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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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15 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:




He couldn't exactly remind himself of where they were at the beginning, but he knew where he... or rather, they were supposed to go.



Mirfah: I can't exactly say where I came from, but my other friends are going into... what was it called? "The Warrior's Hangout"... yeah, I need to go there.



"Warriors Hangout", huh? I think I've ran by there a few times before. It's a unique looking building, at least compared to its surroundings. It's hard to miss it.



Well, I guess we ought to start moving.

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28 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


...so that means we should be close!


Tommy smiled.



Thanks, sir; you've been very helpful today!


Man of Few Words: No problem.


He proceeded to continue walking in the same direction he was walking previously. Nemesis walked over to them.



Nemesis: So, that makes two with the same response. Let's hurry up and see if we can't find him right now.


Despite her pleased exterior, she was quietly thinking about what she would do to him when they found him. Maybe pluck his eyebrows slowly, maybe brand him somehow. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself as she started to follow the northeastern main road.

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7 minutes ago, A person said:


Man of Few Words: No problem.


He proceeded to continue walking in the same direction he was walking previously. Nemesis walked over to them.



Nemesis: So, that makes two with the same response. Let's hurry up and see if we can't find him right now.


Despite her pleased exterior, she was quietly thinking about what she would do to him when they found him. Maybe pluck his eyebrows slowly, maybe brand him somehow. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself as she started to follow the northeastern main road.

Tommy chuckled back, although he didn't exactly know why Nemesis had chuckled.



Yeah; the quicker we can find Mirfah, the better!

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Mirfah: Alright then! Lead the way!


Mirfah decided to follow the kind stranger to the designed location of the meeting. He had no other choices other than this, so he just went along.


Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Good that we managed to find his location. Now, let's move before we lose him again.


Elizabeth followed Nemesis and Tommy. She wasn't too interested on the chuckles, but Tommy's innocent excitement pleased her. She was having a joyful experience out of this "deal" so she just played along.


Agni Artwaltz and Magnum Alexandria


Noticing Lucina's wary action, Agni could understand what she was meaning. He remembered about the guards, however, and how heavily armed they are.



Agni: Lucina, I agree we have to be wary, but it's best if you put Falchion back in its sheath. We might end up picking problems if they see you wielding this sword like that.


Magnum: I wonder what Liz is doing. Did they managed to find Mirfah?


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2 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:




Mirfah: Alright then! Lead the way!


Mirfah decided to follow the kind stranger to the designed location of the meeting. He had no other choices other than this, so he just went along.


Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Good that we managed to find his location. Now, let's move before we lose him again.


Elizabeth followed Nemesis and Tommy. She wasn't too interested on the chuckles, but Tommy's innocent excitement pleased her. She was having a joyful experience out of this "deal" so she just played along.


Agni Artwaltz and Magnum Alexandria


Noticing Lucina's wary action, Agni could understand what she was meaning. He remembered about the guards, however, and how heavily armed they are.



Agni: Lucina, I agree we have to be wary, but it's best if you put Falchion back in its sheath. We might end up picking problems if they see you wielding this sword like that.


Magnum: I wonder what Liz is doing. Did they managed to find Mirfah?

Normal.png (puts her Falchion back in her sheath) you're right Agni, going around, screaming and swashbuckling with such a sword will raise a lot of eyebrows, even if in self-defense..as of Mirfah's situation, I hope they have managed to find her, we cannot lose any members

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13 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Good that we managed to find his location. Now, let's move before we lose him again.


Elizabeth followed Nemesis and Tommy. She wasn't too interested on the chuckles, but Tommy's innocent excitement pleased her. She was having a joyful experience out of this "deal" so she just played along.


Yeah! I can't wait 'til we find Mirfah! When I find him, I'm gonna come over to him, and I'm gonna give him a big hug!

