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Boss Kung Fu Man by michaelarmaros released 15/01/2012

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Or maybe you could exchange it for another private or something?

I dont do trades anymore, n Laharl, be thankful I posted the beta, some Jap people raged at me for it

N sumone in the forum told the author, I got blamed; still want it?

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The heck with emotions, it's just a character, how much calamity can it trigger http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png

P.S. maybe the char could be shared in stealth mode, if V-nix send him like a ninja in PM's for those who crave for it http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//wink.png

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yeesh why are ppl so raging about a character http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//sleep.png. Sorry you got in trouble dude but geez. Personally Idc what people think of me on things. But i understand You do so thats fine. why the hell would you get bitched at for even posting the beta if it was released for awhile.


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Nah its fine... Japs like to keep some things exclusive to their community, like they have their own facebook, Mixi.jp n other crazy stuff they keep to themselves, u know that their motto is "Nippon Ichi/Japan no.1"; although some go public, I guess Jirougaki-san is one of those private release people like amada46 and his characters

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