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Stage Request - Alice's "Classic (3D)" Stage for 1.1


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that version up there is the  very first (winmugen) version, not the 32 bit version.

I don't have the 1.1 version anymore, lost it in my past hard drive so I guess the stage is still lost. 

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that version up there is the  very first (winmugen) version, not the 32 bit version.

I don't have the 1.1 version anymore, lost it in my past hard drive so I guess the stage is still lost. 

Oh no @.@
That's really tragic

I love your stages by the way~!
I've been hard at work converting them to widescreen for my MUGEN build.
Some of them are kind of hard though, like
Hakugyokurou's ceiling doesn't work right in widescreen x.x
But most of them look pretty good in widescreen~!


Oh no! A good number of your stages are deadlinked! Couldn't grab Training, Scarlet Devil Mansion, or the Crypt either. What happened? D:

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Whatever is down Is being updated, I lost it, link expired, or host died (re-uploaded the SKM stages & several others to GLB's site, and his site died...)

but most are still online warehoused somewhere so I didn't bother again.

kinda wanted the 1.1 classic stage as well.


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It must be really difficult losing your own work like that. I'm sorry :(

Hopefully a passerby who just so happens to have kept a hold of the 1.1 stage will find this post and save the day!

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The day is saved!
(I think. I never saw the original so I don't know if what I'm looking at is 100% the 1.1 version, but it IS a bigger file size and the .rar says 1.1 so I'm convinced lol)

Good work Alice, and thank you so much Phantom

You both are awesome.

(now let's see if this thing will convert to widescreen and zoom without breaking -pulls out a screwdriver and a wrench- )

Nope. Not with my skills at least. Darn.
(Almost worked for widescreen, but the foreground grass doesn't quite match up for some reason.)

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