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Ninja Slayer by Fu-Lin updated (05/03/2015)


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A ninja that apparently kills other ninjas? How does he play? I'm a bit backed up right now... Knowing Fu-Lin, it ought to be good, though.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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New super portrait

Special hit counter indicators (which are all in Japanese anyway)

New hitsparks

New super (somersault kick, can be followed up with combos, as with most of what he can do)

Default super commands are different (shuriken super is now QCF x+y, hurricane super that shoots out shuriken is now QCF y+z)


The summoning of Heroic Spirits begins with Alter and ends with Alter. This is the road where what lies ahead is shrouded in darkness, the path of the Alter.

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" ワッザ!? " = What the !?

"スゴイ!" = Great! (Amazing!)

"テンサイ!" = Genius!

"ヤバイ!" = Badass! (It means "Dangerous" or something bad ,but Japanese young people uses this word for something cool)

"ワザマエ!" = Skillful!

"タツジン!" =  Master!

"ゴウランガ!" = Gauranga!


And,Fu-Lin added Hyper finish -text.

When KO with Hypers,display the name of Hyper.


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