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Dragon Ball Super


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Ok the animation is terrible for a few seconds here and there, but we are watching it before it is even released for us guys. You know funimation will just remaster that bitch when it releases state side so its all good. I'm just happy new stories are being told so the next raging blast/budakai has some new shit to work with via story mode.


Your powerless against my genjutsu, The Reign of Kreation will consume you.........

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I'm just happy new stories are being told so the next raging blast/budakai has some new shit to work with via story mode.

If I'm not wrong, Xenoverse 2 are in development right now. Since Xenoverse has sold pretty well and Namco Bandai are really making money about it, seem like this Xenoverse title is the start of a new brand for DBZ games. The previous title like Raging Blast are probably no more after this. Budokai was ended long time ago, Burst Limit was the only sequel/successor to Budokai series.

Not gonna lie, as much as I enjoy Xenoverse, I really miss DBZ games with traditional fighting genre like Budokai series...I do hope they will make DBZ games like this again in the future. I really sad that Burst Limit doesn't even has a sequel, for me that is the best DBZ games on the previous gen era.


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If I'm not wrong, Xenoverse 2 are in development right now. Since Xenoverse has sold pretty well and Namco Bandai are really making money about it, seem like this Xenoverse title is the start of a new brand for DBZ games. The previous title like Raging Blast are probably no more after this. Budokai was ended long time ago, Burst Limit was the only sequel/successor to Budokai series.

Not gonna lie, as much as I enjoy Xenoverse, I really miss DBZ games with traditional fighting genre like Budokai series...I do hope they will make DBZ games like this again in the future. I really sad that Burst Limit doesn't even has a sequel, for me that is the best DBZ games on the previous gen era.

Yea Xenoverse kind of got boring to me man. I liked it a whole lot when it first came out, but eventually I got tired of fighting SS4 Goku (SSGSS Goku once he was released) online and basically seeing the same custom characters looking damn near identical because of gear stat buffs. I hope the next one is more original content both cosmetically and in combat. It is said enough that if you turn super saiyan you can just spam your finisher to death, that's way too advantages.

Burst Limit, Raging Blast 2, Infinite World, Budakai HD collection, Super DBZ,and DBZ BT3 all get play to this day. (Ultimate tenkaichi and BoZ are for support of the franchise only)


Your powerless against my genjutsu, The Reign of Kreation will consume you.........

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Since Xenoverse has sold pretty well and Namco Bandai are really making money about it.

Goku comfirmed for Smash 4 :troll:.


I don't understand why you guys use this guy like a punching bag. I mean seriously, does that  sht make ya'll feel good? I understand hazing and constructive feedback, but you guys have hit this dude with -17 rep for not fixing an issue you don't like. Y not just avoid using the character or make it a boss character? I mean Ax is whatever he is, but at least he tries to contribute to the continued existence of mugen even if his chars aren't an Class-A effort. Dis you guys consider he just might not be as talented as Ry, or Pots, or whatever the fuck Werewood is calling himself now? Some of you muthafuckers are getting old or bogged down with real life sht like work or parenthood, but if you bash the sht out people for trying and failing according to your extensive knowledge, there may not be a new generation of creators and mugen will fade. If you don't like the fucking char DL it, open up fighter factory, fix it, upload it, and show the man how its done you dicks. Gotdammit I hate fucking bullies man.

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all i know is this past episode Vegeta Working over the octopus & cooking was a funny touch to him with beerus instead of the Bingo song from the movie , & it is cool to see them update the way Berrus interacts with Goku & Vegeta, especially the part were he did what he did to Vegeta


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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  • 3 months later...
On 12/18/2015 at 1:52 PM, Mʀ. Steal-Your-Waifu said:


Another Freezer and shits about to get real

HMmmmmmm looks like a Buu who absorbed all the movie villians, Evil Tarble, Maybe Cooler, winnie the Majin, and Pots and Pan robot.


Your powerless against my genjutsu, The Reign of Kreation will consume you.........

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40 minutes ago, Sweetfire13 said:

I like the grape Namekian

So is there any information for the new fighters other than what race they are for this new tournament they're having?