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2 hours ago, OxyontheWolf said:

901bfefd72.png?width=194&height=250 she's been a friend of mine...ever since....since we were kids




I met Aline when we were 7-8 years old, she was one of the few persons I've known to share my interest on chivalry, we were both waiting when we grew up, to go on adventures, we were so interested on the idea of exploring the world, that we wanted to do it above anything else...suffice to say, that day DID come, and we went on a lot of quests and adventures! looking for battles to win and rights to right, beasts to slay and people to save! I earned the Title of Shovel Knight, and she earned the title of Shield Knight at the same time we were together to the very end! we were a neigh-unstoppable duo...but alas....things happen...and now she's not by my side anymore...I am hoping to ever see her again, and go on another adventure


Sounds like a a really great friend. And what better way to spend time with a friend than to go on epic adventures together, eh? Lol! I don't know if she's here, but I hope you two cross paths again. A good friend is truly a valuable asset. 


LightFlare notices he's getting close to his neighborhood...and just like he thought...more soldiers...



Looks like the welcoming committee is here as well. Be cool and we should be OK...we just need to get to my home.



As Shovel Knight and LightFlare walked the neighborhood, the soldiers could be seen patrolling the various streets and corners I the area. It was obvious that something serious had happened. This neighborhood can be bad enough, but nltye normal thugs paled in comparison to the armored guards that walk the sidewalks now. LightFlare begins to notice the guards pay special attention to the both of them...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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6ad7a63043.png?width=210&height=250 Aha! guards! Lightflare, follow my lead!


The duo ran behind a wall, where no one could see them, the Knight explained his plan to Light



c22833f06b.png?width=198&height=250 To avoid raising suspects, Lightflare, I have something (brings out a strange-looking relic, that he hadn't used before) this is the Phase Locket, just hold my hand as I clench into it, and we'll be able to go unnoticed (starts clenching to it)

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3 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

c22833f06b.png?width=198&height=250 To avoid raising suspects, Lightflare, I have something (brings out a strange-looking relic, that he hadn't used before) this is the Phase Locket, just hold my hand as I clench into it, and we'll be able to go unnoticed (starts clenching to it)




LightFlare grabs the Knight's hand...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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as the duo clenched into the artifact, they became transparent, and then they fully vanished...


6ad7a63043.png?width=210&height=250 With that done, we can head on, and we have become transparent, so we can go past the guards without having the fear of colliding with them, however, the Phase Locket eventually runs out of magic, and stops working until I re-load it

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3 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

as the duo clenched into the artifact, they became transparent, and then they fully vanished...


6ad7a63043.png?width=210&height=250 With that done, we can head on, and we have become transparent, so we can go past the guards without having the fear of colliding with them, however, the Phase Locket eventually runs out of magic, and stops working until I re-load it


As one of  the guards were approaching them he notice them vanish I to thin air...



What the?! Hey?! Where'd ya go!? Hi know I just saw two suspicious characters walking through here. *the Soldier grabs his radio* This is Bravo13 to Alpha1 do you read me over...I have two suspicious males fleed from the area when approached...one was wearing blue battle armor and caring a shovel...the other a white male in which wearing white karate pants...be on the look out...



Effective... But we should have got out site first...I think he alerted the other soldiers to be on the look out for us...(I knew this would lead to trouble).



How long will this last?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, Tony Redgrave said:



"Warriors Hangout", huh? I think I've ran by there a few times before. It's a unique looking building, at least compared to its surroundings. It's hard to miss it.



Well, I guess we ought to start moving.


48 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:




Mirfah: Alright then! Lead the way!


Mirfah decided to follow the kind stranger to the designed location of the meeting. He had no other choices other than this, so he just went along.

Nemesis would be able to spot Mirfah through the crowds in the distance, the anger beginning to well up inside her. She quickly quelled it, however, and started to approach him, waving her right sleeve in the air.



Nemesis: Mirfah! Over here!



She then noticed the male in the red coat behind him.



Nemesis: Huh, looks like he's made a friend.

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11 minutes ago, A person said:


Nemesis would be able to spot Mirfah through the crowds in the distance, the anger beginning to well up inside her. She quickly quelled it, however, and started to approach him, waving her right sleeve in the air.



Nemesis: Mirfah! Over here!



She then noticed the male in the red coat behind him.



Nemesis: Huh, looks like he's made a friend.


Oh, he did!? I'm so proud he made a new friend!


Tommy jumped into the air victoriously.




