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Eltnum (Spriteswap of Shiroto's Sion) released by 酷斯査 波里諾

Artoria Alter

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It's mostly incomplete. No whip effect, and the standard arc drive still uses the old sprites.







The summoning of Heroic Spirits begins with Alter and ends with Alter. This is the road where what lies ahead is shrouded in darkness, the path of the Alter.

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Care to post a changelog for reference?

Honestly, I don't know what is different as I didn't really check and see, but I don't think that much has changed considering that the standard arc drive still uses MB Sion's sprites. I think she has a whip now, though.

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Honestly, I don't know what is different as I didn't really check and see, but I don't think that much has changed considering that the standard arc drive still uses MB Sion's sprites. I think she has a whip now, though.

It's a simple aesthetic change. Nothing else.



Credit belongs to Watta for the siggy.

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