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Everything posted by Ice

  1. actually i made the sprites they are certainly too old anyhow whatever its way too outdated but its still annoying that people would leak stuff
  2. would you mind sharing where you found those characters? these are extremely old but still i need to know also if possible someone delete this thread cause the containts might be old but still private....
  3. thanks guys i was unable to perform many specials due to me being an idiot xD and overall bad players here are a few specials i coudnt perform xD
  4. its a Game Project we are working on a Clash between Naruto and One piece :D this is just a boss fight
  5. Let me know of your opinion guys :D
  6. Spriting a character from 0% (spriting is done by Lucci89) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnkwU99Z2Wk
  7. For those who havent read the manga yet...you should really not go on reading in this thread huge spoilers ahead...especially if you havent caught up with the anime as well Please tell me your opinion guys bellow :D
  8. dunno so far i prefer the old DBZ animation and to be honest the series went too far into the fan service zone without any actual meaning.... everything just happens sooo slow
  9. I mugen guild barely mostly naruto mugen forums thanks for the warm welcome everyone :)
  10. A video Showcasing how i sprite animations :D (PS i didnt find any tutorial section or video section thats why i chose this one) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjCE_JJ47ts
  11. really nice :D you should though try to smoothen the capes but overall really great
  12. Hello i am not really new to this stuff although i havent been active for a few years xD some people might know me from multiple forums already such as kevins/dushido/konoha/unknown/sprite central/Narutosprite i could go on but i wont xD anyhow hello everyone nice to meet you :P
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