Naoto a great character to play just like he was in BBCF. Thanks, and shout out to Celest again.









Blood Drive Moves https://imgur.com/7XEfPjZ










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I'm not too clear on what you're trying to do exactly when you say take out the background (I think I do but there's a reason the backgrounds are colored, unless your character is gonna be 32bit and not using transparency)

There's a couple of ways to do that and different reasons for the different ways, hence why I'm saying how to like go about that. If it's gonna be indexed


Anyway, Photoshop and FF3 can do the same stuff, for the most part. If you're just gonna cut the fx then you may be better off using FF3. It doesn't sound like you're too experienced with either so I'd recommend just keeping things simple and use that.


And hey, don't be afraid to make mistakes. That's how you learn ?

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