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I need your help to make me a new signature


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ok so as great as zone-tan is and stealing signatures from google images I want a new Laharl themed signature that will stay from here on.

if you would like to make it for me I would appreciate it as I have 0 skills with photo editing. That being said heres the "rules" basically how I want it to look

1. it must use D2 Laharl that means he wears pants and not shorts gloves and not bracelets etc.

2. I want it to say somewhere "Laharl Overlord of MFFA"

3. it must fit the forum rules of course

thats about it, so if you like doing art or w/e and want to help me out I would appreciate it. You are also free to totally ignore this thread just would appreciate some help here if at all possible thanks for reading or not.


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that isn't bad at all actually Purple isn't really my thing usually but its definitely really nice. If anyone else wants to try I won't stop you though.


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oh I will use it if no one else submits one I like better it will be hard to beat it though. I just didn't want to shut down anyone who may be (or not) making another one.


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that isn't bad at all actually Purple isn't really my thing usually but its definitely really nice. If anyone else wants to try I won't stop you though.

If no one comes with other thing i can easy switch the main color to other you want later.




Add me on skype coz aparently you arent on my list along with some other MFFA crew outta nowhere O.o Nevermind

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