Red dude in the back behind Buu = Mokana, can drop Goku. Couldve stomped gold freeza no prob


New team

Purple dude = Hit (Heat). Might be half saiyan?

new saiyan = Cabe

blue Freeza = Frost

Pooh Bear = Botamo

robot = Magetta, done on purpose to look like Chronotrigger robot


the bear or the robot might end up being the strongest guys. Broly still isnt canon and never coming back :(


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What concern me now is Super animation...it still horrible...it really ruin the hype. It really sad if you watched episode 1 & 2, the animation was nice, but then it just abomination. The latest episode was pretty much a disgrace for Resurrection F. Frieza face look really weird, and the fight scene was so boring compare to Resurrection F.


Now for the new character in the Champa arc, I really like the Champa team. It look really cool, this is what Akira design should be - simple but cool. However, the 5th warrior from Beerus team was so damn disappointed...seem Akira still pull of some of his lazy design...that guy even has tits for god sake, and he was the strongest foe Beerus has ever fought. People keep saying that the 5th warrior might have a transformation, well I hope he does, because he look so horrible.


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Not really lazy, kind of different. Everybody wants that Sasuke or comic cover badass look, and its kind of done to death. Toriyama's a comedy writer first, so he may have done it for comedy effect. If you ever seen those old kung fu comedies with Sammo Hung and J Chan and how shit would get stupid, Mokana makes sense. Joke is out of all the badasses, the dumbest looking one can mop the floor with everybody. Dont forget how Friezas final form looked so puny and was insane, and out of the saiyans, the skinniest smalest guy was the strongest. And before Z, Yajirobe was the strongest human on Earth.


Do you mean movie Freeza or episode 24 Freeza? He just looks very oriental to me, which he kind of should. They all look more definately Asian, and Bulma and Satan look more definitely European. The faces dont look so similar as before. But the animation in that Bills movie tho....nah.


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What are you talking about? Dude, I'm saying about Frieza face look horrible because of the animation, pretty much all characters. It has nothing to do with them look like asian, or white or european people. It's about the animation, the sketch, it all start after episode 5. All the characters face look like they were draw by a 7 years old kid. Well judging by your signature, I kinda understand why you try to put DBZ into a real-life people and kung fu star...Again this has nothing to do with that, I'm talking about the drawing for the animation.


About the 5th character, you want to say it's different, fine. But for me, nope. It is a lazy design, because that design has already been use for Abo and Cado in the previous DBZ OVA. No originality at all, pretty much how Champa just a fat clone of Beerus. I am fully aware of how Akira Toriyama design, which is why I really like the Champa team design. This has nothing to do with him look small or skinny, because Frieza was always look cool even though his small, Majin Buu was unique when he first appear even though his fat, Beerus was great even though his skinny, because this character has the unique original design...even Mr. Popo also look great. Akira usually give something that simple but unique, this time not anymore. He just pull off a color swap and changing proportion to create new character/form.


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Its not that serious, man. Damn...

At the end of the day, it's a show for entertainment. My sig is only "if they were in a live action, how would they look", and half the people in it are the actors certain characters the writer said they were based on, thats it. Nobodys trying to put something into something else, Jesus...calm the fuck down, its just a show. Dont go judging people just from a sig. Cmon, man. And number 2, being nice is easy.

As for Freeza's face, and the animation style, im just saying what ive seen so far. The animation isnt the exact same style every single scene, which isnt good. They have different animation teams for the sake of speed, so not every single scene will be identical. Im not saying thats good or bad, iim just saying what happened. Nobodys making anything about them being Asian dude, Im just saying "hey, i kinda noticed this is different". Damn, no hostility bruh. I saw they look different from the older series, and some ethnic features are much more pronounced, or made to look like they aged a bit, so they dont look identical to the old series. Thats nothing to flip out about or turn into a race issue.

As for Mokana, he may have transformations so he we dont know yet what he will look like or do. Same goes for Frost, the robot and the purple guy. We have no clue yet what they will do. And OF COURSE Champa looks like Bills, thats his twin brother. The guy didnt make the DB series all serious, it has tons of jokes, so if you go in expecting a all serious story, thats not a good way to go.