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Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah



Mirfah: Oh yeah, they're some of the friends I made in the group!


Elizabeth was ready to skewer Mirfah, but she knew it would cause trouble to them if they decided to fight or even take their weapons out. Not to mention the stranger who accompanied him.



Lize: ...


Mirfah: I'm sorry I got lost. The city's kinda big, so I got distracted.


Lize: T-That's fine, it's totally fine! Accidents happen so much, oh my god...


Mirfah: We were heading to that "The Warrior's Hangout" before you could appear. I was kinda worried about what was waiting there, but I'm glad that I found you now!


Lize: Hehe... he... well, then I suppose we can get going now.


She bowed graciously to the stranger, portraying a worried look.



Lize: I'm sorry if Mirfah caused you any trouble, mister. He's a problematic kid, you see.


Mirfah: What?! But you just said-


Lize: N-Nemesis, why don't we take Mirfah along with us right now? Tommy, make sure you don't stay behind too.


Elizabeth pushed Mirfah away as they went through the road. She wouldn't just snap at him in front of someone, that would be disgraceful.



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3 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah



Mirfah: Oh yeah, they're some of the friends I made in the group!


Elizabeth was ready to skewer Mirfah, but she knew it would cause trouble to them if they decided to fight or even take their weapons out. Not to mention the stranger who accompanied him.



Lize: ...


Mirfah: I'm sorry I got lost. The city's kinda big, so I got distracted.


Lize: T-That's fine, it's totally fine! Accidents happen so much, oh my god...


Mirfah: We were heading to that "The Warrior's Hangout" before you could appear. I was kinda worried about what was waiting there, but I'm glad that I found you now!


Lize: Hehe... he... well, then I suppose we can get going now.


She bowed graciously to the stranger, portraying a worried look.



Lize: I'm sorry if Mirfah caused you any trouble, mister. He's a problematic kid, you see.


Mirfah: What?! But you just said-


Lize: N-Nemesis, why don't we take Mirfah along with us right now? Tommy, make sure you don't stay behind too.


Elizabeth pushed Mirfah away as they went through the road. She wouldn't just snap at him in front of someone, that would be disgraceful.


Tommy followed.



Okay, ma'am! Anything you say!

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23 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah



Mirfah: Oh yeah, they're some of the friends I made in the group!


Elizabeth was ready to skewer Mirfah, but she knew it would cause trouble to them if they decided to fight or even take their weapons out. Not to mention the stranger who accompanied him.



Lize: ...


Mirfah: I'm sorry I got lost. The city's kinda big, so I got distracted.


Lize: T-That's fine, it's totally fine! Accidents happen so much, oh my god...


Mirfah: We were heading to that "The Warrior's Hangout" before you could appear. I was kinda worried about what was waiting there, but I'm glad that I found you now!


Lize: Hehe... he... well, then I suppose we can get going now.


She bowed graciously to the stranger, portraying a worried look.



Lize: I'm sorry if Mirfah caused you any trouble, mister. He's a problematic kid, you see.


Mirfah: What?! But you just said-


Lize: N-Nemesis, why don't we take Mirfah along with us right now? Tommy, make sure you don't stay behind too.


Elizabeth pushed Mirfah away as they went through the road. She wouldn't just snap at him in front of someone, that would be disgraceful.


Nemesis nodded, knowing full well what she was planning.



Nemesis: Certainly!


She turned to look at the male in the coat.



Nemesis: Thanks for finding him for us. I don't suppose you'll be heading to the Warrior's Hangout as well?

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Oh, it's nothing. I figured he was new around here, so I thought I'd help him out.



And funny you should ask. Before you found him, I was actually on my way taking him there.


The man's attention turns towards Elizabeth for a moment, noticing the way she's acting.



Well, she seems to be rather...strange.

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Just now, Tony Redgrave said:


Oh, it's nothing. I figured he was new around here, so I thought I'd help him out.



And funny you should ask. Before you found him, I was actually on my way taking him there.


The man's attention turns towards Elizabeth for a moment, noticing the way she's acting.



Well, she seems to be rather...strange.

Nemesis started to giggle.



