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Adjusting Jump Height.



Another problem with my Lilac is that she does not seem to jump high enough as I want her to. She barely gets off the floor. Again, I'm using common1, so how do I make her jump higher?

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In your character when you have it open in Fighter Factory you want to look for this 



walk.fwd = 2.4

walk.back = -2.2

run.fwd = 4.6, 0

run.back = -4.5,-3.8

jump.neu = 0,-8.4

jump.back = -2.55

jump.fwd = 2.5

runjump.back = -2.55,-8.1

runjump.fwd = 4,-8.1

airjump.neu = 0,-8.1

airjump.back = -2.55

airjump.fwd = 2.5

air.gethit.groundrecover = -.15,-3.5

air.gethit.airrecover.mul = .5,.2

air.gethit.airrecover.add = 0,-4.5

air.gethit.airrecover.back = -1

air.gethit.airrecover.fwd = 0

air.gethit.airrecover.up = -2

air.gethit.airrecover.down = 1.5



You want to change the value of the jump.neu. 

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Under the [Movement] section in your character's constants (cns) file there's a part called "yaccel" this could possibly be the reason she doesn't go high, I suggest making it lower, or perhaps can you paste here what you have for it?.


and what you have under [Velocity]


I look forward to your Lilac



-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Her yacell is at 11. For further reference, here is her movement stats for the time being.


airjump.num = 1

airjump.height = 1

yaccel = 11

stand.friction = .85

crouch.friction = .82

stand.friction.threshold = 2 ;If player's speed drops below this threshold while standing, stop his movement **MUGEN 1.0**

crouch.friction.threshold = .05 ;If player's speed drops below this threshold while crouching, stop his movement **MUGEN 1.0**

air.gethit.groundlevel = 25 ;Y-position at which a falling player is considered to hit the ground **MUGEN 1.0**

air.gethit.groundrecover.ground.threshold = -20 ;Y-position below which falling player can use the recovery command **MUGEN 1.0**

air.gethit.groundrecover.groundlevel = 10 ;Y-position at which player in the ground recovery state touches the ground **MUGEN 1.0**

air.gethit.airrecover.threshold = -1 ;Y-velocity above which player may use the air recovery command **MUGEN 1.0**

air.gethit.airrecover.yaccel = .35 ;Vertical acceleration for player in the air recovery state **MUGEN 1.0**

air.gethit.trip.groundlevel = 15 ;Y-position at which player in the tripped state touches the ground **MUGEN 1.0**

down.bounce.offset = 0, 20 ;Offset for player bouncing off the ground (x, y) **MUGEN 1.0**

down.bounce.yaccel = .4 ;Vertical acceleration for player bouncing off the ground **MUGEN 1.0**

down.bounce.groundlevel = 12 ;Y-position at which player bouncing off the ground touches the ground again **MUGEN 1.0**

down.friction.threshold = .05 ;If the player's speed drops below this threshold while lying down, stop his movement **MUGEN 1.0**

  • Sash Lilac: Progress 10% done (SFF compiled).
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Well that's good and fine, but do you understand why .52 is better value than 11? yaccel is a constant velocity that's applied when your character is in the air. It's the equivalent of this:

[State -2]
type = VelAdd
trigger1 = pos y<0
y = .52
Every tick, the value of yaccel is applied to your character's velocity through addition. So, if your jump.neu value is -8.4, then on the next tick, it will be -7.88, slowing you a bit. On the next tick, the same thing happens until eventually your upwards velocity is then positive and you're being pulled downwards. With a value of 11 for yaccel, your next calculated velocity would be 2.6. In one tick, your upwards velocity has been reversed practically. That explains your initial problem.

Hope that helps you understand this a bit more.



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