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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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4 minutes ago, A person said:

She proceeded to drag Tommy away from the quiet waiter, snarling at him.



Nemesis: If you pull some shit like that again, it'll be the LAST time you do ANYTHING here, you got that?!

Nemesis' yelling scared Tommy, to the point where he started crying slightly.



O - okay! P - please don't yell at me like that!

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1 minute ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Nemesis' yelling scared Tommy, to the point where he started crying slightly.



O - okay! P - please don't yell at me like that!


Nemesis: Good!



Nemesis: Now see to it that it doesn't happen again.


And with that, she proceeded to shove him back towards Elizabeth. Once they had forcibly regrouped, she started to talk again, her anger now gone.



Nemesis: Okay, to find this guy, I think we're going to need the help of the locals, so I think we should start by asking them if they've seen him around. Considering how big this place is, I don't think he's gotten very far, so at least one person should have seen him. 

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6 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:


a one-wheeled vehicle carrying a cerulean knight was heading at amazing speed towards Lightflare, it stops as soon as it gets there


901bfefd72.png?width=194&height=250 (folds back the Mobile Gear) sorry for interrupting Lightflare, but I figured I might stick up with you to give you a hand if problems happen, besides, I'm certain I can get answers about the location to the Tower of Fate, and if Aline's still alive in this city, is it okay if I accompany you?


(The Knight followed me...I guess it cant be helped...)


Well, if it isn't the valiant Shovel Knight! It seems curiosity has gotten the best of you. I'm on my way to my house. I didn't want to bother the others with an unnecessary trip. Also...my house...in the Northwest part of Candor City. So you can imagine it might be a bit rough. But I can handle myself. Who is Aline?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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5 minutes ago, A person said:


Nemesis: Good!



Nemesis: Now see to it that it doesn't happen again.


And with that, she proceeded to shove him back towards Elizabeth. Once they had forcibly regrouped, she started to talk again, her anger now gone.



Nemesis: Okay, to find this guy, I think we're going to need the help of the locals, so I think we should start by asking them if they've seen him around. Considering how big this place is, I don't think he's gotten very far, so at least one person should have seen him. 

Tommy pulled out his guitar.



In the meantime, who wants to hear some guitar to brighten up their day?


Tommy was still slightly upset after getting yelled at.



I sure know I do...

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5 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy pulled out his guitar.



In the meantime, who wants to hear some guitar to brighten up their day?


Tommy was still slightly upset after getting yelled at.



I sure know I do...

Nemesis pinched the skin between her eyebrows and lowered her head as she shook it.



Nemesis: You're hopeless...


She shot her head back up to glare at Tommy.



Nemesis: Are you here to help find Mirfah, or are you here to goof off and let him stay lost? I don't know about you, but I'd rather make sure our party stays together just in case we're all needed for something because we all came here under very similar circumstances. If you're not going to help, you might as well go to the..."Warrior's Hangout", since you're not going to be very useful otherwise.

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2 minutes ago, A person said:

Nemesis pinched the skin between her eyebrows and lowered her head as she shook it.



Nemesis: You're hopeless...


She shot her head back up to glare at Tommy.



Nemesis: Are you here to help find Mirfah, or are you here to goof off and let him stay lost? I don't know about you, but I'd rather make sure our party stays together just in case we're all needed for something because we all came here under very similar circumstances. If you're not going to help, you might as well go to the..."Warrior's Hangout", since you're not going to be very useful here otherwise.

Tommy sighed.



Sorry... it's just...


Tommy immediately went back to being his upbeat self.



...well? What're we waiting for? Let's find Mirfah before we end up never finding him again!



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6 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy sighed.



Sorry... it's just...


Tommy immediately went back to being his upbeat self.



...well? What're we waiting for? Let's find Mirfah before we end up never finding him again!



For once, Nemesis actually smiled at Tommy.



Nemesis: Glad to see you've changed your mind. Now come on; we might've taken up too much time!


Nemesis, noticing another road splitting off from the main road, proceeded to follow it, trying to keep her distance from the place where she shoved the person that had gotten in her way, knowing that those that witnessed it probably wouldn't be so willing to answer any questions she might ask.

