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Mmmmachi's Characters [NSFW 18+]


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Basically, MIllarca had a wrong localcord that made her very tiny. It can be easily fixed by erasing the localcord part in her .def.


She's the best she didn't deserve that. 😟

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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So minor issue, I get message wrong password for two of files in the onedrive link and they are zeroko_run and braiya and I have tried mutliple times using the password provided, any thought?


On a side note, what's in the file 150905yozora ? It looks like scenes to me for arcade other than that no clue and are the mentioned files relevant to the characters?

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those two aren't character files, if the archives containing only .bmp and .png files is any indication. i'd like to guess they are custom sprites that the author's drawn. i've got no clue what the correct passwords are, but i'm sure we aren't missing much.



150905yozora is literally just that, a whole bunch of pictures of... *squints* yeah. They most likely was done for fun and therefore hold no relevancy in relation to the characters.

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I somehow got one of them open I think. The Braiya one. I had no clue this guy was behind that character.


Trust me you don't want those images. Just look at Laura and Draculina for a hint of what you'd get.


Should we add Vampy to here as well?

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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Since I guess this is the "mmmmatti collection thread", he made another character in Feburary, "Pafio". It's the very skinny vampire woman shown on his Onedrive doing kicks a lot, and her pass is just "mmmmmm".

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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Just got notified about the password change today via a wall message a member sent me. Checking the author's Pixiv page didn't seem to yield any relevant results. Their Twitter page seems to have been taken down as well. Welp.


Anyhoo, Vampy and Pafio (the only characters i managed to keep a backup of) have been reuploaded for the time being. Any help with figuring out the new passwords (or even re-uploading the rest of the characters) will be appreciated greatly.

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  • 3 months later...

What's going on, scrubs? Back at you with a link to Proud of Ragequittin's edit of Vampy. This one plays differently than the original & has AI(a fairly decent AI at that).

The ragequitter also gave her winquotes(which he stated are not in the original) as well as ... Juri Han's voice clips?(also not in the original)

She is also ... "compatible" to CR characters for the most part.(she disappears in one of the sub poses)

The sub sprites aren't present in the original, they were cobbled together by Berk Rider.(said sprites don't appear during normal play unless she's hit by specific moves by a CR character)


Here's the link, doods: https://mega.nz/file/l0J0xbRb#VOksldwba6GZhiya33kFy0jM6c0wwYOU3-Kp0F48t3g


For those wondering about the (v1.255) in the file name, the ragequitter must have been updating this edit of her over the past year or so.

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