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I've updated the first post with the actual completed Title Screen and Select Screen comp. The Select Screen is currently implemented in full, so you'll see that later. It's got the same kind of polish as the Title Screen. The options screen is as basic as it can get, but still visually pleasing. :) Up next is the Versus Screen.

I wanted to have scroll marquee text along the bottom of the title screen, but I couldn't get my Background Controller to actually do anything. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I could have sworn you could use Background Controllers (BGCtrl) in ScreenPacks. I remember doing that in 1.0 and even WinMUGEN. Did they change something 1.1? I'm very new to it.



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Cool. This looks sweet. I definitely appreciate old school. Will be keeping an eye on this.



I've updated the first post with the real select screen. Versus Screen coming soon.



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Oh this is likely.


800 slots+ HD with Widescreen localcoord(?) and seems to not gona end up over 200MB

Hehe, I can't see it being over 200mb, but I'll watch the file size. I actually don't know how large it is right now, lol. Yep, there will be an 800+ slot patch and it's HD 1280x720.



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Ooooh, this looks really cool! Definitely going to replace my current screenpack with this, because the one I use doesn't support HD, much to my dismay. Hopefully it sees the light of day!

Thanks! Most of the screenpacks I have seen for HD that are really nice to me, have custom portraits. While they look amazing, who wants to do all that work? Not I. Laziness for the win! I have no plans to scrap it, so I'd say it's a surefire "yes." :)



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The portraits on the vs screen could be a bit bigger but that's just my opinion.

I see what you mean. I'll test out some different sizes and see what works. Thanks for the feedback.


Maybe something like this:




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Goodness, this is looking better and better! I'm all hyped up now!

Awesome, glad to see the responses. :)

That vs screen looks much better. The portriats size are just right in my book.

Thanks! I agree. They were way too small. That's been implemented with the new size and next is the empty space on the Victory Screen. I'm thinking of adding some sort of animated, yet static, final score. Of course it would always be the same, but hey, it's better than nothing. Mugen's limitations really drag me down sometimes. *sigh*



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Updated the Versus and Win Screens in the first post. Versus Screen has the new portrait size and the Win Screen contains an artificial scoring system. I chose stats to rank that can't really be ranked (barring Strength, maybe), but still made sense and fit with the theme. In game, they have an animation that plays. I think it really adds to the screen overall.



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I thin the "VS" logo is too big and cover too much of the aparently  "background animation (is animated?)"

dunno maybe a 75% scale could looks better IMO


asides from that is looing really nice and simple.

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I thin the "VS" logo is too big and cover too much of the aparently  "background animation (is animated?)"

dunno maybe a 75% scale could looks better IMO


asides from that is looing really nice and simple.

Yeah, I think it's because the new portrait size takes up even more space now, so things look a little crowded. Yes, the background is animated. Once things are good enough, I'll be making a video so people can see it in action.

Thanks for the feedback!



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Yeah, now the vs screen looks better than the previous one, the screenpack is looking pretty good.

Thanks! I'm thinking later today I'll upload a video showing the animations since you really can't tell what is and isn't, outside of the obvious, in just those pictures.

In other news, I am starting on the lifebars. They'll have a similar theme, matching colors and fonts. The essential idea behind this screenpack is that the color comes from the background, allowing things to change color. The yellow you see is the primary color that doesn't change. It just looks universally good against the background colors. I'm going to try to incorporate this concept into the lifebars in a similar way. I have a pet peeve with lifebars though. That is: I really hate it when they're too large and take up more real estate than they need to. I'll find a happy medium though.



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