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Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Gosh, what a barbaric display of distractions. Luckily, I have an idea of how we can manage to make him less distracted.


She had a plan. A way of making him less distracted. It involved something he was really curious to know and it would make him work harder towards his goal.



Lize: Tommy, we need to find that idiot Mirfah right now, so that means no distractions, stops and guitars right now. But I have a deal. If you promise that you'll fully cooperate...


Lize: I'll get the information about Agni's marriage for you. How does that sound?





Mirfah: Yeah... y-you see, I ended up getting distracted with the town and... I got lost...




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4 minutes ago, A person said:

For once, Nemesis actually smiled at Tommy.



Nemesis: Glad to see you've changed your mind. Now come on; we've waited too long to go on!


Nemesis, noticing another road splitting off from the main road, proceeded to follow it, trying to keep her distance from the place where she shoved the person that had gotten in her way, knowing that those that witnessed it probably wouldn't be so willing to answer any questions she might ask.


Alright! Let's go! We've wasted too much time! Let's get back to the main objective!

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11 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

She had a plan. A way of making him less distracted. It involved something he was really curious to know and it would make him work harder towards his goal.



Lize: Tommy, we need to find that idiot Mirfah right now, so that means no distractions, stops and guitars right now. But I have a deal. If you promise that you'll fully cooperate...


Lize: I'll get the information about Agni's marriage for you. How does that sound?




This was Tommy right now.

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Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Good, good boy! I can see that you wish to know more about it! Now, the last thing I have to say is...


This wasn't the end of it. Elizabeth knew that he would get even more fired up with what she would do. She leaned on him gently and whispered on his ear.



Lize: I... am counting on you, Tommy... do this for me


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3 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Good, good boy! I can see that you wish to know more about it! Now, the last thing I have to say is...


This wasn't the end of it. Elizabeth knew that he would get even more fired up with what she would do. She leaned on him gently and whispered on his ear.



Lize: I... am counting on you, Tommy... do this for me




Tommy started jumping up and down out of excitement.






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Elizabeth Bathory


It worked, just as she had expected. Now, he would respond to everything she would speak, for as long as the deal was up. Maybe she could do other things, but that level of enticement was enough.



Lize: Well then, be a kind boy and go ask to that man over there.


She pointed to a man right at the end of the street. Although there were more people closer to them, maybe they wouldn't be able to help them since they weren't even able to think about the area where Mirfah might have gone.



Lize: We'll inspect the people here. And please, have manners to talk with them. We don't want to scare them now, do we?



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3 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory


It worked, just as she had expected. Now, he would respond to everything she would speak, for as long as the deal was up. Maybe she could do other things, but that level of enticement was enough.



Lize: Well then, be a kind boy and go ask to that man over there.


She pointed to a man right at the end of the street. Although there were more people closer to them, maybe they wouldn't be able to help them since they weren't even able to think about the area where Mirfah might have gone.



Lize: We'll inspect the people here. And please, have manners to talk with them. We don't want to scare them now, do we?





Tommy walked over to the man.



Sir, do you know where someone named Mirfah could've gone? Me and my friends have been looking for him for a long time...

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Yomi's Side - Streets of Candor City 



Track: A Cheerful Bandit

1 hour ago, Darkflare said:

As the group scattered to go sightseeing, a small commotion was happening. A small group of knights were escorting someone. They covered the VIP rather well, making it near impossible to tell who it was. However, they seemed to be heading toward the Warrior's Hangout...



Yomi: Hmmm...Those guards seems different than the ones at the entrance...No, wait, they actually seem familiar. Where did I see that design befo-




Yomi: Ah, it must be the boss.


         Yomi searched for an empty back alley in order to get some privacy. She already had plans of calling the Intelligence Agency in order to give them a report of her mission. After making sure she was alone, she picked up the phone and spoke in a cold tone of voice.



Yomi: This is Yomi, I've sucesfully arrived at the location of the mi-


Person on the other side of the call: HELLO YOMI!


     But then, her cold tone devolved into a frustrated one when she heard the voice.



