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Mugen Confirguration Question for TrueType Fonts


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So what you need is, an empty .def file and a .ttf file. Put them in same place where you usually put the lifebars font.



Copy and paste the code from the very bottom section of the elecbyte's doc to your .def file. Don't forget to adjust the font file name to match yours. You can also adjust the font's size to your liking. (I used 18px here)



Lastly, adjust the lifebar's fight.def file to include the font .def.



And the result:



Hope that helps.

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So what you need is, an empty .def file and a .ttf file. Put them in same place where you usually put the lifebars font.



Copy and paste the code from the very bottom section of the elecbyte's doc to your .def file. Don't forget to adjust the font file name to match yours. You can also adjust the font's size to your liking. (I used 18px here)



Lastly, adjust the lifebar's fight.def file to include the font .def.



And the result:

Hidden Content


Hope that helps.

AH I see . its almost the same method when I added the ttf with the option.def for my Classic Free Fighters.

One last question if that okay with you Ryoucchi :)

Will this also will show the number for the timer ? or only the name display ?

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Using pre-made fonts such as truetype work really well. but the problem I have with them is they are more or less just white and with minor "blur" around the edges.

you CAN change the colors of them using the color codes after the fonts.

font1 = 1,0,0 , 255, 255, 255

Because of the lack of detail in the fonts I find it better to make fnt2.0's in stead, using graphical images.

This wont help you but i figured why not.

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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Thank you Ryon your guide is most useful indeed.becuase you did a guide about the bitmap ACCII :) that how I made the timer for my life bar for the mugen 1.0

but its seem that the truetype font not showing on my mugen 1.0 screen pack for some odd reason this old man does not know why is not showing on the screen :(   I know that its work on the option screen but some reason wont show up on the Lifebars :o

sff = fight.sff
snd = fight.snd
font1 = QOH_BIG.FNT
font2 = timer.def           <<<<<<<<<<<<< The number on here is working because is a bitmap :) from Ryon guide but...
font3 = 04B_19__.def  <<<<<<<<  BUT some how the words not showing at all for my lifebars :O
fightfx.sff = fightfx.sff
fightfx.air = fightfx.air
common.snd = common.snd

and I did follow follow the Ryoucchi guide step but some odd reason wont show up :O is there something I need to do for it to show up on the screen ?






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Sorry, i mean .ttf ^^;


Anyways, based on that screenshot seems like you need to change the path to



or just put 04B_19__.def and 04B_19__.ttf in the same folder as QOH_BIG.FNT and timer.def

I found out why did not work XD OMG haha. I mess up on my part


I add a dot next to the [FNT v2] if you go and scroll up.  You can see it for your self on the picture xD


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