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Street Fighter X Tekken

Black chaos

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You want to know why?

When Yoshinori Ono was asked on Twitter why he chose to put Bad Box Art Mega Man in Street Fighter X Tekken, he responded in a fairly interesting way.

Mr. I eh? A reference to Keiji Inafune, Mega Man’s creator? Might he have had input on the game even after he left Capcom?

Seems Inafune thought it would be a funny idea, I'm thinking since Pac-man and the first Megaman came out in the same decade. Idk

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Got damn Ono, hes been spending too much time on the internet like the rest of us. You'd think this would result to bad sells, but you haven't seen what console they started using more at major tournaments. If this came out about 1.5-2 years ago then I'd agree, but more tournaments have started using PS3 over 360. The irony being that most players at them play primarily on 360. Besides with Sony advertising to a more general audiance the pitch is more towards getting non-fighting game players to buy it. Just think of the appeal Pac-man would have on grandparents that happen to see the commercial showing him. Hell I know a good few hundred sales will come from Cole being in there alone. I don't think I need to mention what will happen in Japan because of Toro and Kuro, maybe because of Bad Box Art Megaman too since the original series has a bigger scene there than over here.

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well I just think they make fighters bullshit on the 360. 3rd strke got crappy ass GGPO on the 360 and ps3 didnt get anything but not only the youtube uploader works on the ps3 it also has better internet connection in the ps3 version. MK9 didnt get a 360 exclusive yet the ps3 version got kratos. and not SFxT got 5 ps3 exclusives with 0 360 exclusive. which at that point i think its unfair to release the 360 and the ps3 version at the same price if thats the case. I own both systems but the only reason I play 360 more than the ps3(which i had ps3 before a 360 on top of that its one of the very first ones) is because nobody fucking talks on there. however back 2 SFxT I think ps3 should pay a little more than 360 only because of the exclusive characters. just sayin



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No, that wouldn't be fair. The only reason the PS3 is getting so many exclusives is because Sony negotiates deals with the gaming companies. Seth said so himself in an interview about SFxT. Have M$ kick out a few more $ and you'll get more exclusives. As for people not talking, I'd rather have that than the 360 stereotype. Though in the games I've played online there were healthy amounts of talking. Although the communication functions for the PS3 really blow in comparison to 360, since in most games (not the COD series) more than two headsets on disrupt the flow of voice data for some reason. I'm pretty sure the only reason the Youtube uploader works on PS3 is because it has built-in browser support while 360 doesn't. The 360 probably has function issues dealing with that. My speculation of course.

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Sounds like Xbox 360 is being left out. But you know even if ps3 didnt have all those exclusives, i'd still buy SFxT. I want that game, so im getting it no matter how bad they mess it up. So what if i get extras that xbox didnt get, means nothing to me. But Keep in mind Xbox 360 Released way more games for their console that ps3 when they first started out. I used to hear that "Xbox 360 was way better than Ps3 that Ps3 sucked." Now that person that said that doesnt even play xbox, now he has ps3. So I think its a way of making people wanna buy ps3. In other words, Ps3 is finally getting recongnized as a console. But thats just my opinion, you dont have to agree with me at all.

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I am very late but BAD BOX ART MEGAMANG IS IN


congrats Mariosonicfan you were right for once.Posted Image


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