Yomi: Urgh...Tatsuna...what's the meaning of this?


Tatsuna Rosea: Miss Cali and Boss Kev are busy at the moment, so I was told to call you.


Yomi: (Letting a rookie handle this...what they hell they are thinking.)


Tatsuna: Anyway, what's the situation Agent Yomin?


Yomi: As I was saying, we've reached the location of the mission. We've also met with some people who claimed that they were absorbed into a mysterious black hole. Right now, part of the group is heading towards the Warrior's Hangout.


Tatsuna: Hmmm...Ah yes! That Darkflare guy huh?


Yomi: ...Why I have the feeling you only knew about this place some minutes ago?


Tatsuna: C'mon Yomin~! I remembered it didn't I? Maybe you should give me a bit of credit...


Yomi: You're still too green for me to ever trust you! I already have enough migraines with a naive dense girl, a stupid street thug, a dumb tomboy girl and a the dumb guitar boy (even though he plays quite good.)


Tatsuna: I-I see...Seems like you're having fun.


Yomi: I'm not!!! Right now I'm doing some recon job on the city.


      Yomi noticed her loss of composture and took a deep breath.



Tatsuna: Ok! I'll make sure to show them your report.


Yomi: You have been typing it right? I'm not going to repeat myself.


Tatsuna: Oh? Um...Yeah! I was totally writing down everything you just said.


Yomi: *Sigh*


Tatsuna: Anyway...Keep up with the good job, Agent Yomin!  Over and out!


    The phone call ends. Yomi holds her head in annoyance.



Yomi: How I wish I could stab any memory of her out of my skull...


    Then, she leaves the back alley and resumes her recon job.




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6 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:




Tommy walked over to the man.



Sir, do you know where someone named Mirfah could've gone? Me and my friends have been looking for him for a long time...

Nemesis watched silently to see if he was capable of doing what he was assigned. The male turned towards Tommy, a confused expression upon his face.



Man: Mirfah? I'm sorry, but that name doesn't ring a bell. Are you able to describe what he looks like? I might have seen him recently.

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Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: (Hehehe... what an innocent kid. Playing with him will be definitely interesting!)


She looked back at Nemesis while smiling with mischief. Whether or not the girl would understand the meaning was another story.



Lize: Shall we begin to ask around then? I don't want to leave Agni waiting for too long.


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3 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: (Hehehe... what an innocent kid. Playing with him will be definitely interesting!)


She looked back at Nemesis while smiling with mischief. Whether or not the girl would understand the meaning was another story.



Lize: Shall we begin to ask around then? I don't want to leave Agni waiting for too long.


Yeah! I think that would be a good idea!


Tommy was still enthusiastic about helping his other teammates find Mirfah.

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19 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:




Mirfah: Yeah... y-you see, I ended up getting distracted with the town and... I got lost...



Yeah, it's a pretty big town. If you're not familiar with the area, things like this are possible.



Alright, I'll tell you what. I'm feeling a bit generous today, so I suppose I could try to the best of my ability to give a hand. Hopefully I could be of some assistance.



At what point did you realize you were lost, and were there any standout locations around?

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21 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: (Hehehe... what an innocent kid. Playing with him will be definitely interesting!)


She looked back at Nemesis while smiling with mischief. Whether or not the girl would understand the meaning was another story.



Lize: Shall we begin to ask around then? I don't want to leave Agni waiting for too long.

Nemesis chuckled quietly, then nodded.



Nemesis: Yeah, let's go. We could probably find some answers about what this place is and what's going on in the process; maybe even try to figure out what these "mutated creatures" are.


Spotting another male in the distance, she began to approach him, making herself seem as welcoming as possible.



Nemesis: Good evening, sir. I'm wondering if you happen to have seen this man...


She proceeded to describe Mirfah to the finest detail to the male, making sure to note his striking red hair. The male nodded.



Observant Man: He stood out like a sore thumb. I saw him travel down the main stretch, headed in that direction.


He pointed towards the main road going in a northeastern direction.



Observant Man: Don't go too far down the road, though; you might wind up in the slums, and that's a really dangerous area to be at, especially for a girl like you!