In the end, what's "cool" is based on a opinion. Just because you think its cool doesnt make it cool to the creator or other people, just means how you see it and nothing wrong with that. Alot of people here love Touhou, how they're looks dont match their power. Thats a surprising concept, and one Toriyama likes to use. We all love Vegeta and Freeza, and they belong in that group. Personally, I want to see how these guys change things up.


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Your post was too long, I just read the first part. Strange, you make it sound like I take this all too seriously, I can say the same thing to you too. Well, I'm not try to offend you or what, I'm just state the fact, up to you how you want to take it.


For those who didn't see the 5th warrior yet, here the full body image


People already start making joke that his nipple are his secret ability XD!


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22 hours ago, Dragon Sam said:

What are you talking about? Dude, I'm saying about Frieza face look horrible because of the animation, pretty much all characters. It has nothing to do with them look like asian, or white or european people. It's about the animation, the sketch, it all start after episode 5. All the characters face look like they were draw by a 7 years old kid. Well judging by your signature, I kinda understand why you try to put DBZ into a real-life people and kung fu star...Again this has nothing to do with that, I'm talking about the drawing for the animation.

I said they looked different than before, older and more ethnic. Thats all. Nothing to act like over.

About the 5th character, you want to say it's different, fine. But for me, nope. It is a lazy design, because that design has already been use for Abo and Cado in the previous DBZ OVA. No originality at all, pretty much how Champa just a fat clone of Beerus. I am fully aware of how Akira Toriyama design, which is why I really like the Champa team design. This has nothing to do with him look small or skinny, because Frieza was always look cool even though his small, Majin Buu was unique when he first appear even though his fat, Beerus was great even though his skinny, because this character has the unique original design...even Mr. Popo also look great. Thats your opinion, and thats cool. NP. I was just saying in a friendly way its fun to see him make characters who dont fit their appearance. Thats all. Akira usually give something that simple but unique, this time not anymore. He just pull off a color swap and changing proportion to create new character/form.


Your post was too long, I just read the first part. (But I answered you, tho? Wait how you gonna write that long ass shit, but complain about the length of...K den.) Strange, you make it sound like I take this all too seriously, I can say the same thing to you too. (I did? Read your post.) Well, I'm not try to offend you or what (but you said by judging just my signature i mistake and blend shit together. IDK...), I'm just state the fact (opinions aint facts.), up to you how you want to take it.


How I take it.

Congratulations you played yourself



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Dude what is wrong with you? See you are the one who take too serious about this stuff. Your previous post just show it enough. I don't have any problem here, you state your fact, I state my fact, so it's done. I already move up, but here you go, you still want to debate.


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5 minutes ago, Dragon Sam said:

Dude what is wrong with you? See you are the one who take too serious about this stuff. Your previous post just show it enough. I don't have any problem here, you state your fact, I state my fact, so it's done. I already move up, but here you go, you still want to debate.

You started clowning over a fun show. You started letting me know what i was and wasnt. You say how you feel, and your feelings are fact. I answered your questions. You said all the answers were too long to read. Now you say Im trying to debate you. K den.

drinking animated GIF





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LOL, look man..you saying that it is none of your business but you still keep posting, and you put some effort in your post, with all that image stuff, which clearly show you are the one who really really take this thing so serious. You still new here my friends, I've been here for quite some time now, people here was so friendly to me, we do sometime debate over something but in the end we all good. I don't want this thread got lock just because you keep posting that kind of stuff.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Akira Toriyama has finally spoke about his thought on Dragon Ball Super. Turn out he indeed disappointed and complaining about the bad animation on Super. He also mention once again that the very reason why he continue making DB back is because of Dragon Ball Evolution (many fans keep saying is because of GT, which is wrong) and that live action movie really make him angry.




On the bright side (I like to believe so), he say that DB has grown on him now and that he can't just leave that franchise simply to other people...this might be hinting that he probably gonna continue expending DB storyline


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@SquirtleIts not that serious dude.

Back on subject, I didnt see much of a difference between the BoG animation, and the old animation during the fight with Frieza. But seeing them use real martial art styles and movements instead of making up fictional flare is always a plus. AT is using more humor in DBS tho :)




You called it, Pooh Bear got punked.



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