Nemesis: Ohh, I think it's just because she's so happy to see him that she doesn't really know what to say! Anyway, since you'll be headed over there, we'll meet up later and do our introductions then!



Nemesis: We'll be a little late, though, since we have something...important...to discuss with Mirfah.

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Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah


Elizabeth pushed Mirfah away to a distance enough for them to be away from the stranger. They were close to "The Warrior's Hangout", but still weren't there... not before she could have a little chat with him.



Mirfah: OK, OK, stop pushing me! I can walk, you know!


Lize: ...


Mirfah: Anyway, shouldn't we be headed to that place? I feel like we're not going there yet.


Lize: You idiot!! What do you think you are doing, wandering around alone in a city you don't know an inch?!


Mirfah: B-But I apologized already... why are you still mad?


Lize: For the record, you little pig, I NEVER intended to accept an apology! Do you have any idea on the delay you caused in our schedule?!


Mirfah: I'm not a pig!! And didn't you say that accidents happen?! Give me a break already!


Lize: YOU give ME a break!! Seriously, how I wanted you to get yourself lost and in trouble! At least I could look at you and laugh!! But no, I had to SEARCH for you as if I'm a mother looking for my lost kid! And I'm not THAT old!!


Mirfah: C-C'mon, just leave it be? Can't we consider this as past waters already? I won't get myself lost anymore!


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2 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah


Elizabeth pushed Mirfah away to a distance enough for them to be away from the stranger. They were close to "The Warrior's Hangout", but still weren't there... not before she could have a little chat with him.



Mirfah: OK, OK, stop pushing me! I can walk, you know!


Lize: ...


Mirfah: Anyway, shouldn't we be headed to that place? I feel like we're not going there yet.


Lize: You idiot!! What do you think you are doing, wandering around alone in a city you don't know an inch?!


Mirfah: B-But I apologized already... why are you still mad?


Lize: For the record, you little pig, I NEVER intended to accept an apology! Do you have any idea on the delay you caused in our schedule?!


Mirfah: I'm not a pig!! And didn't you say that accidents happen?! Give me a break already!


Lize: YOU give ME a break!! Seriously, how I wanted you to get yourself lost and in trouble! At least I could look at you and laugh!! But no, I had to SEARCH for you as if I'm a mother looking for my lost kid! And I'm not THAT old!!


Mirfah: C-C'mon, just leave it be? Can't we consider this as past waters already? I won't get myself lost anymore!

Nemesis followed behind her, a glare fixated upon Mirfah.



Nemesis: We could've been finished with everything here by now. I would've had my answers, would've known everything I needed to know, and you all would've been able to get everything done if you HADN'T GOTTEN YOURSELF LOST, YOU DUMBASS! We looked EVERYWHERE for you, all because YOU made a dumb choice! Oooh...you should feel lucky that we're not in a forest. The things I would do to you...


If it wasn't obvious previously, it was now very clear that she was seething. She was ready to kill him.

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4 minutes ago, A person said:

Nemesis followed behind her, a glare fixated upon Mirfah.



Nemesis: We could've been finished with everything here by now. I would've had my answers, would've known everything I needed to know, and you all would've been able to get everything done if you HADN'T GOTTEN YOURSELF LOST, YOU DUMBASS! We looked EVERYWHERE for you, all because YOU made a dumb choice! Oooh...you should feel lucky that we're not in a forest. The things I would do to you...


If it wasn't obvious previously, it was now very clear that she was seething. She was ready to kill him.


Hey, guys, can we please look at the bright side?


Tommy smiled.



At least we found Mirfah...

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9 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


Hey, guys, can we please look at the bright side?


Tommy smiled.



At least we found Mirfah...


Nemesis: Oh, yeah, the "bright side"!





She took a deep breath. She was just working herself up at this point.



Nemesis: What goes on in that brain of yours, Tommy? It really confuses me...

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3 minutes ago, A person said:


Nemesis: Oh, yeah, the "bright side"!





She took a deep breath. She was just working herself up at this point.



Nemesis: What goes on in that brain of yours, Tommy? It really confuses me...


If you had been dropped head-first onto Earth from a million lightyears away, wouldn't you be stupid as well?

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