Nemesis held back a biting remark at his comment, and nodded.



Nemesis: Thank you, I'll keep that in mind! Also, if you don't mind, may I ask you if you know anything about these "heavily mutated creatures"?


He shook his head.



Observant Man: Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to go outside of the city and research them myself, but I do know that the dark substance responsible for it supposedly came from a failed experiment. I would suggest asking an alchemist for more information about it. Luckily, there's a shop not too far from here where one is.


He pointed to a castle towards the northwest. Nemesis looked at it, then nodded.



Nemesis: I'll be sure to check it out when I get the chance. Thanks for all of your help!



Observant Man: Always a pleasure to help a young lady in need!


And with that, Nemesis proceeded to walk back to Lizzy and Tommy.



Nemesis: Okay, we have at least a hint as to where he could be. I'll see if I can ask some others about it, but we should probably follow the road for a while and see if we can find him, or do either of you two have another plan in mind?

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8 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


(The Knight followed me...I guess it cant be helped...)


Well, if it isn't the valiant Shovel Knight! It seems curiosity has gotten the best of you. I'm on my way to my house. I didn't want to bother the others with an unnecessary trip. Also...my house...in the Northwest part of Candor City. So you can imagine it might be a bit rough. But I can handle myself. Who is Aline?

901bfefd72.png?width=194&height=250 she's been a friend of mine...ever since....since we were kids




I met Aline when we were 7-8 years old, she was one of the few persons I've known to share my interest on chivalry, we were both waiting when we grew up, to go on adventures, we were so interested on the idea of exploring the world, that we wanted to do it above anything else...suffice to say, that day DID come, and we went on a lot of quests and adventures! looking for battles to win and rights to right, beasts to slay and people to save! I earned the Title of Shovel Knight, and she earned the title of Shield Knight at the same time we were together to the very end! we were a neigh-unstoppable duo...but alas....things happen...and now she's not by my side anymore...I am hoping to ever see her again, and go on another adventure

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Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Alright then. Let's begin.


She had to find Mirfah and fast. Not only she was bothered that she had to look after him and the consequential delay, but leaving Agni behind like that was not good... for reasons unknown. Elizabeth was unable to describe the feeling. Was this truly "love"? She never understood those. She never needed those. All she needed was blood and only that...



Lize: Excuse me, mister. I'm looking for a lost red-haired young man. He's wearing a sort of a black coat, has dark skin and looks annoying. Do you have any information about this person?




He couldn't exactly remind himself of where they were at the beginning, but he knew where he... or rather, they were supposed to go.



Mirfah: I can't exactly say where I came from, but my other friends are going into... what was it called? "The Warrior's Hangout"... yeah, I need to go there.


Agni Artwaltz and Magnum Alexandria


They kept walking with the rest of the not-scattered party. Among the sightseeing, they eventually found a peculiar place.



Agni: Look at that certain building... it's kinda different from the rest...


Magnum: Do you think that it's "The Warrior's Hangout"?


Agni: I have a feeling... this might be the place Light and Nemesis were talking about.


Magnum: Should we go inside, then?


Agni: We need to wait for the others first. Let's not barge right in or we might draw unnecessary trouble.


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5 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Alright then. Let's begin.


She had to find Mirfah and fast. Not only she was bothered that she had to look after him and the consequential delay, but leaving Agni behind like that was not good... for reasons unknown. Elizabeth was unable to describe the feeling. Was this truly "love"? She never understood those. She never needed those. All she needed was blood and only that...



Lize: Excuse me, mister. I'm looking for a lost red-haired young man. He's wearing a sort of a black coat, has dark skin and looks annoying. Do you have any information about this person?


Man of Few Words: Saw him going down that road there.


He pointed at the main road going northeast.



Man of Few Words: Looked out of it. Probably not that far along.

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4 minutes ago, A person said:


Man of Few Words: Saw him going down that road there.


He pointed at the main road going northeast.



Man of Few Words: Looked out of it. Probably not that far along.


...so that means we should be close!


Tommy smiled.



Thanks, sir; you've been very helpful today!

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