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i would just kill myself and go ahead and go to hell , but there scared ill take over...so :GHEYFACE:


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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with the rollercoaster my lifes been lately, im about to the point where i dont give a fuck about anything..... and fuck Trusting anyone ever again.....not gonna happen


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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wrong path my friend, cause one wrong move goes from "Not givin a fuck" to "Why do I even live anymore?"

ill be honest Tohno, if it wasnt for that god send in those pics.... id probably already went there..... but id never ever do anything on purpose to take me away from her......shes one of the reasons this has been so hard on me, the thought of not putting her to bed everynight, her wakeing up in the middle of the night calling for me(which she just did lol) and me not being their, wondering who or what is around her when im not their.... shit like that, but nah im never going to kill myself, cant control fate,but i wont die by my own hands lol


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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I remember reading a text long time ago which sums up with: "You can't always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens within you". I had a pretty shitty year myself but, you know, somethings you just to be patience, take a deep breath and face it. Be strong, Brock. We are here for you (even if we are in different timezones and whatevers XP)

Take a moment to admire the simple joys of life, like the smell of dirt after it rains or the smile of the ones you love, specially your little one.

This thread needs more photos and less Larry and Rozy in dire need of privacy http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png Who's next?


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Thanks Ulti, ur a Sweetheart, and thanks to everyone for reading all of my bitching/babbling.... i just dont really have any real friends in real life anymore outside of family, and i dont realyl want to talk to them about all of this, so thats why i do it here , and you guys have made me smile/laugh when nothing else outside of my daughter could.... i still dont know whats going to happen between me and my wife, one minute we want to work it out, the next, theres nothing we can do to fix it, so who knows .... guess ill have to wait and see........ but yeah this is a pic thread so i agree ..... heres one for ya ...... kinda proud of this one actually me at 365 lbs and now about a couple of months ago at 297 lbs....counting callories actually works lol....and if ur wondering wow 365 lbs? ya Fat f*ck.... i played football most of my life ,til i destroyed my ankle, so i always needed to be big, so thats why it got alittle, well ok alot out of control, and honestly it would still be that way, if it not for my wife showing me how to lose it

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My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Thanks Ulti, ur a Sweetheart, and thanks to everyone for reading all of my bitching/babbling.... i just dont really have any real friends in real life anymore outside of family, and i dont realyl want to talk to them about all of this, so thats why i do it here , and you guys have made me smile/laugh when nothing else outside of my daughter could.... i still dont know whats going to happen between me and my wife, one minute we want to work it out, the next, theres nothing we can do to fix it, so who knows .... guess ill have to wait and see........ but yeah this is a pic thread so i agree ..... heres one for ya ...... kinda proud of this one actually me at 365 lbs and now about a couple of months ago at 297 lbs....counting callories actually works lol....and if ur wondering wow 365 lbs? ya Fat f*ck.... i played football most of my life ,til i destroyed my ankle, so i always needed to be big, so thats why it got alittle, well ok alot out of control, and honestly it would still be that way, if it not for my wife showing me how to lose it

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guess im not the only one with ankle problems I used to be 500lb's. Then i got a little out of control playing ddr too much and lost weight way to fast so most of my body was blobby and saggy then i started doing p90x and got myself back together, then about a few months ago this year i started taking tae kwon do classes but broke my ankle during the training. so now im mostly on cardio and athletic training. So i hope things in your life get well soon

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